Stupid Question Of The Day

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Just Plain Dave

Just Plain Dave
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
OK, OK, I'll bite. What the heck is a PCIII? :huh: What do it do? :blush2: How do it work? How hard do it be to install? :blink: Who sell it? How hard it be to install? :blink: Do there be a "PCIII FOR DUMMIES" book at Wally World? ;) And oh yeah, how hard it be to install. :blink: Thought I'd ask that 3 times and see if the answers match up. :bleh:

It's a thingy to recalibrate your bike's fueling map or something. IMO, I wouldn't waste yer money on it, but others will chime in shortly to tell you I'm full-o-horse doody...

It is not hard to install if you have doctorates in electrical and mechanical engineering... :blink:

TWN, I like your new avatar! Funny!

Barney Fife: If there's anything that upsets me, it's having people say I'm sensitive.

Barney Fife: A dog can't get struck by lightning. you know why? 'Cause he's too close to the ground. See, lightning strikes tall things. Now if they were giraffes out there in the field, now then we'd have trouble.

Barney Fife: [angry] Oh, you're just full of fun today, aren't you? Why don't we go up to the old people's home and wax the steps? :haha: :haha: :haha:

Power Commander PCIII USB

You can read up on the PCIII at the above link.

Got to FJRTech to learn how to put it in. If you can earn enough money to buy an FJR, or if you inhereted enough money to buy it, you should be able to either install it or pay someone else to do it for you, respectively.

I never installed mine, I like the bike stock. Gets kind of hot, but I got 48 and 47 mpg last times I gassed up. Since the bike outperforms me by a mile, the added bonus of a PCIII is overkill. Having said that, I must also confess that nothing exceeds like excess! Go for it!

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The PC III will shine your shoes, satisfy your old lady and add money to your bank account. And, while it is doing that it will also smooth out your throttle response, hide surging and possibly let Feejer run cooler. Opinions vary.

In my case I have one of the nasty Feejers that have (had) extreme surging, ran wicked hot and had throttle control issues making it extremely abrupt. The PC III has reduce my (perceived) problems to an acceptable level. Yamaha factory troubleshooting says my FJR is working perfectly to factory specs so what do I expect them to fix? Humm, well, Idoubtit. I haven't yet bunged the headers and sent Feejer to a Dynojet but I do know that Dynoet tuning will most likely resolve all problems. I was one of the first to Barbarian jumper an 04 -- documentation at and the CO adjustment actually made *my* FJR run worse. YMMV.

Do consider PCIII to help reduce engine heat, though that heat reduction may become less over time as the engine breaks-in. Absolutely consider PCIII to help with surging. Don't expect an out of the box PCIII to make a significant improvement in power. Do expect a PCIII to improve driveabililty, improve control feel and reduce wrist stress as well as improving enjoyment, but at a stiff price. It was worth it for me.


I have an 05 without PC III and maybe don't know enough to miss it. No complaints about how the bike runs, throttle response, etc. If I had them to ride side by side my opinion could change. Perhaps yammie cleaned up the stock map from '04.

Hi Alan, How's by you? Saw an '04 in E.Hampstead Saturday, thought it coulda been U. Don't think so. PM me this week. Maybe we'll get a couple miles together.

Thanks, guys, for the partially sane advice. It was the report that the PCIII helped the heat that got my attention. The last 4 days the temperature at my home has been 101, 104, 103, 100. I try to ride a bit every day. I could sit on a 300 slice industrial super sized toaster and get the same results on the lower half of my body. (except for the speed :rolleyes: ) When I'm on this machine I'm in my second childhood at 65, :yahoo: and that ain't MPH. I have less than 1000 miles on it so far, maybe it will cool down with more miles. If more miles don't do it, I'm sure October will. I think I'll take Barney's advice and "nip it in the bud" and spend my bucks on a different farkle.

I could sit on a 300 slice industrial super sized toaster and get the same results on the lower half of my body.
Dude, that's one helluva toaster. Make that picture go away by adding Bill Riley highway pegs, modified to your personal taste. Gets the legs out in the wind to help cool them off. Although if it's over 100 degrees out, you could ride naked on a naked bike and still be too hot. Body temp being 98 and all.

