Streetmasters Cornering Workshop

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Jun 14, 2005
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Sacramento, CA area
Streetmasters Link

Last Chance and I are signing up for the May 3rd workshop. I have emailed Jann and there are some openings because a Goldwing group is having a "Goldwing Only" training session so they have transferred out of this date.

This is your chance to sign up and learn cornering techniques for street riding from some very qualified instructors (check the website).

I am a returning student...and after the 5+ months off the bike during my recovery, I NEED the tuneup. Maybe you do, too. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE!

If we can get 4 people to sign up, everyone will get a 15% discount. If not, I expect Loren and I to have a great ride South to Lancaster on Friday, a wonderful day of learning at Willow Springs Raceway on the HorseThief Mile Saturday, and a lovely ride home on Sunday. (Plus getting to hobnob with the other riders and the instructors at the hotel watering hole.)

The semi-official list of Forum members attending:

flying junior


James Burleigh

Last Chance




Old Michael

Sacramento Mike (pending, 3/27...the last open spot)

03silverbullet (SoCal)

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Mike, I like to do at least one formal training a year (oops, missed last year when I had to cancel Keith Code), and this one would be great (have not done street masters). So I'd like to do this, but need to check it out more. It looks like a couple of hotel rooms on each end, so that the total cost could exceed $500. What do you reckon cost will be? What would departure time be Friday?



I'm interested. I need to give it some more thought though. Let me know what you have lined up for rooms, etc. Just like Hans, it sounds like about a $500 weekend. Hmmmmm.... <_<

Yeah, I've been forced to re-consider my riding "expenditures" this Spring due to "wifey's" expectations? However, this "camping" idea is always appealing. Yet, the proposed dates will be during the beginning of bug season in the Central Valley (= mosquitoes or worse = meat bees)!

I am thinking after a morning/afternoon May ride on a hot track, an air-con motel room, at a motel with a pool would be the ticket! I have never done this before however, sooo, ... I still have ???

I think I will call Streetmasters of Atascadero, in the AM, and see what "they" think of my questions? "They" HAVE history.

Hey Last Chance, haven't you done this before? Can you lend any input?

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Yep, last time it was around $500. There is a discount at the hotel through Streetmasters. BUT, I figure its a pretty good $500 farkle and it transfers from bike to bike. :D

Don't wait too long to decide, once the class is filled, it'll be too late. Email them, call them or apply and tell them you read about it on the FJR Forum. 2 more sign-ups might get a few ducats off your entry.

Someplace there is the old Ride Report thread from a couple of years ago, with pictures! Rogdeb and I rode down and back together.

What would departure time be Friday?
I don't know and there is plenty of time to decide. We'll probably just head down Hwy 99 (so we could meet you wherever you want) and cut across 58 from Bakersfield. Last time we rode down 395. It was lovely, but looooonnnnggggg. Its better to arrive in Lancaster earlier and have dinner and attend the meet & greet at the hotel bar. That way you meet other students, the staff and teachers, etc.
They are very nice folks. Its kind of fun to meet these guys and realize you are talking with people whose articles you've read in magazines.

I'm about 80% "IN" on this one. If TWN goes, I'll have a riding partner too! I will NOT camp... better to spend the $$$ on a room and a hot/cold shower as needed then to deal with the elements.

Hey Nut... make a decision for us already! :clapping:

Mikey, how soon do we have to commit? I need to rob a few banks first...
Jann said she needs to know ASAP. They are supposed to let the hotel know 2 months in we are past that date, already.

We've just lucked into an opening because of the Goldwing Only class and those who transfered to that. You might give Jann a call...the number is on their website.

Okay, I just booked my reservation for StreetMasters over the phone with Nann, and booked a hotel room for two nights (May 2 and 3) at the Antelope Valley Inn for $89.99 / night special rate. :yahoo:

I would like to share the room WITH SOMEONE WHO DOES NOT SNORE :glare: (so you're out, Mad, sorry :p ).

They need one more FJR Forum reservation to give us a 15% discount ($54), and have 4 to 6 spots still available.


I am afraid I must drop this idea, at this time! Sorry, Money IS tight and the wife has informed me that we need to tighten the "purse straps"? :glare:

Now "if" that federal tax re-bate would end up in my box? :blink:

BTW, when Nann was taking my reservation, and I told her I was with the FJR Forum, she said how she always enjoyed having FJR Forum members participate, because they're real friendly and a lot of fun....

WTF?! "Friendly? "Fun"? Is there another FJR Forum I don't know about? :blink: I guess she hasn't met MadMike2, let alone TWN! :eek:

Wait'll she meets me. I'll change her mind in a New York second.... I'll kick her dog. I'll yell at her cat. I may even wear my knee pucks. :rolleyes:


P.S. Hey, how come the FJR Forum isn't on Streetmasters' list of supporters?*

*"'cause it costs money, JB, and this IS the FJR Forum. Duh!" :p

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