I agree that the best farkle is the bike that gives me a place to put farkles ;o)
I made that comment because I just changed bikes, and immediately realised that I was going to pretty much repeat what I had on the old one. By the standards of many, mine is "lightly farkled", although in a parking lot next to regular bikes it looks like the USS Enterprise.
When you rally, it is the things you add that make it easier and more convenient ... all I have done is add them to a better bike.
In terms of my ability to rider longer I guess the "best" farkle would have to be the
Russell seat. Without it all the rest is moot because I couldn't sit there long enough.
LR5 lights from Justin are freakin' awesome. Not only do they reduce my stress they are a massive safety aid, and mean I can keep up a respectable pace at night.
Auxiliary Gas Tank is essential. With 6.6 gallons in the OEM tank that does give a range, even when pushing hard, of around 230 miles minimum. The problem is that you can't use it all. You might not know where the next gas is, and you can't be sure you are getting 35 mpg (even if most of the time you get more). So at 200 miles you are getting gas if you want peace of mind.
With the extra gas aboard you can always use every drop in the main tank. Often it won't run dry before 270 miles or more, so even a couple of extra gallons gives an easy range of over 300 miles, and removes all "gas anxiety". Priceless
I am going to miss
Cruise Control until I get around to fitting it to my '05. I rate that as "almost essential".
On bike
Hydration is right up there too as something I would really struggle without, both for its ability to keep me in decent shape, and add cooling to my jacket.