Teerex bites the dust

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Sounds like one nasty ride... Very glad that you were both able to walk away and tell the tell.

Well, that's actually good news about a bad situation. The reconstruction of the accident scenario will help with your mental healing. It seems there is not much more you could have done to avoid this other than arrive at the scenet at a different time of the day so the cause would have been more visible.

At least you have a "project" to keep you hands busy. ;)

I don't remember reading about Chris' hand being injured. Hmmmmm, broken hand, no cooking..."Sorry, honey, looks like we must be eating out! And about the housework...." :D The concussion will also take some time. You guys must be quite a pair around the house!

I assume once you have the fairing and nosepiece off you will determing if the front subframe can be repaired of if it needs to be replaced (I'm guessing it will be the latter). Since it's going to be painted, you can pick any color Chris likes, right? :rolleyes:

With all that's going on, while we are all saddened by the outcome of one particular crash, maybe its good therapy for us all to celebrate those, like yours and FJRocha's, that are survived and being successfully repaired (Of course, there's Coyote, who is in pursuit of "replacement therapy").

Keep us updated!

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Sorry to hear you and your wife went down. Glad to hear you guys are going to be ok, eventually.

Here's to a speedy recovery!!!!!!

Thank GOD you are still here.

Guys, I just read about Larry Winter's fatal accident and I've got a banged up foot and a cracked rib for much the same thing that killed him.There but for the grace of God go I.

I'd gladly limp for another year if I could only nudge his bike back on track. But it just doesn't work that way.

Chris and I will be fine soon and thank you all for your concern. It has helped us a great deal to know there was a whole bunch of good people in our corner. Larry was there, too, and we find it very touching that his last post was to wish us a speedy recovery.
Remember how I was going to "not mention" your mishap to my better half? Well, I had to mention the Larry Winter incident, and she saw the post about his last post wishing you guys well.

"What happened to Stef and his wife?". Doh! busted!

Remember me also mentioning how the hand of the universe always spanks me for bad behavior? Maybe now you can understand what I meant by that. Happens every damned time! When will I learn?

I saw on a movie preview last night something about more grief being caused by answered prayers than unanswered prayers. Hmmm...

Stef, after viewing the pictures, all I can say is that your bike took the worse of it - and I'm glad that you and Chris are still with us.

Get back in the saddle !!

(And I've heard that good red wine helps the healing process!)



Something very sad about seeing an FJR with the rubber side facing up... :(

Still, after that sad event, we're all glad you are sharing the pictures and tales of recovery with us!

Well, from the picture, the CB Headlight cover did its job :D Good thing you had that!

I think you should have another bottle of wine. Why not?

Heal well!


I worked on the bike last Sunday with a Forum buddy who provided moral & technical support. A few beers later, we were rewarded with the following findings.

The steel subframe supporting the whole front cowling is not bent. The mounting bracket of the RH mirror (at the very end of the subframe) was bent -- but we were so full of Pilsener enthusiasm that we straightened it out. It needs just a finishing touch now.

RH fairing (upper and lower) is gone. Having bought a wrecked FJR from a friend last year, I already have those parts. I just need to have them resprayed (together with the saddlebags).

As far as we could ascertain, the bike has suffered no structural damage. But I'll have it checked professionally.

The brunt of this low-sider was borne by the Motovation slider. It was twisted out of shape and its bolt virtually sheared off -- but not quite. Also its aluminum mounting bracket was totally warped but did not break. (My right foot, too, was briefly involved but did not fare as well... :rolleyes: )



I've placed an order with Gary McCoy for other broken parts and I guess the bike could be fixed before I'm walking properly again... ;)


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RH fairing (upper and lower) is gone. Having bought a wrecked FJR from a friend last year, I already have those parts. I just need to have them resprayed (together with the saddlebags).Stef
Stef, I reckon you have to watch the company you keep :detect:

Stef, that's great news. It sounds like this FJR is a pretty stout bike. Now we can all concentrate our thoughts and prayers on you and Chris having a speedy recovery.

I've placed an order with Gary McCoy for other broken parts and I guess the bike could be fixed before I'm walking properly again... ;)
Walking is overrated, especially if you can ride! Who needs back brakes anyway?

WOW Stef,,

I've been out of the loop and just saw this thread ,,

best wishes for you and your wife's recovery ,,

sounds like what happened to me but you guys had a much harder landing ,,

we're looking forward to your speedy recovery ,,


How did you check the front subframe? Mine was tweaked, but not visually noticable untill you put it all back together. The panels will be slightly mis-aligned. I'd avdise assembling the nose with the replacement panels before you spray them, so you know it lines up. (if you haven't already) Those mirror mounts are damn hard to get perfect again...


Stef, how about an update!!

How is Chris' wrist and concussion? How is your surgery healing? What is happening with the bike...any word on the forks, etc.? Front subframe?

Curious minds want to know...... :unsure:

[SIZE=8pt]Not that we really care, we just want to appear as if we're interested.[/SIZE]

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Stef & Chris,

Sorry to hear about your accident... but happy to hear you were wearing your 'proper riding costume'...


I hope you heal well and fast!

Those mirror mounts are damn hard to get perfect again... ^_^
+1 on the mirror mount tabs.

Even if they bend from the cowling subframe a tiny bit, it's noticable when you put everything back together. You can tell the difference in how the mirrors look next to the windscreen for example, when you're sitting on the bike.

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Please the FJR's conditionsand I would still like to see some pictures of the helmets from the accident. Thanks, TJ


The Feejer's structurally intact :D but the "cosmetic" damage will take this side of $2,000 to fix (including respraying some old scuffs and scratches) thanks to Gary McCoy's pricing policies and some spare parts I already had.

Here's my wife's Suomy helmet. You can hardly tell but there are some nasty gouges within the yellow rings, some had tiny stone chips embedded in them...


My old Shoei took a few hits.





and here, where resin, paint and clearcoat just popped off (probably as it regained its original shape after impact)


Both helmets sure did their jobs well :clap: Add another grand and change for 2 new helmets, 1 pair of boots and a 3/4 length riding jacket for me.


Great news! Any idea on how long the repairs will take? Will the bike be together before the rider is able to test it?

I have a Shoei that resembles yours. For me, that evidence puts to rest any discussion about wearing a full-face helmet, but then, my children and I have gotten rather used to the face I now wear. :D
