The Crap Just Won't Go Away.....

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BTW... it's about time you showed up here, Wally..... how ya been?

Headed to WFO-4 this year? B)

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Fastwally! Great to see you here! Have not heard from you in a looong time.

And, c'mon......Dale? Stirring up S***? Never! He is a just a poor, innocent babe in all this. Just like me. :D

And ditto what you said Dale. How conveinant to ban anyone who can refute the B.S. propaganda he spews on "HIS" forum. Ya know, I am really trying to let this crap go, and move on, but its really hard not to respond to the slurs, lies, and misinformation that make up "Marc's World".



Post this link over there for BEST RESULTS!!

{EDIT blatant personal slandering removed}

:assasin: :assasin: :assasin:

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Post this link over there for BEST RESULTS!!
{EDIT blatant personal slandering removed}

:assasin:  :assasin:  :assasin:
Dats a keeper!


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Well, I gotta say. Just a short while ago, I read Windjammer's post on in "The New Board" thread on the EZboard (yes, there are ways to bypass my "banned from viewing") and he has got me doing some serious thinking about this whole mess. I sent him a PM congratulating him on an outstanding display of leadership.

Bravo Zulu Windjammer! :clap:

Still, don't know if I can overcome my own weaknesses and petty, bitter, feelings and follow in his footsteps, but I guess I can try.

I think we can all learn something from his post.

Please, all, read it and do a little pondering and self-reflection.

[SIZE=8pt](Except for you two whackos radman and twowheelnut - youse fools are past all hope, just the way we like it!)[/SIZE] :D

I read Windjammer's excellent post last night and if Marc has the class and character to follow his advice, I would hope that the people that he has offended can put aside their hard feelings and move on. This never has been the zero sum game that Marc has tried to make it and there isn't any reason the two forums cannot peacefully co-exist together.

However, if Marc continues down his path of self-destruction then ...............

I read Windjammer's excellent post last night and if Marc has the class and character to follow his advice, I would hope that the people that he has offended can put aside their hard feelings and move on. This never has been the zero sum game that Marc has tried to make it and there isn't any reason the two forums cannot peacefully co-exist together.
However, if Marc continues down his path of self-destruction then ...............
and if Marc has the class and character to follow his advice,
Which remains to be seen, but it would be good if he comes around.

However, some of the recent fabrications he has been making over there doesn't seem to bode well for him changing his stance, so.... we'll have to see if Windjammer's post helps him turn it around.

Where is Windjammer's post on the "other" board?

Just did a search there for "Windjammer" in General Chat and came up with only three links all to do with cell phones. Has the link been eliminated?

(Except for you two whackos radman and twowheelnut - youse fools are past all hope, just the way we like it!)

Wha, wha, what did I do? :eh: ;)

Good job Windy... But I doubt it will do any good. Did I just hear the toilet flush?

Ya it's all pretty weird. I know Marc has said he is trying to do what he thinks is in the best interest of the forum, and he is sincere.

For me personally, I don't think that the best interests of the forum are the same as the best interests of this group. I certainly hold no hard feelings toward Marc, but after corresponding with him privately I think it all boils down to a fundemental difference of opinion of how things should work.

Kind of like the difference between club members needing a clubouse, and someone with a clubhouse needing a club to go in it. (You either get that or you don't.)

I don't care where we all meet as long as we ALL get to.


Your posts are absolutely spot on.

You are right, if nobody gave a crap about the EZboard, everyone would just bail.

Your advice to the other dude running that place is well thought out, and I hope he follows it.

Uh..oh :blink:

For the sake of levity I may have just copulated with the poodle on the other Forum...

My Last Post on EZ

Aw, crap. Time to laugh about the whole affaire :D .

We're just a bunch of good people having fun. Sometimes we trip over our egos, is all. A few years down the road we'll need Viagra to achieve the same performance :bigeyes: .


PS: Looks like headings don't get scrambled :D :D :D

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For the sake of levity I may have just copulated with the poodle on the other Forum...
Yalta. How appropriate. And an aside with my sig. I am truly honored good sir.
