"The Back Way" Ride -- Sat. 5/15

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Where the hell is Carver? He was supposed top follow me home but apparently got a better offer from Rsvlfeej aka Patrick. Last time I saw him he was getting off the freeway in Roseville behind Patrick while I frantically waved him to stay on the freeway. Anybody seen him since?Mark

Maybe Pat has something special lined up for him at home. :blink:

Where the hell is Carver? He was supposed top follow me home but apparently got a better offer from Rsvlfeej aka Patrick. Last time I saw him he was getting off the freeway in Roseville behind Patrick while I frantically waved him to stay on the freeway. Anybody seen him since?Mark
Last I saw, I was waving at the three of you as I exited in Auburn. He didn't come back here. Wait -- let me go check.

Nope -- no Carver out front. Maybe he's color blind and thought the Galaxy Blue Gen.I was the Black Cherry Gen.II???

Who the hell are these people?


WTF is wrong with John? We may never know......


Oh I know, he's really just a very large and apparently hairy 11 year old...


Why is there a BMW in one of my pics?


We shoulda stopped and made our donations.


This picture would be a lot cooler if we were actually moving.


Rest of the pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/thomasmchavez/...feat=directlink

Mike is right, it was a great day!

Where the hell is Carver? He was supposed top follow me home but apparently got a better offer from Rsvlfeej aka Patrick. Last time I saw him he was getting off the freeway in Roseville behind Patrick while I frantically waved him to stay on the freeway. Anybody seen him since?Mark

When DCarver realized he'd followed the wrong bike off the highway, I offered him a place to crash for the night, but I think he remembered I have small, energetic children, so he decided to 'wing it' and go to Fairfield in search of Bokerfork. We trekked through Roseville to get to a Westbound I80 onramp. I kicked him onto the onramp and that's the last I saw of him. Anybody got a cell number for Don?

All you Power Rangers look alike, jes sayin'... :unsure:

Ok, so I'm trailing along like a little duck following mamma duck. All is great, nice day, thinking of pine trees and blue blue lakes, when all of a sudden I realize 'You ain't my Mommie!' That damn imprinting process needs some improvement. So much for evolution. Patrick got me back on I80, I pulled off shortly thereafter to recon a map, grab gas and a soda.

Not having BorkerForks phone number or addie, I called Old Michael, who, after last night, has evidently decided to not pick up anymore of my phone messages? :unsure: Can't say I blame him - :lol:

So, with a fresh load of fuel, and knowing you peeps could track my Spot page, I just headed for the barn. And here I am, about to sleep in my own bed with a real live warm woman, ahh, life is good.

One short story - running pretty strong Southbound I5. Got a black Lexus running rabbit at 93, fast lane, I'm in slow lane, about 300 yards behind. Approaching an overpass, I see the faint glint of 2 CHP door decals on the southbound side. Shit, shit, SHIT, heavy brakes and Oh Crap there's another one *under* the bridge, and he's accelerating like Junior Johnson off the dirt onto the pavement. I mean, pebbles are flying from his roost, and he and I are door to handlebar. I look over at him, he at me, but I'm de-accelerating, and he's accelerating, so it was brief. The Lexus got nailed. I skated. It's better to be lucky than good.

ExSkiBum - GREAT ride, man I really enjoyed it. More later, I'm off to look at pix.

All you Power Rangers look alike, jes sayin'... :unsure:
Jeezers Carver.

Actually, I know what you mean. That is why I only follow deb and her man --as their bike at least doesn't look like the rest of ya'all.


Hey, that was some good fun. Thanks Rich for setting that up. Thanks for sparing the safety lecture, -hence improving everyone's chance to stay accident free.

Dave, golly: It was great to see you -been too long and I hope we can go carve up some roads sometime soon.

Deb --it's no wonder why you're my favorite ..and Please let your man know that because of your ultra groovy bike ...you two have been comp'd free VIP passes to the upcoming north american Gen1 gathering. Please don't tell anyone though, there is some jealousy amongst the fat-bike owners.

....and to all the rest of you -Thanks for the fun.

I put a few pictures of and my ride here(clicky) ....and I stole a pic from OM and Thomas -thanks

Edit ..oops, fixed link

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So that's what happened to you, Sam!!!
There is no worries, we are all big boys here, if I had remembered that we were stopping at the Overlook I would have found you guys, but for some reason I thought I would catch you in Tahoe City (I mistakenly assumed that's where you were stopping for lunch).

I had a pretty awesome adventure by myself, took me on some roads I would never have been on otherwise - so all is good!

Next time, I will write down what the waypoints are on the ride or planned stops so I can catch up with the group if I get separated again.

See you on the next ride!


Sorry, I got separated from the group........but I didn't see them waiting at a turn - were you? .

Next time guys!
We waited for you Sam .. tried to wave you over but you didn't see us, but we knew you were upright and moving. We figured you'd catch us on one of the ramps like Eric and Neil. Like you say, "next time"

BUT .............Great ride guys :yahoo: . many thanks for putting it together Rich. Couldn't have been a better day for riding. Great scenery, cool peeps (well ..... there WAS OM !) and compliant weather.

We took 50 west (our small group of 4) but then I had to pull over at a gas station before the custom house so I could "unlock" my bum left knee !! Of course ... we couldn't catch up :rolleyes:

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Sorry, I got separated from the group........but I didn't see them waiting at a turn - were you? .

Next time guys!
We waited for you Sam .. tried to wave you over but you didn't see us, but we knew you were upright and moving. We figured you'd catch us on one of the ramps like Eric and Neil. Like you say, "next time"
Argghhh! I couldn't see anything beyond that boat and I think I was trying to look through that turn on Hwy 174, while Rollins Lake Road goes straight and missed seeing ya - my fault! Anyway - yea on to the next one! :)

Sorry to have missed you for much of the ride, but it was nice to finally meet you in the a.m.
It was great to meet you as well as the rest of the crew- some new faces, some familiar faces I had seen in person before and others I had only seen in pictures on the forum. Hope to see you all again sometime soon!

Who is the King of Fernley, anyway? It can't be RenoJohn -- that miscreant showed up at the Donner Lake overlook on old 40. He hid his bike behind a snow bank and across a pond, so we didn't spot him until we'd already turned in -- too late to bolt. I offered to share a safety lecture with him, but he refused. :rolleyes:
You could ask RenoJohn - he is the one who coined the phrase "King of Fernley". <_<

I was looking forward to seeing RJ again as well. Once again, next time! :)

QUOTE (exskibum @ May 15 2010, 08:51 PM)

QUOTE (tmc @ May 15 2010, 08:38 PM)

Rest of the pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/thomasmchavez/...feat=directlink

Great pics! Thanks! That procession of a dozen or so Cobras was very cool. Was that a blond woman driving that last red one you took the pic of?

I dunno. I was so busy fumbling my camera to get a quick pic I could have just as easily taken a picture of a pinecone or a squirrel:


clapping: Pretty nice pics there Tom :clapping: Thanks for sharing those.

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I am surprised so many of you signed up so Exskibum can show you the "back way" but hey, whatever floats your boats. Have a great ride you all and a special "Hey" to the Highlander.

Keep the shiny side up. :scooter:

You gave me a great idea for my next ride topic - Alaska signs. If the sign has a picture on it [like a moose] you will find it full of bullet holes. Apparently Alaskan's like to shoot signs while traveling to keep in practice. You never know when a sign might jump out at ya!
