"The Back Way" Ride -- Sat. 5/15

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RJ's right. Look at the weather links I posted in the first post.

If you must see how bad the snow got at the summit, here's a webcam shot of the Judah Lodge's outside deck at Sugar Bowl, which shows the inconsequential depth that fell from this 2 day storm on the tables. Though we will be within a half mile of this camera as we crest the summit on old Hwy 40, I don't expect any white stuff or ice to be on the roadway by the time we ride it.

BTW, for the uninitiated: OF COURSE there's snow on the mountain! Sugar Bowl is closed for the season, but it is the top of Donner Summit, and snow lingers there for some time on the slopes. Bare spots were just beginning to show on the flats just above the lifts a couple days ago. The roadways that have been kept open all winter have been clear and dry.

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Jeeze, am I going to have to get the bike ready to rumble in time for this gig??
Oh good. If you're coming, then I have to get my half hour safety lecture ready. :rolleyes:

And I call BS on the shootin' invitation. First, you already know that OM isn't about to get near one of them dreadful firesticks. Second, you declined my suggestion about ventilating those Staintunes. :p
I'll pass on the safety lecture, those seem to do more harm than good. Actually rich, don't count me in as I really doubt I'll have the bike together ...it could be close if everything lined up ....and we know how often everything lines up. Plus, I'm likely to be spending some un-planned time beefing up my front subframe.

Ohhh, you'd be surprised at OM when he gets into Nevada and firearm in hand. That irishman likes to play catholic vs protestant gun-and-firebomb style ..but after a few cocktails can't remember what side he's on. He's such a bad shot that standing in the line of fire is safer than anywhere else.

staintunes are still a possibility ..but they'll be moving target ....they found a home on FJRay's bike!! that should be some good fun chasin' those pipes and shootin' and stuff.

staintunes are still a possibility ..but they'll be moving target ....they found a home on FJRay's bike!! that should be some good fun chasin' those pipes and shootin' and stuff.
Yeah, especially since Ray is likely to shoot back.

Good luck with the bike and with Murphy's Law.

[SIZE=12pt]I'm OUT![/SIZE]

The broken front stay is going to cause me to miss this ride. I don't want to abuse the bike any more than I have. The right mirror being supported only by the nose piece should probably stay home.

I hope you all have a great time!

This sounds interesting. I might just have to be there...

Plus I want to give John a demo of my new blasters from <1m. :clown2:

[SIZE=12pt]I'm OUT![/SIZE]
The broken front stay is going to cause me to miss this ride. I don't want to abuse the bike any more than I have. The right mirror being supported only by the nose piece should probably stay home.

I hope you all have a great time!
Would have been good to see ya again! Till next time, hope you get the bike fixed soon.

On my calendar - YIPPEE!!
Glad to see you got that Kitchen pass :yahoo:

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[SIZE=12pt]I'm OUT![/SIZE]
The broken front stay is going to cause me to miss this ride. I don't want to abuse the bike any more than I have. The right mirror being supported only by the nose piece should probably stay home.

I hope you all have a great time!
Ah come on Mike, take the mirrror off and join us! You don't need that new fangled contraption anyways.. :unsure: Going to miss you Mikee.

Ah come on Mike, take the mirrror off and join us! You don't need that new fangled contraption anyways.. :unsure: Going to miss you Mikee.
Oh yee, who's front end is glued together by bug guts!!!! :clapping: :rolleyes:

Enjoyed the ride on Saturday!!! Had a great time on Sunday too about 460 before the bike was put to bed.

Ok so I'm marking it on the calendar too.

Like RsvlFeej, the only thing that can keep me out now is the tsunami of paperwork on my desk. Shouldn't be a problem... I HOPE. :headbonk:


Thanks so much for setting this up. Alas I'll be in AZ drinking and partying at a friend's wedding, but will hoist one for the group (maybe each member), but I'll be there in spirit. Have a great ride and may the weather gods smile upon your entourage.

I get to go riding, I get to go riding! :yahoo:

Good friends, new roads..

I get to go riding, I get to go riding! :yahoo:

In new places I ain't never been,

I get to go riding, I get to go riding! :yahoo:

Seeing old friends, and meeting some new friends -

I get to go riding, I get to go riding! :yahoo:

Just sayin'..

Hugs n' Kisses


Ah come on Mike, take the mirrror off and join us! You don't need that new fangled contraption anyways.. :unsure: Going to miss you Mikee.
Welllll.....IF the part doesn't come in I could build a bandage with some duct tape and rope to support the mirror from flexing the nose piece........

Not likely, but I could. Dang! If the stay itself is over $300, what do you suppose a new nose piece would cost? I'm sure yu'd all be willing to "chip in"!?!? :lol:

Bummer. Turns out it's the weekend we're going up to Arcata for my daughter's graduation. So that's good. Missing the ride, though, that's bad. We're staying at the same hotel, in fact. I'll scope out restaurants for WFO for ya. Have fun everybody.

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I get to go riding, I get to go riding! :yahoo: Good friends, new roads..

I get to go riding, I get to go riding! :yahoo:

In new places I ain't never been,

I get to go riding, I get to go riding! :yahoo:

Seeing old friends, and meeting some new friends -

I get to go riding, I get to go riding! :yahoo:

Just sayin'..

Hugs n' Kisses

Don, as always, it'll be a pleasure to have you along. Since you're staying so close to the meet point, you'll have gotten a full allotment of beauty sleep and can attend in full pulchritude so that OM might get some more head shots for all the places you seem to show up. :lol:

For your pre-ride breakfast pleasure, here's an excellent, proximally located breakfast spot (1 of 4 places I go to breakfast in Auburn*):


13498 Luther Road (on the corner of Luther Road and Bowman Road)

Auburn, CA

(530) 823-1818

It's a popular breakfast spot with locals, and though it isn't as jammed as Awful Annie's or Katrina's, if you're late, it can sometimes take a while to get served. Great food, though. Oh, and


* [SIZE=8pt]In alphabetical order: Awful Annie's, Katrina's, South Pine Cafe & Sweetpeas.[/SIZE]

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