Tail Bag option for solo riding

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Dude, that kicks ass... Would be sweet to get a rear Seatpan to affix it too, or at least the parts needed to keep the underneath water tight and locked with the key.

How come you didin't link to a pic?


OK, additional pics and approximate dimensions have been added to webpage.

Renegade: I had thought about using a seatpan for a base but wanted to see how the tailbag would work in general, since a new replacement seat was quite a bit more $ than the bag itself. But I agree the idea has great potential and would make the swap with the real seat a breeze. Using a seatpan will probably raise the bag maybe an inch or so compared to my setup. Also, I think a slightly shorter bag (front to rear) would work better if mounting it to a seatpan. Best thing to do would be to remove the foam from the extra seat first and measure to see what size bag would work best. If anyone wants to sell a passenger seat, let me know as I'd be anxious to buy one to try this idea.

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I am selling a tank bag that matches this tail trunk that BUNKER has modified....(excellent farkle by the way). Check the classified.

OK, additional pics and approximate dimensions have been added to webpage.
Renegade: I had thought about using a seatpan for a base but wanted to see how the tailbag would work in general, since a new replacement seat was quite a bit more $ than the bag itself. But I agree the idea has great potential and would make the swap with the real seat a breeze. Using a seatpan will probably raise the bag maybe an inch or so compared to my setup. Also, I think a slightly shorter bag (front to rear) would work better if mounting it to a seatpan. Best thing to do would be to remove the foam from the extra seat first and measure to see what size bag would work best. If anyone wants to sell a passenger seat, let me know as I'd be anxious to buy one to try this idea.


Since Corbin makes drop in replacements, I wonder what they'd charge for just a pan since they already have or make the pan we need.

Anyone have a contact at Corbin?


Just a question, I have the same bag that I use on top of the passenger seat and just looking at it it seems as if the handle on the bag might squeeze between the grab rail and the rack itself. I know you said it was such a tight fit that you had to remove the handle but is there a remote possibility that with a little squeezing it would fit or were you concerned about it scratching the paintwork? The handle comes in handy and it would be a shame to lose it.

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just ordered mine 3 hours ago. should be here friday. i don't need no stinkin rear seat!
scratch that. it's here today! newenough rocks!! :clapping:

thanks for the additional pics Bagger. I should have this done on Friday.

My 100 arrived today from FL NV (two stepping the easy way)! Jesus, this thing is HUGE! No way that 150 will fit with the grab rails there (at least that's how it looks to me). Thanks for this most excellent farkle tip, Bunker!

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FJRobert, the rivets don’t go all the way through the bag, so when you cut them off from the outside, the inside half just falls down onto the pocket between layers where it won’t scratch anything.

Axeman, I know the quick-connect buckles at the corners made it a real tight fit so I felt they needed to come off, and I was concerned in general about scratching the handrail, but you might get away with leaving the handle on… sure won’t hurt anything to try. I just figured that once I removed the tie-down hardware, the bag would no longer be very useful as removable luggage. Since the bag remains bolted on the bike for the duration of the trip, I didn’t need the handle.

I didn’t decide to mount the bag as I did until after I received it. I was willing to hack up a $50 bag… might not have been so willing if it cost $100 :unsure: .

Thanks for the info Bunker. Such a worthwhile farkle should automatically elevate you from your FNG status to something more befitting such a forward thinker.

Question Bunker... is there any room underneath the bag once it's installed? I currently have my Mixit2, and PCIII in the space underneath my passenger seat. Is there still room down there, or does the bag as you've shown it installed prevent you from having anything down there?

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Bunker ...

Thanx for the farkle and the modification of it. I enjoyed the pictures a great deal.

Because of your post and photogs, I ordered a bag like yours and it now sits in my garage. I told my SigOh that it was a Christmas present (from her to me), but when she saw me taking it apart ... well, she was a bit miffed. She'll get over that.

But, what a great farkle you have found and altered for us all. Thanx.


Question Bunker... is there any room underneath the bag once it's installed? I currently have my Mixit2, and PCIII in the space underneath my passenger seat. Is there still room down there, or does the bag as you've shown in installed prevent you from having anything down there?

Groo, that Mixit is pretty big IIRC, but if it sits below that grab rail brace, I'm guessing you should be good to go...

There must be more room on the '06 because I just measured the rear on my '03 and I don't see how this bag will fit. I wish it would, it looks like the perfect set up. B)

Canadian FJR

Excellent idea, Bunker. If I'd have known this way back when, I might not have made my own hard bag from scratch.


BTW....it would be very easy for anyone wanting to attach the soft bag to a seat base. Sure would come off and on much easier. Time for you guys/gals to start searching out used '06 rear seats! ;)

There must be more room on the '06 because I just measured the rear on my '03 and I don't see how this bag will fit. I wish it would, it looks like the perfect set up. B)

That's because it won't fit on pre-'06 models...

Just got mine yesterday and test fit it this AM. No worky. I see two problems, one mine and one the design of the aft section of the bike.

1) The BMS front seat I have is lifted up and back and thus, makes a serious intrusion into the tail bags 'space' - prolly about 3" worth. This forces it even further back into the 2nd problem...

2) There is simply not enough width for the back to tuck in between the body work. If left atop said bodywork, the constant vibes from riding would wear through the paint, tout de suite.

Now, I cannot ascertain from my set-up how badly my seat is affecting the overall fit, so you pre-'06 owners take your own shot at this, but I no tink she's agonna fly.

For sale: Nelson-Rigg CL100 Tail Bag. Brand new, still in wrappings. Shipped via ground to anywhere in the lower 48. First 57 samolians takes it.

Just tried fitting my CL150 on the bike (06) and it does fit. Takes a little work and pushing in the right places but it will sit down in the guard rail that wraps around the back seat even with the extra pockets on the outside of this model (not the same one Bunker has). Now having said that, I don't plan on removing the seat and mounting the bag permanently. For me, I think I will like the convenience of being able to remove it and all the tethers that came with it should work great (as in, no paint will be scratched). If anyone wants to see this on the bike with the seat on, lemme know and I'll post some pics.

The space this bag is gonna free up from the saddlebags is going to be pretty significant. If packed properly and efficiently, this just might save me from having to spend hundreds on a trunk. I'll know for sure after the SFO Spring Fling. And that frees up those hundreds for a new GPS!!! yeah daddy! B)

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