I have less than 1000 miles on it so far, maybe it will cool down with more miles
Don't hold yer breath. Got 4000 on my '05 and heat is unchanged with time. There's a little more friction heat during break in, but you'd have a hard time even measuring that in the open wind, IMO.
Stay cool bro B)

Is it worth $250-$300 for the little extra power and smoothness? Up to you. I struggled to get mine right but I'm happy with it.

It's not the latest gizmo from IBM to replace the old PSII.

TWN may find it tough to install--but I don't know if it's just electronic gizmos or he's generally all thumbs (I suspect electronics), but if you can install a switched outlet or barrier strip, a PCIII is child's play in comparison.

Then a laptop with at least Win98 SE and a USB port and you're all set! It's really cool to have the engine running, and the PC connected to the PCIII and be changing settings! Now if only they would make a Pocket PC version--I'm not getting a Palm just for that!

TWN may find it tough to install--but I don't know if it's just electronic gizmos or he's generally all thumbs (I suspect electronics)
Took me a week to talk him out of putting new points in it.

TWN may find it tough to install--but I don't know if it's just electronic gizmos or he's generally all thumbs (I suspect electronics), but if you can install a switched outlet or barrier strip, a PCIII is child's play in comparison.
Er, both with a smidgeon of sarcasm, to boot.

Took me a week to talk him out of putting new points in it.
Yeah, and I STILL don't get how I'm supposed to put those brushes in there... Did you say on either side of the crank or the cam shaft? I don't know if you were just joking with me, but Home Depot does not carry that hundred mile long extension cord (I've checked every one in SoCal) and where do I plug it into the FJR, anyway?


I have an '05 FJR and will be installing the Leo Vince carbon exhaust next week. I will then add a PCIII USB and possibly a K&N air filter (although the newer stock filters flow air almost as well, if not better). You don't have to have a laptop to install a PCIII anymore. Dynojet got smart several years ago and started providing a 9 volt adapter to power the device when its off the bike. Load a map, update a map, etc. and simply put it back on the bike.

I have one on my 2000 929RR with a custom map and it transformed the bike, especially the lower rpm range. It's now smoother, easier to ride at low speed and smaller throttle openings, plus has more grunt in the midrange. I did not get gobs more horsepower (3 - 4), but it was worth every cent.

TWN may find it tough to install--but I don't know if it's just electronic gizmos or he's generally all thumbs (I suspect electronics), but if you can install a switched outlet or barrier strip, a PCIII is child's play in comparison.
Er, both with a smidgeon of sarcasm, to boot.

Took me a week to talk him out of putting new points in it.
Yeah, and I STILL don't get how I'm supposed to put those brushes in there... Did you say on either side of the crank or the cam shaft? I don't know if you were just joking with me, but Home Depot does not carry that hundred mile long extension cord (I've checked every one in SoCal) and where do I plug it into the FJR, anyway?

Home Depot sells the wrong kind of brushes for you. Besides, you don't need a 100 mile cord--just get a Honda 2k Generator, paint it Cerulean Silver, and bungee it to your luggage rack!

I found the PCIII easy to install and it solved my low speed surging. Additionally, it lowered the amount of heat generated by the engine. I'm probably the only person running the stock map instead of the Wally "smooth" map, but it worked for me and gives me near stock gas mileage. Jim

I'm probably the only person running the stock map instead of the Wally "smooth" map, but it worked for me and gives me near stock gas mileage. Jim
Naah, you aren't the only one. I, too, am running the stock PC-III map. Bike runs well, but fuel consumption is lousy.

Also, when I recently removed the baffles from my StainTunes I was amazed by how sooty they were. Thinking that maybe the system is running too rich with the stock PC-III map, I want to do the Wally Smoothness map. But the link to his map no longer works.

Does anyone have an alternate link to Wally's Smoothness Map?



'cause you have a pretty face :blink: I can send the map to you as an e-mail attachment.

But you can try this link first

This Link


'cause you have a pretty face  :blink: I can send the map to you as an e-mail attachment.

But you can try this link first

This Link

Thanks, Stef, for the link. That's the one I have been attempting to use but there is something broken. :angry:

I would appreciate it if you could send it to me as an email attachment to

<[email protected]>


