Sunday Ride to the Wall in Berkeley (March 2, 2008)

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James Burleigh

Well-known member
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
San Francisco Bay Area
Sunday's gonna be nice. Who feels like making a classic Bay Area run, one of my favorite rides? Crow Canyon to Redwood to Skyline to Grizzly Peak to the Wall (a favorite gathering place for Bay Area riders)? Then back down along Bear Creek Rd. (a freakin's racetrack!) coming out in Martinez. Here's a map.

If anyone's interested, I can post a breakfast location. This is a nice, shortish run hitting some great twisties and including a spectacular Bay Area vista (the Wall--photo below).

This classic, award-winning, 3:30-min. JB video shows the route, ending at the Wall. (Owing to some sensitive material, this video will self-destruct in three days.... :rolleyes: )

The Wall:


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Sounds like a hoot, but I've got another gig that also sounds pretty cool, and a lot closer to home. Y'all have fun and stay safe.

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Man, I'd be all over that! I'd love to get a taste of that kind of training. (Big Kahuna sounds like a prick.)
I'm sure he's somewhat less mature than the average rider here, and probably has the ego to back it up. I haven't met any of these people yet. There's probably a serious reckless faction among the set, but I'm sure there are some that are just as pleasant to be around as we are. :rolleyes:

The last time I asked a motor officer about practicing with them, it was "Well, you could come out and watch us, but liability...."

I'm seeing this as a golden opportunity....

Looks like an interesting ride. I have to go the bay area once a month on business, and always end up using the freeways (in the interest of time), but have looked at some of the back roads on maps and wondered. Unfortunately on this Sunday I have already accepted a ride invitation from a local friend (he wants to do a shake down ride after getting his bike out of the shop). Maybe next time.

Any idea of potential schedule? There's a slim chance I can get away for a couple hours, but not til 12:00 at the earliest. Maybe I can rendezvous with you at the Wall...

Berkeley is off my list for anything.
Thanks for speaking for me also . . . .NOTHING is important enough for me to ever enter that uh place. Enjoy your ride !
Please start another thread elsewhere to air your political views, so the admins can appropriately ax it.

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Sorry I didn't mention politics, just that I won't be going there, ever. Please don't make this political, I didn't . . .
I'll tell you why yours and BE's responses feel rude (and insulting) to me as a person who's inviting others on a ride-- Let me put it this way, How would you feel if you invited someone to your house for a fun time and nice dinner (no, I don't live in Berkeley), and over the dinner table they offered you a plate of vegetables? Instead of politely saying "No thank you," or your not picking up the plate in the first place, you exclaimed to them in a harsh tone, "I hate vegetables! I'll never eat vegetables!" That's what a child says, and we teach them manners. It's not how adults respond, because it's rude.

Didn't make it political? Give me a break!

Look on the positive side. That vantage point would be a good place to do some sniping. :trinibob:

Lighten up, peeps. Oakland and the surrounding area has plenty of places to spend your money.

Here JB, looks like you need this:


Sorry Hahns, didn't see it that way(stupid me), Apologies to you & the post . . .PM sent
Thank you for that. I appreciate it. And sorry I got hot under the collar. :friends:

Now, who wants some vegetables?! :D It really is a great little ride.


P.S. Hey, MadMike2, where were you when we needed you? :huh: We had to resolve this without you this time. :(

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Any idea of potential schedule? There's a slim chance I can get away for a couple hours, but not til 12:00 at the earliest. Maybe I can rendezvous with you at the Wall...
Jerry, I'm flexible about the time. Not sure I'm gonna have any takers, but if there are, maybe they can ID any constraints so we can zero in on the best time. It's not a long day, as you know, which is why it appeals to me. 'Course, you and I are not coming from far to get there.

The list has started for dinner at J B's house main course: humble pie with a side of Veggies :assassin:

Sign up below time 6:00pm any day

1.- Weekend rider




JB have a good ride wont be able to make it, the wall is a fantastic view

weekend rider :)
