Stupid Avatar

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Aug 8, 2005
Reaction score
Woodland, DE
So I switched to my cool "Do not fall down stairs" avatar a few weeks back, since my and TejasFJR were both using the same Batman logo. (You're a thief Tejas!)

It seems I should have followed my own advice, since Wednesday a week ago I (can you feel it coming??) fell down the stairs. About 3 steps from the bottom I misplanted my foot, and tumbled to the bottom, landing in a heap. One ambulance ride, 12 hours in the ER and one 4-hour surgery later, I'm sitting here with a plate holding my fibula together, and 6-7 screws holding my shattered tibia together.

Not even sure what happened - new house, we had only been in there 4 days, and bare oak stairs with no carpeting - guess I just slipped somehow. I'm spending my days at my mom's house with my little one, since mom said is dumb for me to be alone @ home and helpless. Nothing like being baby-sat when you're 34.

No riding for me until early May at least, maybe longer, depending on how well it heals.

Well, this doesn't bode well for TDub now, does it? Though I may be calling MotorGod for a date before the big rush...... ;)

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I don't even want to respond because the thought of doing that myself just sucks.

I am always falling up the stairs as I get ahead of myself.

My grandmother broke a hip but I thought that only happened to old people :D ;)

Hope you heal up fast and well.

Radman, I would worry that something might happen to your teeth or your tongue if the AVATAR curse applies....

All our bedrooms are upstairs. We're probably gonna be selling the house in the next few months. Stairs are the nemesis of the aged, and those who fail to respect their hazards. My grandmother broke her hip Monday, on a porch staircase. One good thing, I imagine that moving furniture downstairs will be a lot easier than it was moving it up. :)

Were you wearing a helmet ??
One of the guys on the gaming forum I run asked me something like that - "Dude, we know you ride a mototcycle, and that's understandable, but walking down stairs? You need a bubble."

I've not even been in the garage since I got home from the hospital - partly becuase it's down a flight of steps (also) and becuase I can't stand to see the Feejer sitting there under covers for the next 2.5 months.

Carnifex, I'll bet that you can find someone here who will be willing to sacrifice and ride that FJR for you just to keep it limbered up. Sure some of the waiters wouldn't mind too much.

Hope you heal soon and well.

I've not even been in the garage since I got home from the hospital - partly becuase it's down a flight of steps (also) and becuase I can't stand to see the Feejer sitting there under covers for the next 2.5 months.
And somewhere, across the country, a man keeps going out to the garage and looking at a blank space where his bike used to reside. It's just wrong. :(

Speaking of stupid avatars...


This is infact being used by another FJR rider...not active on this forum though.

Blink. Blink. Huh? What? Blink. Blink.

At least I don't need to see the dentist or plastic surgeon. :****:

Must falls occur in the bedroom. At night. In the dark. On the way to the bathroom. Socks, slippers and area rugs claim a lot of victims. But it was a hamper that got my mom and broke her hip 20 some odd years ago. Still has the same titanium hip in place, too. 'Posed to be some sort of record.

The AVATAR CURSE! To all who post beware!

And Sparky, let us know when the curse hits you...

Most falls occur in the bedroom.  At night.  But it was a hamper that got my mom and broke her hip 20 some odd years ago........ 'Posed to be some sort of record.
So then the "put my kickstand down on my foot, then sat on the bike" adventure was inherited or environmental? ;)

Carnifex, don't "let" someone ride your bike. For goodness sake, raffle off the priviledge! We need to be thinking about a graduated price scale for 1) sitting on the bike; 2) sitting on the bike with the engine running; 3) per mile price for actually riding it; etc., etc. Yeah, that works! At least you would be helping the waiters....for a price. :bigeyes:

Years ago, the ex-Mrs. Madmike kept looking at split-level and 2-story houses. Hmmm, methinks outloud to her, "Uhh, sweetie, one of us has really old and worn knees." Now I'm thinking she was planning something along the lines of your avatar! :rolleyes:

Get well quick. Man, I hate recuperation and then physical therapy. What a jouyous Spring you have planned for yourself. :blink: Just remember, waiting to ride the FJR is worth it! :lol:

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Carnifex, don't "let" someone ride your bike.  For goodness sake, raffle off the priviledge!  We need to be thinking about a graduated price scale .......
  What a jouyous Spring you have planned for yourself. :blink:   Just remember, waiting to ride the FJR is worth it! :lol:
Hey, now that's an idea....

The only part I'm really bummed about is missing the ride to the LEO Memorial wall in DC coming up in April - I went last year and it was one of the best day trips I've ever had on a bike. I just don't think I'll be in riding shape by the time it comes up.
