Teerex bites the dust

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I don't know what to say....

I'm really sorry you biffed it.

I profoundly hope that everything turns out fine and when you are on the road on the FJR again that you can look on this as an adventure.

I'll be following your progress and cheering for you.

I've always enjoyed your posts.


How are you doing, I've been reading not posting much as I see we have a new board as opposed to the old one, I guess we filled it up with stuff :D Hope you and the bike are doing find bikes can be repraied but humans cant.

rogerfjrfaster :D

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Hey Mr and Mrs t! Glad to hear yall are doing okay. And thanks for the input on all the safety gear. I also know from 1st hand experience how much it is needed. Fjr's can be replaced but we can't. Take care in your recovery, Mark.

Thanks for your concern guys :)

I've been walking again (with a limp) since Friday, when the K-wires were yanked out of my foot. :blink:

Yep, that's the technique and it doesn't really hurt.

Mrs Teerex is still wearing a cast (11 more days to go until they decide whether her hand is healed or she needs another month in a new cast).

The bike is anxiously awaiting its fairing parts, meanwhile I've installed the Stebel Magnum horns.

Wow... they're loud-ass horns B)

So there it is... I ought to be able to ride again soon.

When the time comes I'll be sure to post a good picture of the FJR redux....


I just saw the helmets. Thanks for posting them. It looks like you both would have needed facial reconstruction without the whole hard hat.

I am glad your up and walking. We all hope the wife's hand is Ok, and no more white formal dressing is needed. Hope both of your recoveries are complete. TJ

HI, Stef!

I just picked up a tip about the Stebel Magnum Blasters.

I had washed my bike and the horn sound that crushed bricks, sent women's skirts up to their ears, and pushed cars out of their lanes was now just a peep, like Roadrunner in the Warner Brothers cartoons. Even though I had the opening pointed down, water gets inside and ruins the metal diaphragms.

I am going to glue a piece of speaker cloth across the opening to minimize the water problem.

Heal well.




Glad to hear you're back on your feet. Wish you and Mrs. T. a speedy and full recovery. Hope you're both back on the road soon.

Thanks for posting the images and updates. They've been instructional and eye-opening.

Again, best wishes for a full recovery.

So we can assume that Chris' concussion is healing. How clever of her to continue to NOT do dishes! :D And I can hear this conversation, "Oh, Stef, my darling, I really wanted to cook you something special for dinner but with my hand still in a cast... Where are you taking me for dinner tonight?"

I suppose that a foot massage with TLC is out-of-the-question. :dribble: You probably don't want her anywhere near that toe, anyway. :blink:

Heal quickly, friends. Let your mind and thoughts heal also.

Hi Stef,

Good to hear you and the better half are healing up. Are you gettin' "cabin fever" yet? How long before you think you'll be back on the road? Best wishes...........

Okay, Stefano, its been more than 11 days, so what's the story with Chris' hand and your foot? Are either of you doing physical therapy? Do you (mistakenly) think that since its riding season nobody out here in FJR land is remembering or thinking of you?

Got the bike together enough to start it? Sit on the seat and pretend, making those vroom-vroom sounds? Purchased the new matching helmets and riding gear? How is your thought-life regarding the mishap? You realize, I hope, that your brain is going to wreak havoc with your mental riding process for awhile.

What's happening? :unsure: Curious minds and nosey FJR owners want to know.

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