The Crap Just Won't Go Away.....

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Blah blah blah
Guys... This Dude's nothing more than a troll, don't waste your time on him... If he can't see that we're just calling it how is... then oh well...

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I am confused at all the energy spent by all you great, wise, and respected FJRmen on this topic. People will stop posting here and this thread will fade....not soon enough for me. Move on folks....nothin' to see here.

I ride motorcycles, two Yamahas currently.

The Mighty FJR is my fav, with a healthy FZ1 for dragon slaying.

I can see an Italian with big jugs in my near future.

I like cheese, some wine and fruit with a little Lyle Lovett.....all good

This board is a natural evolution.

I'm glad to see it grow with some mutual friends.


By visiting both boards, it appears there is room for both. The personal attacks, at both places, are unwarranted (at least to the extent that we have seen) and it appears both camps are looking for that "coup de gras"(sp?) post, so apparently this won't die very soon. Nobody wins in a pissing contest, and I'm afraid that that's what we have hear. As far as this post goes, it's getting a little bit tedious. On a lighter side, let me say this: I "triple dog dare" you guys to drop this and get on with the purpose of the Forum to discus...........ah, ah, oh yeah, the FJR, isn't it?

I just sickens my gums when posters on this thread condemn the continuation of the thread --at the same time add their comments to continue it!! If they feel so strong about letting it die a "natural death", why pray tell do they feel a NEED to add their 2 cents to continue it? I guess they must be of the opinion that they have the final word on it.

The FJR isn't just some inert object, ridden by objectified "bodies", but rather by real people who have legitimate feeling about how best to run a forum. One of the core qualities of the motorcycle experience is the freedom of expression--the very quality that now 600 riders esteem about this forum over it predecessor.

the purpose of the Forum to discus...........ah, ah, oh yeah, the FJR, isn't it?
It is that, but it is more: it is also a forum to discuss issues that affect the FJR community, in whatever form that takes. A FJR forum admin gone nuts happens to be one such topic.

So... since there is NO censorship of discussions here at, this topic will die out when members are done discussing it. That does not appear to be the case at the moment.

So... since there is NO censorship of discussions here at, this topic will die out when members are done discussing it. That does not appear to be the case at the moment.
What?!?! You mean, I can say "EZboard" here without getting banned?? Wow. :bigeyes:
See, I'll even give ya's a link.  Still here... ;)
Not for many of us... here's what I see clicking on that link..... <_<


At first he just banned my member name, so I could log off EZBoard and then could still look at the forum in read-only mode. But now he has gone to banning my by IP address as well.....

Marc, buddy, I know you check this forum thread daily; you'll note that you have neither been banned by username or IP address. Too bad you can't do the courtesy of the same....

Oh, well....

Yeah, what epoche and Warchild said.

You know what I find tiresome? People telling me how I should act and feel, and condemning me for feeling strongly about something and expressing those feelings.

Some of you newbies apparently have no idea how much effort, blood, sweat, and tears some of us have put into the EZboard forum. Especially, the Grand Poobah himself. Frankly, Marc Newman had a very small presence on HIS board until very recently. A fairly large group of us made the EZboard forum what it was - a great forum. OUR forum.

So why are you all so surprised that we are really pissed and saying so when when one man singlehandedly has killed that forum? And not only that, he has banned us, censored or deleted our posts, spread lies, misinformation, and insulted our intelligence and personally attacked us.

You think stuff like that is NOT going to get some airplay? Come on, thats not realistic.

I just returned from a 3 day trip to Western Montana (and will not bore you with the details of how great US-12 is from Lewiston, ID to Missoula and how much fun it is to blast along the back roads in Montana but my 2005 FJR now has 6,000 miles and the dreaded "tick" is totally silent) and was hoping to find that Marc Newman had decided to reverse course and get his ship off the rocks before it sunk. After reading WJ's and Bounce's comments it appeared that Marc would rather sink his ship than save it. To get another perspective, I went over to Marc's place and found a hotbed of non-activity. A 3 day absence really highlights the differences between the forums, this one is "jumping" and that one places a post now and then between the yawns. The only real activity is in the thread about this forum where they have 3,000 views to date. Marc did make one valid comment that users should post on this board (his forum), that board (that would be us), or both boards and quit whining. It looks like most have chosen door #2.

Not a big fan of his music, but anyone who scored Julie Roberts, even for a little time, is "ok" in my book.

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Never was much of a Lyle fan and to be honest, I have to admit that part of that might have been that he looks a bit freaky... anywho a few yrs ago, I caught some song on the radio that I really liked and turned out it was him. Since then I've found a few soungs of his that I've really grown to like, with "Fat Babies Have No Pride" probably being one of my favorites.

Anyway, back on topic: Here's to free-speech whether from freaks or saints. :drinks:

I don't know what all the people are talking abouts saying, let it go, go ride, talk about bikes. This thread is what it is and for all the reasons stated previously. (i.e. EZBoard was crashing, one person booted people and became self-serving and our FJR community was losing its community center) and people are upset.

The forum would be boring if it was just one topic called "FJR Talk, nothing else".

Don't read this thread if you don't llike it. It is like a car wreck, you just have to look, and some just can't help but post and say, "stop posting about this". You are no better.

Anyway, people are venting here (once you get to know a lot of the key players here you will know they are sarcastic half the time), Welcome to the Internet !!

I just returned from a 3 day trip to Western Montana (and will not bore you with the details of how great US-12 is from Lewiston, ID to Missoula and how much fun it is to blast along the back roads in Montana but my 2005 FJR now has 6,000 miles and the dreaded "tick" is totally silent) and was hoping to find that Marc Newman had decided to reverse course and get his ship off the rocks before it sunk. After reading WJ's and Bounce's comments it appeared that Marc would rather sink his ship than save it. To get another perspective, I went over to Marc's place and found a hotbed of non-activity. A 3 day absence really highlights the differences between the forums, this one is "jumping" and that one places a post now and then between the yawns. The only real activity is in the thread about this forum where they have 3,000 views to date. Marc did make one valid comment that users should post on this board (his forum), that board (that would be us), or both boards and quit whining. It looks like most have chosen door #2.
I did that trip last year on my old Honda and had a blast. It would be even more fun on my FJR!!!! I stopped to take a photo of me and my bike under a sign that said "Next 77 Miles" Twisty.
