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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2007
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Salt Lake City... why?
Yeah, I know... bikers are gentle people and eschew violence and fisticuffs... but not everyone is a biker, and some don't play fair. Sitting astride a hunk of metal that isn't running is a very DIS-advantageous place to be should someone have bad intentions. I recently purchased a couple of Smith and Wesson fixed blade knives with flat plastic cases. They are only 4"blade + handle (flat), and very sharp. I took one of the cases and bandsawed the excess off so the only thing left was the bladeshaped sheath.

As you straddle the bike, with your right foot on the ground, there is a flat surface of your pretty plastic cowling that runs vertically (in front of your shin) and then angles a bit forward as it descends... that 3" wide area is a perfect place to mount such a blade. I used a foambased carpet tape, double sticky, that I trimmed to match the sheath. Unless you are looking you don't notice it's there, but it's very obtainable, quickly.

The knife clicks into the sheath so it won't pop out, and when I leave the bike it fits in my glove box! (the sheath stays on the plastic) This is the only place on the bike I could find that would be accetable and stealth, yet not be zipped into a tank bag or other.

Some might not agree with doing or having this. I feel just fine with it. Like I said, some don't play fair... it's nice to balance the odds.

The other blade goes with me on mountain runs in case one of then big mountain cats thinks I gotta purdy mouth...


My first thought... what happens to this knife in the event of a get-off. I'd think that it would leave its sheath? Maybe possibly? I'd suppose that it could stick me, too. But if'n you're dumpin', there are other things to worry about.

Don't bring a knife to a gun fight. If those cats get close enough for you to use a knife, you're gonna lose there too. Just my absolutely useless opinion. Although it may discourage some that aren't better armed, I try to avoid the problems to begin wit, I've seen more than enough results of similiar situations, except large cat attacks. YMMV

Good question, and the first one I asked myself. You are correct in your answer... if that is the downside in a slide, well, you hopefully have pulled your leg away just as a reaction to the slide... and this is the last of your current worries. It is secured in it's sheath fairly well (clips in) and the foam tape is more likely to separate sooner than the clip. It's location seems optimal for not being a hazard as it is a very flat knife, and it doesn't have anything to "grab" such as a finger guards or a rubber handle. (think: evil butterknife) This isn't a spot the road can grab directly.

As I said, not a farkle for everyone. But some of us have had life experiences that make us work hard in an effort not to come in second.


Along the same line, those of us who have concealed handgun permits get to carry in/on our vehicles. I wouldn't want to be close enough to use a knife...but it is your first responsibility to remove yourself from the situation, but I understand that there may not be that option. :huh:

Good for you for taking steps to protect yourself. ;)

If those cats get close enough for you to use a knife, you're gonna lose there too.
Without highly specialized training, you're 100% correct. Wielding a knife without the knowledge to use it effectively is a great way to get dead fast. If carrying a handgun is not an option yet still feel some form of personal protection is necessary, I'd highly recommend something along the lines of Kimber's LifeAct self defense spray system, or Taser's C2. Legal, effective, and you won't wind up in court trying to explain your actions after-the-fact.

If those cats get close enough for you to use a knife, you're gonna lose there too.
Without highly specialized training, you're 100% correct. Wielding a knife without the knowledge to use it effectively is a great way to get dead fast. If carrying a handgun is not an option yet still feel some form of personal protection is necessary, I'd highly recommend something along the lines of Kimber's LifeAct self defense spray system, or Taser's C2. Legal, effective, and you won't wind up in court trying to explain your actions after-the-fact.
sound advice

If those cats get close enough for you to use a knife, you're gonna lose there too.
Without highly specialized training, you're 100% correct. Wielding a knife without the knowledge to use it effectively is a great way to get dead fast. If carrying a handgun is not an option yet still feel some form of personal protection is necessary, I'd highly recommend something along the lines of Kimber's LifeAct self defense spray system, or Taser's C2. Legal, effective, and you won't wind up in court trying to explain your actions after-the-fact.
I hadn't thought about the Kimber non-lethal, but I wonder how it would hold up with a get off if it were exposed enough to be readily available, but good call.

