Texting while driving

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A need to watch.... www.youtube.com/watch?v=DebhWD6ljZs
+1 Forward the link to the video, anyone who drives should see it!

I agree also with 7xray in that the phone should not be usable when moving!

Texting or talking on a mobile phone should be done when parked!!

My rant!

Ban the freakin' things in cars!!! :angry:

I have zero tolerance for this BS.

I could live with out a bloody cell phone anyway. I don't need to talk to anyone that bad.

Rant over, have a nice day. ;)
I'm with you Bluesy!

Seems like all they would have to do is build into the cell phone software to turn it off when moving more that 5 mph.
This would truly be a life saving restriction on the death phones.

My blood pressure went up reading this :angry2: She knew she was driving illegally and the car wasn't insured. She's an adult that is responsible for her own actions! Throw the book at her.


Of course...she's 20...with a 3 year old...which means she doesn't exactly have a track record of good decision making to begin with :blink:

Of course...she's 20...with a 3 year old...which means she doesn't exactly have a track record of good decision making to begin with :blink:
And wasn't a learner permit mentioned? as well as knowingly driving without insurance? More bad choices.

Manzanares told police she was not texting or talking on her phone while driving.

This is the part that really gets me. If, as she says, that she wasn't texting or talking on the phone, WTF did she not see the motorcyclist and avoid driving into him?

Personally, I don't feel skilled enough to cope with driving a car at the same time as texting, or making a phone call. On the rare occasions that I'm on four wheels, the phone remains just as securely put away as it is when I'm riding.

Manzanares told police she was not texting or talking on her phone while driving.

This is the part that really gets me. If, as she says, that she wasn't texting or talking on the phone, WTF did she not see the motorcyclist and avoid driving into him?
They're ALL going to say that, same as the "ah didn't see him!" crap, or the "ah've only had wun beer, ossifer!" line.

I remember when a co-worker caught hell because he didn't dial into a conference call on his way home. He said "I do NOT use the cellphone and drive at the same time" and they kept saying "but we just needed you on the call for 10 minutes!" over and over until I heard "do we need to talk to HR?!" coming through the office wall 20ft away.

This was pre-cellphone laws, and nowadays he just gives them the hairy eyeball and says "are you suggesting I do something illegal?" which is usually sufficient, but still, the topic should not come up at all.

One of my former managers would get really peeved that I wouldn't ride with him to team lunches and stuff, after I told him "you're too dangerous, you talk on the cell and drive all the time, it's safer on my bike"

People really have no clue.

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