The Million Mile Challenge. Who's In?

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Just got through putting in 3600+ miles on a 6 day trip from White House, TN to the Grand Canyon and back. (The trip actually ended earlier than expected because the two guys that I went with decided they wanted to come back home! Of course, they weren't riding FJR's!)


traditional chinese in honor of the recent "Big One". i think you know what it says. ;)

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Do commute miles count? Sheesh, 40 miles per day X ?????. At least 200 miles per week X 4 weeks=800 miles.

I'll report every Friday if it helps.

Shoot I'll add

230 miles last weekend, running up to estes park then peak to peak, down turkey creek and back home for the coloradoans. Hope to do a couple saddle sore rides this year too.

+1586 miles since my last post. 6 day, 5 state ride through Alabama to Gatlinburg. A couple of days of twisties...Dragon, Blue Ridge, NC. etc. Then back to Destin via Atlanta & Tallahasse.

Awesome ride! NEED ZUMO.

Do we disadvantaged (weather challenged) get a multiplicative factor, say 1.5, for our mileage? :rolleyes:
Disadvantaged, please. Live next to a rain forrest an try to put on the miles. BTW, just turned over 1900 miles since april 3rd (delivery of 08 with 00000)

I'll easily add 12,000 miles for the whole year because I'm already at 5750 miles for the year. Mostly commuting miles and I'm pretty hard core about that. I had a week of temps in the 20's and one day had to scrape an inch of snow off the bike to ride home from work.
No exciting trip reports although I'm planning on taking the wife on her first long distance ride this weekend. Tacoma to Tri-cities WA. This will be a trial run for her before our planned Montana trip in June.
It's the only we know how to ride in Washington. Rain, Snow, Sleet, Hail. If it's sunny out we get confused.

My small contribution to the forum's total:

27,449 Today's odometer reading (May 17, 2008)

- 20,264 Odometer from January 8, 2008 (the earliest receipt I could find with mileage on it.)


7,185 Total miles YTD

The FJR is my only means of transportation so about 100-120 miles a week spent commuting.

Some of those 7K miles were in a SS1K , a failed BBG (I don't like ice... Much... At all :glare: ), visiting the Mojave Preserve and an extremely fun ride with the new Streetmaster grads.

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Well hot diggity!

+375 miles for the week (5/17) and an even 5k for the YTD total.

Woulda got more in on a poker run today but it was boooooring!

65 miles in pre-Iron Butt errands.
3363 miles for Goldenbutt and tour back home

3428 miles for this post.

Should be 3664 so far for me. Hopefully that gets me off the bottom of the table. :unsure:


Did 22 miles on the Brutale in a battery recharge effort (would have done more on the F4, but, um, it didn't start.... optimate purchased....)

Today did 210 miles to Motegi to watch a friend race, then to Ikea, and home. Yes, we have Ikea here. Looks basically the same as everywhere else!

Total for this post 232 miles.

Grand total should come to: 3896 this year!


Throw me in for another 115.

I'll be back after the trip in Spain with some real numbers (Finally!!!)

put me down for another 564 miles this past week. commuting with a pretty good ride down thru arkansas and mississippi today


I logged 234 for the week.

Great foothill/mountain ride today - this thing handles like a F1 car!


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