The Heat is Tamed!

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The tank heat is for the most part a result of the fuel return coming off the press regulator. The constant flow and return gathers heat present in the rail area and sends it via the fuel into the tank, which, with a closed circuit, would explain why the tank gets warmer as the level gets lower. As such, insulating the bottom of the tank has had limited success, though it of course has to help some, it's not the final solution. I would use the wings, as long as the mount was a little less clunky looking, like the mirror base mounts mentioned. I've considered experimenting with a small Ford PS cooler I have, routing the return fuel through it. Fear of fire has prevented me from implementing this mod, any routing outside the frame is chancey at best. And I had similar poor results removing the rubber tank fillers-mega btu's from the spaces, no improvement in any way I could tell.
Hey! That power steering loop thought is a cool idea. Pun intended. :D

Fear of fire indeed. Hell, if you laid her down and she caught fire you could probably sue Yamaha for having produced such a defective bike that you were forced to make such drastic modifications.

Seriously though, that's a good line of thought. Run stainless steel tubing to the PS pipe in front of the radiator. I'm not feeling flush enough to give that a go, but it sounds like an interesting complement to other heat management ideas.


Rancho Cucamonga, CA (but not for long!) :yahoo:

Ok, this is the best setup I could develop for use with Garaulds Light Brackets and the Hella FF50's I have in use. Anyone using this light and interested in utilizing the Baker Built Hand Wings post up if you have any questions.




As you can see, I located the Hellas under the brackets rather than my original over install, this allowed me to locate the Wings in an optimal position for airflow, while at the same time eliminating the need for any additional brackets. Thanks, MNFJR05 for the idea, and all note it was his idea to incorporate these on the FJR originally, not mine. ;) :D

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When I return from WFO I will work on the blister mounts. :construction: The mount for the stock FJR mirrors will be pretty easy. There is a large flat area to mount it against on the stalk. The FZ stalks are a little trickier as they have a round tapered underside. I am making them so you will be able to use the stock mounting hardware that comes with the Baker HandWings. It is the simpliest and most elegant design. They should look like part of the original mirror stalk. The folks :friends: can peruse my bike at WFO and we'll get plenty of feedback I am sure. :black eye: :argue:

If there is enough interest I will probably set something up with a local machine shop to pound them out in quantity. Or we can put Skyway to work again. :butcher:

I will post pics of both and then you can choose your poison :russian_roulette: if you wish to get in on the wing phenomenon. The guys with the driving lights can mount'em as Rad has. I think the G mount is a little overkill just to mount a wing without lights. :headbonk:

Then we can check with one of our vendors :telephone: and setup the dreaded group buy for the Baker hardware. :specool: :yahoo:

Baker HandWings for FJR Air Conditioning

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For the sake of better aerodynamics, as well as purely aesthetic reasons, you gonna change some of those FUGLY fasteners to stainless buttonhead bolts, K? :blink:

You wanna match the rest of the fairing bolts, don't you? :p

MNFJR05 That is a very unique fix for the heat problem. I call it the ole American way.

It seems you have the time to tinker and experment and find solutuions for hard to fix problems. I would like to congraulate you on this one. I have an 05 also and it gets hot also .

Now I have thought about the heat issue to but no time because of work demands to research and experment like you. So here is my idea same as yours redirect the air and mix with the heat comming off the engine. The only thing that would be needed would be both left and right fairings (used or damaged from a fjr that has been wrecked and salvaged. If you were to take the area where it comes to point below the mirror and were able to form and make an air scoop inlet to get the air to flow past the gas tank and mix with the air comming off the engine at the back of the tank might be a way to solve the heat issue.

Its all about re-direction and mixing of air to get ris of the heat. A suggestion to help with the idea take a look at a Kawasaki Concours how they get the air to flow to and through their engine

Mama Yama should rent a wind tunnel for you to solve the never ending heat issue

ideas ideas ideas that is how you fix things weekend rider

Not to Highjack the thread, but I think we need a little Twin Cities FJR get together to show these off & tell lies about WFO... How does Aug 6th sound....


Sounds like a good idea to me. I'll have a set of Baker wings by then too (<< wing thread content) although they won't likely be installed yet.

Another observation on Garauld mounts. A super simple option for that mount would be to acquire a short piece of fairly heavy gauge metal, about the thickness of the metal plate already on the Baker Wing, approximately and inch wide and 3 inches long or so. Simply drill two holes in it. One hole the diameter of the bolt for the light mount in one end, the other a hole for the wing mount on the other end. You can then sandwich the strap between the light and the Garauld mount using the bolt for the light mount and let it extend past the outer edge of the light. Mount the wing inverted as Radman has in the other hole and you can then keep the lights mounted on top.

