Teerex bites the dust

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WOW Stef!

Glad you both are going to be OK. Embarassingly, I am one of those guys in blue jeans, but can see I need to add pants and boots to my safety wardrobe.

Thanks for sharing, and wishing you a speedy recovery. Is the bike totaled?

The moral of the story is A: clearly stay away from bare patches. We had dealt with them all day successfully enough. This one was trickier and it got me.B: protective clothing and a good full-face helmet make a helluva difference.

Both helmets showed deep scratches and gouges in the chin area. Need I say more?  Our knees and shoulders are intact thanks to the inserts and we show no road rash anywhere. I just have a dent in my left shin, probably from a tree down the mountain side. We were also both wearing Dainese back protectors.

Some guys in our group were wearing jet-type helmets, blue-jeans and sports shoes. I reckon they did not sleep too well on Sunday night. They must have thought: there but for the grace of God go I...

First off I'm really glad to hear you and your SO are ok, the bike OTOH sounds a little worse off, but who cares, well not me if it were mine.

The turn you are describing sounds like a lot of what I come across here in the mountains and foothills of Northern California, usually marked 15mph or less. I go around the blind ones like a baby, even though I know I could carry more speed.

The moral of your story is damn near what I have been feeling/worrying about for the last 2 weeks, except you and your wife lived through it. As a result of my worrying wifey and I just upgraded all of our armor and also purchased Dainese back protectors. We always ride with full face helmets, which right now happen to be Shoei X-11's.

I'm so glad some of your riding buddies witnessed what happened and hopefully will now go out and buy some much needed protective clothing. Riding is a lot of fun, but walking away from accidents is priceless.

Get well soon Mr and Mrs Sarao. :drinks:

Hi T, I've got chills going down my spine after reading about your accident. I hate that feeling in the pit of your stomach immediately following an accident. I hope you are not in alot of pain. You and Chris get back to 100% and look forward to getting the bike fixed. I've had the same type of accident and my feeling was the same as you, after I came to anyway, what just happened. I have tried to relive the events leading right up to the accident but...... The last thing that went through my head was I love Marla and the kids. I was going about 70 when I lost the back end so I guess I thought I was going to die.

Anyway, I 'm glad you weren't hurt worse than you were. Take car.


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Sorry to hear of your misfortune, but very glad that both you and your wife were able to walk away from this; I wish you both a speedy recovery from what ever ails you.

As stated already really glad you were able to write this. The stead can always be replaced or repaired.

sincerely Mike

Would have made for an interesting test of the Nolan had you gotten it, eh? Glad to see you still here, heal fast. ;)

We need a warning that means "Not Wife Safe" because if my wife reads the recap of that crash, I'm going to be gettin' an earful for awhile. :D

I'm not even gonna mention it. And I'll pray that, when my turn comes, I'm alone on the bike. If it does, I'm sure I'll be alone for good, either way. The crash is still just a theoretical for Eve, but one close call and she will be outta there. Carrying a passenger is a ton of responsibilty. It almost takes the fun away.

I'm really beginning to think that the hand of the universe has granted me some credit when it comes to all things. If I'm a good boy, my credit stays good. If I cross the line, I seem to always get my just punishment. Be it a ticket, that "Significant other earache", or whatever in other areas of my life. I'm definitely a freak on a leash. Now that I know who's got the reins, it's all good, mostly.

Thanks for the wake-up call Stef, I'll be more careful (slow) as a result. Get well soon.

Dang Stef... not the usual cool video thread I was expecting. Prayers from here for you and Chris. Broken ribs really don't bother you unless you sneeze, laugh, or breathe... BTDT. Get well bro.

I've been missing your posts lately, but I didn't need to wake up to this one! Sorry about your misfortune, but I'm glad that you and your wife are OK. Talk to you soon.

I'm always sorry when I hear that a rider has gone down. But your post gave me chills since I sometimes ride with my wife, and I would be real hard on myself if my wife ever got hurt. :(

I'm sorry this happened to you both and I hope for your speedy recovery. As folks so succintly put it: Shit happens! It couldn't be helped. So I hope for a speedy emotional recovery, too.

I hope your bike survived, tho' it sounds like she got hurt bad, too. :unsure:

Take care of yourselves.

Wow, I'm glad you both are ok..brought tears to my eyes..geez, cutting onions is terrible..anyways, I'm happy you guys are ok...it does however bring many slow motion images of my own accidents and long recovery months I had to cope with. Maybe one day there will be airbags where they really belong...on our riding gear. Wish you a fast recovery, a new FJR and safer roads...or should I say well maintained roads.

Glad you and the old lady made it through that. Wow! Sounds like it could have been much, much worse.

Hope to see some more posts and pictures by you from where you call home.

Have you had a chance to take pictures of the bike and of the area that you went down?

When I had my wreck a year ago, I do not remember too much either. I apparently was knocked out for a while. I was able to walk myself into the back of the ambulance but do not remember much else at all.

Take care and ride again.

It is the greatest feeling to get back on and test the motorcycle gods once again.

Scott from Texas

Dammit, Stef! Sorry to hear of this, but I'm glad to know that you and yours are OK (for the most part - ouch!). Heal quickly, bro (& sis).

Glad you two made it out with minor damage. Try not laugh with those ribs... Two guys walk into a bar.... :D

Rest up and I hope the ride can be fixed, if not ... you guys don't have that damm PDP!


So glad to hear that you and your wife are going to be OK. The title on the post ran chills down my spine until I saw that you had started it. Get well soon.

Ride Teerex Ride!



Sorry to hear of your crash, glad you and the wife are mostly OK. Don't beat yourself up over it; it happens.

Get well soon.

Thanks everybody, it feels pretty good to get so many messages from far-away friends (I'd mention a warm, fuzzy feeling, too, but I fear Radman lurks and waits just for that...). :D

I will soon put some pics on the Forum, not for the sake of unnecessary detail but for whatever transfer of experience they may provide. If a few weeks down the road this has helped keep one of youse guys stay upright I'll be vindicated.

Y'all take care. Me, I just have to get used to these dadgum crutches or I'll crash again... :)



Add our wishes for a fast recovery. I feel as if I know you through your postings. I'm glad there will be many more.

I thought I had us well armored but your gratitude for back protectors made me realize I don't have any (yet) and the wife only has the foam type. Needless to say, we're ordering some.

Get well soon,

dobias <_<

Glad to hear that you both are going to be ok.. Hope you both heal quickly.
