The 2006 Wfo-5 Event

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My only caveat would be that if I was coming west across Utah and Nevada, I'd probably do that the night before WFO5 begins.
Iffin I were acomin' from the Mid West, I'd surely like to mosey on through North Dakoter, amble into Montanny, pick some spuds in Idaho bafers adroppin' down ta Nevadi. Might be missin' some of thot thar Ju-lye heat yer be finding further down. ;)

Hey Rich,

You forgot to mention the best feature of all: The Hilton has its own driving range! Or, were you saving that for later? Might be a bit of a pain getting your sticks there though... :D

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Donner pass is my favorite spook-out place, been to Reno often, and up and over, and have been looked down-nose at by plenty of Taho-uns. Perhaps night time could be my plan, my ability to withstand heat has diminished mightily over the years. It might be a great ride, but not worth assembling material for a "Hospitals of the Great Southwest" article. For me it's not discomfort-it's life threatening. ;)

For me it's not discomfort-it's life threatening
I hear ya'. Kinda like me & the bees. See the bike shipping thread. Ship it out, fly in and meet us for the aforementioned debauchery :aaevil: But leave your bee collection at home please.

Well, you can probably find a brothel guide on your own -- you all know how to use Google.
Well, we know where at least one of the Saturday rides will be... :haha:

Hey Rad, it's only 1,837 miles from the TC to Reno via I-80, the most direct route. For me, it's a paltry 1,970 miles. I figure if a guy left at 10PM, he oughta be there by mornin'! :haha:

Seriously, that's a helluva long way to ride across the boring plains in the July heat. I'd like to transport my bike at least partway out, at least to Denver. Once you get up in the higher elevations it cools off considerably. Perhaps if others want to ship partway, we could arrange for group rates?

Iffin I were acomin' from the Mid West, I'd surely like to mosey on through North Dakoter, amble into Montanny, pick some spuds in Idaho bafers adroppin' down ta Nevadi. Might be missin' some of thot thar Ju-lye heat yer be finding further down.
That thar'd be true, iff'n a feller had hisself a week ter lollygag 'long the way, an 'nuther week ta lollygag on home. :cownoy: Accourse then a feller might find hisself all wore out time he gets there, without no gitup'n'go for the nightlife. That just plum wouldn' do! :dead: :drag: :lazy:
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Heck, EXSKIBUM, your description of the local weather sounds just like what we have here in Eastern Washington. Max temps the past week have been in the high 90's (today 98.6, woha, that's a familier number) No waitin to get yer tires up to cookin temps, just ride. Ya wanna cool off . . . go wind surfing on the Columbia Gorge or ride your bike up into the mountains. Be sure to wear your evaporative cooling vest, and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. I'm gonna like Reno! ;)

That thar'd be true, iff'n a feller had hisself a week ter lollygag 'long the way, an 'nuther week ta lollygag on home.  Accourse then a feller might find hisself all wore out time he gets there, without no gitup'n'go for the nightlife. That just plum wouldn' do! 
Atsawhy they done gone an vented hollerdayz. Y'all kin mosey all yer likes for tree ho weeks! Course iffin' ya only gits two, well thens yassa gonna hafta sweatssum...

Started doing some mapping, thinking about the ride from Houston to Reno... probably looking at 2100 miles 1-way at least. The boring way would be to slab it on I-10 to Californication, then head north... or, possibly go through Austin, Abilene, towards Santa Fe, Durango, head north to Grand Junction, then go west on I-70... and eventually getting to Reno via Hwy 50. As previously mentioned, the treck across Utah and Nevada might be better done at night... although I don't know if the vacation gods have that much to give.

Just some initial thoughts...

Dang Groo...that is a ways for you and through the hot desert. I wouldve figured you were closer than me. Omaha to Reno is about 1500 miles through Wyoming, northern Utah and drop from northern Nevada.

My wife just mentioned going to Reno (strange coincidence that I may have to exploit) since she has never been and I am a poker player. I could see riding out and she flying in.

Since time is a limited resource for a 30-somthing with kids, I do like the idea of shipping the bike out and maybe riding it back. Have to look into that. has a flat $398 fee. much more at $628 from Omaha (zone 2) to Reno (zone 1).

My guess is the cost would be around $400 to $600.

Ok, FasterSilver just gave me a great idea for the event organizers...

Can they please arrange an FJR owners only Texas Hold-em tournament? Heck, it's Reno, right? How hard should that be? Could be a $25 buy-in one evening.... would be fun...

Ok, FasterSilver just gave me a great idea for the event organizers...
Can they please arrange an FJR owners only Texas Hold-em tournament? Heck, it's Reno, right? How hard should that be? Could be a $25 buy-in one evening.... would be fun...

What? Only 1,000 or 2,000 miles? I am planning on attending this thing and it is a good 3,600 one way. If I had the time I would ride it but given restraints I will have to ship my bike to someone out that way and then fly with the way she'll let me go there alone!


What? Only 1,000 or 2,000 miles? I am planning on attending this thing and it is a good 3,600 one way. If I had the time I would ride it but given restraints I will have to ship my bike to someone out that way and then fly with the way she'll let me go there alone!
Oh, c'mon! You'll be with us! What possible trouble could you get into with this gang? ;)

Once in Denver from the TC area, the trip West starts getting pretty spectacular. First the Rockies, then it gets kinda ugly for a bit, then the Utah plains on 70 up into some of the wildest riding country around, to south of Salt Lake, then west past Bonneville etc and into Reno. If not for July's heat, it would be a no brainer for me. Depending on a few things, still might be do-able.

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Gypsy you may just win the "farthest away from home" award once you arrive in Reno
Affectionately known (at least in Land Cruiser circles) as The Iron Butt Award. :D

If not for July's heat, it would be a no brainer for me. Depending on a few things, still might be do-able.
A very few things, according to Rick Mayer:

"Camel packs, cool neck wraps, polar vests, vented clothing, frequent stops water, water, water". Rick

Can they please arrange an FJR owners only Texas Hold-em tournament?
Hey, how 'bout an FJR pillion (or female pilot) wet t-shirt contest? :bigeyes: :eek:

Oh, wait, it's not Sturgis, is it? Never mind.

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