Don't bring a knife to a gun fight. If those cats get close enough for you to use a knife, you're gonna lose there too. Just my absolutely useless opinion. Although it may discourage some that aren't better armed, I try to avoid the problems to begin wit, I've seen more than enough results of similiar situations, except large cat attacks. YMMV

When situations get that ugly I recommend more throttle! ;)
Kinda my thoughts too.....................BTW I'm not running away, I'm going for help!

Years ago I passed some dude on a two lane road commuting to work in the morning. Next thing I know he passes me back then locks 'em up in front of me. I had to lock em up too. We're in the middle of the road. He then gets out of his car and stomps back towards me. The dude's wearing slacks and tie and shit like he's off to work to sell shoes. I'm just sitting there stradling my bike going "what the **** do I do now?"

The guy proceeds to shake his finger at my face and he's so worked up he can't even talk... just makes grunt sounds with spit flying out of his mouth. Just when I start to put the kickstand down to take the fucker on he turns and gets back into his car and leaves.

I tell you what, in those few seconds I felt totally helpless. The dude could have easily laid into me and dumped me and my bike over.

I'm not sure a knife would be my choice. I'd probably just get stuck with it. And I've been told that if you're going to use your gun make sure you kill the dude otherwise his testimony may come back to haunt you in court. And I don't think I want to kill anybody anyways. So maybe the non-lethal protection would be a good call, but it would need to be immediately accessible. Once you figure out that there is a threat you maybe have 0.5 seconds to react.

If you are going to carry, you had best be prepared to take a life. If you cannot 100% commit to that, put the toy up, cause thats all it is.


Why not just a hip clip pocket knife? I can have mine ready in less than .5 sec. It has a 4 inch blade.

This will probably go into NEPRT-land, but I'll go with Sockmonkey. You have 3 threats to consider: people, crack-heads, and animals. I still have firearms and they're about the only thing that will stop a crack-head or be useful at a serious distance. I can drive nails with my weapon but zombies and fire-fights are not your normal threat on the bike. For the main two threats, I'll go with the newest versions of the OC spray. Not the mambsy-pansy lady-purse sizes or the old OC/pepper-spray, but the deodorant/10-ounce size of the super-concentrated OC they make these days for bear protection and law-enforcement.

For work, our people regularly deal with nasty dogs and the occasional bear. We used to go out with shotguns, but we and the park rangers have learned to carry a can. I would have once considered saying this to be nearly sacriligious, but we've learned that the shotguns just aren't as effective for most threats as the 10-ounce sprays. My Baltimore cop friend says that you can even slow and take down a crack-head if you can get a good shot in his eyes.

The cans are legal to carry pretty much anywhere, I don't care if the can is stolen, and I can buy a can locally and then toss it before getting on a plane to go home. If I'm going to use a firearm there will be one outcome. But for the vast majority of people-threats, a spray will stop them long enough for you to leave Dodge and not end up trying to defend why you killed somebody.

Again, personal choice and a thread that will probably go nuts, but the sprays do work.

I have successful in evading direct confrontation for many many years, but IMHO there is no substitute for a good bullet launcher and regular practice…..when that extremely rare situation might arise where mo throttle is not an option……

Sad that is the state of the world in which we now live. A CWP is worth the tax.

Not sure how true the story line is but it goes something like below.... SEE PHOTOS before you rule out knifes..... (but IMHO don't bring a knife to a gun fight....)

The photos are of an officer trained in hand-to-hand combat.

The officer figured that due to his size and fighting skills, he could disarm a knife wielding aggressor.

Here is why I am forwarding these on.

To all the idiots out there who always say, 'Why did the cops have to shoot him? He only had a (insert your choice of weapons here, i.e. knife, bat, club. whatever). He didn't have to be shot.

To that, I respond, 'tough crap ... shoot'em'.

If an officer tells you to drop your weapon, just drop it.

If you're a retard, stupid, on crack, mental or just 'scared' too bad. No one deserves what this cop got for just doing his job. If you got a knife, then you should die ... period.

This is vivid proof of how deadly people who are 'only armed with a knife' can be. Some of the public think that officers should try to disarm someone armed with a knife but anyone who has had training in knife fighting will tell you - even if you win you are going to get cut.

Keep this in the back of your mind when confronting someone armed with an edged weapon.





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