Maybe, just maybe, G will want to create version 2.0 of his mounts with an extended mounting tab that extends beyond the light and is predrilled with two holes. One for the light, the other for the wing! It would only need to be extended about 2 or 3 inches or so past its present length.

I hope we are not boring people with this endless banter, but as I look at it more and more I keep getting more and more ideas flashing in my noggin’.

I am going to talk with Baker about an FJR specific wing that will be tapered to match the angle of the stock FJR or FZ mirrors if there is enough interest here. I gave thought to chopping the existing wing but it would really reduce the surface area if I did that. I would prefer we get them the same length, just with the correct taper at the top. Closed they will appear as a factory option then. He could even consider a set with the mounting holes in the bottom of the wing on the flat side for the G mounts. No extra cost, he would just drill the holes along the bottom instead of the top.

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Not to Highjack the thread, but I think we need a little Twin Cities FJR get together to show these off & tell lies about WFO... How does Aug 6th sound....
Works for me.

The fastners are a little fugly-the lights were fine top mount, but now everything shows. I still prefer the top mount, I'll remove the wings as weather cools, and relocate the lamps, at the same time re-mounting my VStrom handguards. Maybe I'll just get some big-ass chrome acorn nuts, that should get me into the Pirate Club as well as help deflect the asthetics complaints here......... :p

Rad, do the wings have to be mounted on the top of the light brackets? If they were mounted below the light brackets, would you get more air to the left leg area where the heat is the greatest?

I put the Cal-Sci cut-outs in my '05 stock windshield and can get plenty of air in the cockpit area now but have been searching for a way to disperse left side heat...w/out adding insulation to the engine compartment.


Rad, do the wings have to be mounted on the top of the light brackets? If they were mounted below the light brackets, would you get more air to the left leg area where the heat is the greatest?
I put the Cal-Sci cut-outs in my '05 stock windshield and can get plenty of air in the cockpit area now but have been searching for a way to disperse left side heat...w/out adding insulation to the engine compartment.

Don't see why not.

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I posted a note recently asking about vendors that made these things. The only one I know about is Baker. How about an existing product that could be mounted diretly to the fairings? Any other manufacturer's out there besides Baker?

Cal Scientific had a set of stick on thingies that attached to various spots on the fairing. One piece went behind the gills and a fella I know up in Wyoming said it eliminated the heat for him.

I bought an 06 GL and as soon as it started to warm up this spring I knew it was going to be a hot ride in the summer. Lots of engine heat and not a whole lot of air in the rider area. I purchased the hand wings and installed them before going on a 4.5k ride about the southeast states. These wings made a big difference. While on my ride I attended a Wing rally in Nashville and I purchased the guards that mount in front of the engine on the crash bars. Although they were meant to keep rain and cold off the rider's legs, they also work well in the summer. They break up the airflow past the engine and push the heat out and away from the rider's legs. I think that some sort of plexiglas wing mounted forward of the FJR gills would most likely do the same thing.

Many Wing riders have the same concerns seen here about esthetics, but those who have mounted the Baker Wings swear by them (not at them) and would never take them off. It makes the ride much more pleasant.

I have eliminated the majority of the heat on my fast '03 FJR, but I would still be interested in pulling out more and bringing in more fresh air. I mostly ride with my tall Yamaha shield in the full down or slightly raised position with a laminar lip attached. I know, the lip is fugly also, but then I'm into riding, not stylin'

I also have the other big wings that mount on the middle fairing (around and above the radiator openings), but I haven't got around to mounting them yet. I plan on doing that as soon as I return from WFO.

Some have asked about the address of Baker. Here it is for you that are Google challenged: BAKER WINGS

There are several vendors out there that sell the wings at discounted prices. I don't know if Baker would be interested in a group buy thing. My experience is that it's just more expedient and easier to buy direct, unless there are significant savings involved.

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Failed Experiment




Only the finest cardboard and masking tape was used in the construction of the "Ram Air Under Tank Vent System." Rubber thingy on left side was removed.

Did it work, NO!

Here are the results of tank temp before and after:

Ambient temp was 90, tank temp measured w/inferred temp gun after 10 minutes at 70 mph on the Interstate.

No Vent, Tank temps = sides 115, back 103

With Vent, Tank temps = sides 108, back 110

Fortunately I did not quit my day job before this experiment.

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OK, so how'd these modifications work out at the WFO?jim
Outstanding. When combined with a Wet Vest, shield up, the effect was good for a 70 degree feeling at 100 degrees. A plus was that when I turn them so as to block air, the result is dead air along the sides and at the grips, so a great cold weather farkle also. It actually negates the need for my V-Strom handguards.

OK...should I get my air wings and Garauld's light brackets now? Or,is there a reason to wait? Group buy? Baker gonna make an FJR specific hand wing? Need some advice here. Thanx.
