Teerex bites the dust

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The Italian Scallion
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
Milan, Italy
Last Sunday we were riding down an almost unknown mountain pass some 60 miles south of Milan when I hit a patch of crumbling road surface on a sharp right bend and I went down hard.

The bike's rear end skidded left, I tried to compensate but I don't recall much else.

The Forum guys that were following me say I skidded, went down hard on the RH side at a by then considerably reduced speed. My Yammy top case broke its mount and flew off, thereby removing all back support for my wife who was flung off face first.

I stayed with the bike and hit the road hard with my righ side. The bike crushed my right foot, flipped and went down wheels up into the brush and trees on the mountain slope (somehow managing to hit an old-fashioned granite milestone and dislodging it) and I followed it into the ditch.

The next thing I know I was being helped out of the roadside slope by a friend and I saw my wife standing up. So she was OK.

It turns out she has a suspected fracture of the RH wrist and a concussion, having hit the road with her helmeted face.

My RH boot had been carved into (was it the brake pedal?) but not sliced open. Inside was a banged up foot (one toe was split open -- by the impact alone it seems). 2 broken toes (one will need surgery later this week to be straightened out) and another whatchamacallit bone also kaputt.

I have a broken RH rib and my right hip also hurts a lot but nothing more.

My head hit hard on the RH side and a chunk of a 3-inch diameter is missing from my Shoei helmet's temple showing the fibers inside. The visor and chin are badly gouged too.

Now, for the poor Feejer. A friendly guy with a winch-equipped Jeep pulled it out, not without some difficulty, as she was wedged upside-down in the brush.

The RH side obviously took the brunt (RH Moko nearly ripped out but valiantly still attached), RH mirror mangled with attendant fairing and mounting frame damage.

Scratches and gouges on the saddlebags (which did not come off!) and the top case (that did) and virtually everywhere else.

The old Feejer started up immediately (belching some white smoke for a while) and was actually ridden into a farmer's shed a couple miles down the road to await extraction.

The moral of the story is A: clearly stay away from bare patches. We had dealt with them all day successfully enough. This one was trickier and it got me.

B: protective clothing and a good full-face helmet make a helluva difference.

Both helmets showed deep scratches and gouges in the chin area. Need I say more? Our knees and shoulders are intact thanks to the inserts and we show no road rash anywhere. I just have a dent in my left shin, probably from a tree down the mountain side. We were also both wearing Dainese back protectors.

Some guys in our group were wearing jet-type helmets, blue-jeans and sports shoes. I reckon they did not sleep too well on Sunday night. They must have thought: there but for the grace of God go I...


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I am glad to hear that you are ok and also that your passenger(wife) came out of this accident OK.

As it is no one wants to hear of such events but it is also very good to hear that you can also write about it. Meaning you are alive and well.

As for the bike ... yes it is very sad to hear about the state it's in but it can be replaced. You are not replacable nor is your passenger.

Good luck on your speedy recovery! and that you will ride again!

Wake up call, just checked in while having my morning coffee to see teerex's report on goiing down. Thank God you and wife are out of in with no major injuries, sounds like it could have been much more serious.

Stef ..... All that matters is that you are able to write and tell us about it. You and your wife are OK and will be just fine after some recovery time. That is the single most important thing. The bike is secondary and can be fixed.

Good Luck and Speedy Recovery to you my friend............... RIDE SAFE!

Yo T, glad you and the missus came out of it with only temporary damage ! How's she taking it ?

I'm thinking that would be it for my wife, she's a reluctant rider as it is. Wish you both a speedy recovery !

Wow. That reads like a really scary wreck. I'm glad you're both basically okay. Thanks from all of us for wearing your gear.

On the bright side, what colors are available for the 2006 FJRs in Italy?

Bonjourno Stef

It really starts my day badly when I hear a friend has gone down. I am so glad you and your wife wear the gear and have come through relatively well. I have had the road rash and do not ever want to go through that again. Till later.



Sorry to hear of your mishap. Glad you and Mrs.Teerex are OK.

Wishing a speedy recovery from N.Y.


Stef - glad to hear you and Mrs Stef are as ok as you can be. If there's anything you need from over here to help get your feejer back on the road, I'm more than happy to help.


Brother Stef: First -- glad you made it to tell the story. Secondly -- thanks for sharing. While I hate to hear or see stories of riders in mishaps, its a great reminder to stay vigilant, and to WEAR THE GEAR !!

Know you'll be riding soon again. Heal quickly! With best wishes from Virginia Beach, Jay


Man, that sucks... but you walked (sort of) away from it, and that's the important thing. The bike can be repaired/replaced... just get healthy again!


Glad to here you and your wife aren't beat-up too bad. That's a heck of a way to make your case for an 06'! Wishing you guys a speedy recovery. :eek:

Stef, glad to hear you and the wife came out relatively unscathed.

Man, that is the scary part about riding on the road - come around a corner and there is an obstacle and before it can be avoided it gets you.

Just wondering, about how fast were you going when you hit the crumbling patch?

Sounds like your gear did it's job - ATGATT.


Thank God you are both OK. Thats a helluva way to get a new bike. Every time I read of someones mishap I like to think that it makes me a safer, more careful rider. My days of pushing a bike to its limit are slowly leaving me. I hope you and your wife can get back on a bike soon without to much emotional trauma. Good luck to both of you.

Wow. Sorry to hear that you got injured. Glad it's not worse. I wish you and your wife a speedy recovery. Concussion can be very dangerous so be extra careful for a while.

I wonder if you might have been able to stay upright if you had been riding solo. The reason I say that is because I never like carrying a pillion more than a short distance, and I refuse to ever be a pillion.

That's a heck of a way to make your case for an 06'
Aaaw...Sgoat, laughing still hurts :rolleyes:

Thanks everyone for your concern and your wishes. My wife Chris and I really appreciate it. We don't know the majority of you guys but it's a great feeling of brotherhood to read your posts.

As for the Feejer, I believe she's still very roadworthy and may well be fixed. I have this image of a friendly guy from the area riding it to the safety of a shed nearby.

What I can't conjure up, instead, is the actual crash. I feel the handlebars violently shaking in my hands but all I see is darkness. The next frame is of me climbing up from the wooded slope and standing on the roadside.



Hey man, I'm glad you and your wife are without life-critical injuries! First thing I thought when I saw the thread was...I hope the Teerex is typing this and NOT someone else.

You two take care and chill for awhile...

GLAD you're okay. Have your FJR buddies take care of yous guys for awhile...fetch slippers, bring drinks, etc :D

We need a warning that means "Not Wife Safe" because if my wife reads the recap of that crash, I'm going to be gettin' an earful for awhile. :D

Scary, scary details Stef, get well soon.

Get well soon Stef & Chris! I wish you both the best and have said a short prayer of thanx that you both are still here with us. I enjoy reading your posts and seeing your pictures. It's always concerning whenever any of (US) experience such unfortunate circumstances. Every now and then they just simply come w/our love of riding and willingness to accept the dangers associated w/same. I look forward to hearing about your new ride, then I'll know you both are ok and back in the saddle. Take care!!!!!!!!
