I found what I think is a cool over-flow vent device. I'm never going to run an IBR, so a catch tank means nothing to me. This is a fuel pick up from a Husqvarna chain saw..
The installation -
Well now, somebody has to go riding to test this new tank... who, ME?

Just in case..
My first test scenario -
Empty main tank.
With full aux tank, and empty main, see if xnfr rate was sufficient to keep motoring.
..So I siphoned the main tank (pretty difficult to completely empty it using siphon hose)
.. Filled up the aux tank
.. went riding
Evidently, even with about 1/2 to 3/8" (visual, not measured) of gas in the main, it will start to starve and stumble. I made it less than 6 miles when sputtering happened. I could keep it alive if running about 45 - 50 and turning left and right. But the end was near. Thinking of dry fuel pump destruction horror stories, I stopped. And opened the aux tank.
Looking into the main, flow was evident. So off I went, riding at 45-65 depending upon traffic. No problems, the aux was feeding the main sufficient to keep the fuel pump happy.
At 30.5 miles, the fuel gauge went from flashing empty to 1 bar.
Corresponding aux tank level - notice is has dropped from 4/4 full to this -
At one point in time, I saw 2 bars on the fuel gauge. Then I wicked it up and had some fun in straights and corners, running at triple+ and pushing hard. Then, the blinking gauge came back on - I guess this means I was consuming more than delivering. (but I was pushing it, hard)
Back at the Hondarosa, I measured fuel height in main and aux
Main = 1 5/8
Aux = 1 3/8
Opened aux valve, weed whacked a mountain, came back later. BTW, FJR on center stand..
Main = 1 3/4, Aux = 1 3/8 to 1 1/4, depending upon my measuring 'technique'. Call it half way between.
I then siphoned the main -
Main = 1/2" at test start
with bike on center stand, 40 minutes,
Main = 1/2.
Bike on side stand - no change.
Evidently, once you're down to 3/8 to 4/8 in main or aux, you're a done doodle.
So what is learned from all this?
1. The aux tank will flow (given *my* configuration) down to 1/2"
2. If the main is empty, the full aux flows adequately to maintain motoring speeds (worst case scenario - who is stupid enough to run the main completley dry before opening the aux?

3. At some point in time, at low levels, the aux and main 'equalize'
The next test?
Given a nearly empty main and aux, while connected, how far can one go?
That will be tomorrow.
I hope this helps -
and will be very curious to see what others experience, especially those that run 5/16" line not 1/4" like I have. Per SkooterG's post, all gravity tanks with minimal head pressure have 'issues', requiring a learning curve of what does and does not work.
From what I've seen today, Joe2lMakers tank feeds the main as it should!
I'll test more soon.