@ Ramblin Man
Good information. I've only had my FJR for 3 months now and, I know, this does not qualify me as an expert and this topic has been hashed out by better mechanics and technicians than me. But, IMHO, your experiment w/ the floodlight reinforces what I've been thinking abt the heat coming off this engine...that it is a problem w/ heat dissipation, not heat generation. The heat generation problem could easily be solved by leaving the ignition off...obviously, NOT an option. The heat dissipation problem could be solved, I think, by getting positive air flow thru the engine compartment...just like the fan does at 4 bars.
And, as stated in an earlier post, I'm not real thrilled w/ the idea of adding insulation in the engine compartment.
I've been trying to think of a way to get positive air flow under the tank and/or thru the engine compartment. I may try installing a Gold Wing windshield vent on the stock shield to direct ambient air down to the tank area. I posted this as an idea in another thread, since I'm unsure of the technical aspects of this, but got no definitive feedback.
I'd be interested in the results of your Shop Vac crevice tool jammer (technical terms). Pls post your comments after you take a ride w/ the "new technology."
Thanx for the post and be careful out there.