The Heat is Tamed!

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-another suggestion you might consider- perhaps you could make the mounts to have, say, just 2 adjustments; an 'A' and 'B' position allowing more versatility marked with some engraved lines on the mounts themselves...unless that would make the mounts too bulky............OR...

-the other mount design you mention that sounds the most attractive & streamlined, (i.e. the 'machined blister' that you say you might make for yourself)...given the choice I know I would choose such a design despite the extra expense...

Here is a rough and dirty idea of the clamp-on I am considering. It is not to scale but gives you the idea of how it would clamp on the stem. The bolt on the wing will be the bolt that tightens the clamp's grip on the stalk. It is made from two pieces of metal plate, bent and notched. One notch goes inside the other to form the hinge.

You could clamp it forward or back of the stalk depending on preference. It will have to clamp with some force as the stalks are like trying to grab a cone.

My blister mount will require one blind hole to be drilled and tapped in the bottom of the stalk.



Are you planning to produce these for us FJR owners when you get your final design? I personally would be very interested in your heat fix. Any idea when you might make it available? I have another hot ride scheduled for the end of August. Thanks!

Have you tested the differences w/ the windshield up/down. Also, has having that extra air in there helped w/ backpressure or buffeting?

If you are going to make these available for us FJR riders I'd be interested as the long summer rides here in Vermont causes the tank to get WARM for me. Only problem I have with this bike. Keep us posted.


It works,thats for sure. Cobbled, er, engineered a mount for use with the Hella FF50's on Frank, this was the result.



They moved a ton of air, and very quietly, as opposed to having the shield down. Thats the beauty of this, lotsa air, but with my +4+4 CB fully up. Quiet as hell, but with mega airflow right where it's most beneficial, right across the tank sides and into my midsection,where there was dead air, a steady wind now exists. I can see how this would keep the tank cool, a lot of airflow right where it's needed. Might look a little fugly, but thats quickly forgotten when the air starts blasting on ya. Very cool, and Dr. Frunkensteen and I will pursue this a little further.

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Dizzat offer any cooling/breeze to the leg areas that often generate complaint?

Oh, and jeezums you're a slob! Clean the joint up, wouldja? :grin:

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Dizzat offer any cooling/breeze to the leg areas that often generate complaint?

Oh, and jeezums you're a slob! Clean the joint up, wouldja? :grin:
Q1) Yes, more if you lowered the wing a little more.

Q2) Bench was cluttered, John showed up and I kinda just shoved shit outta the way. :****:

New mount, set up tonight. For owners of G's light brackets, simplicity defined. Have to get some bolts tomorrow, will post pics then. Works like a champ.

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Dizzat offer any cooling/breeze to the leg areas that often generate complaint?

Oh, and jeezums you're a slob! Clean the joint up, wouldja? :grin:
I look forward to the day at WFO when Rad, TWN and me (and anyone else that wants to) get to share some of my McCallans 18 :)

My engineering mounts kept the wings in place at 130mph. I am not sure about 140mph though. :D

That will have to wait for another day and a long straight stretch of road...maybe some desolate place in Nevada or Utah. At the triples heat is the last thing on my mind...another kind is... :(

Hey, mnfjr....what day you heading back to minnesota? Will be heading there after wfo....(if and when I go).

I am heading back on Sunday. I'll have to see how Machmann's posterior is holding up to see if we will be back home Tuesday or Wednesday...I don't want to wear him out on the ride. Also depends on the route. We may go out through southern Colorado and Utah(all the National Parks) and home via a more northerly route through Wyoming and SD. Or we could reverse it! With my newly air conditioned FJR I really don't care what way we go! :D

While you guys are doing all the testing, please check and see if the wing will block the wind if it's turned out? This could be really useful when riding in the colder weather? I'm certainly interested in having a pair of these if it does?


MNFJR05 comment back on page 2 of the discussion...

"You can close the wings in the cold weather to keep cold air off the lower body. I tried that this AM on the way into work. It appears that it will extend the riding season for me here in the northern US."

In short, yes, you can "close" them and warm yourself up.
