the scary part is how it will look

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I think it looks cool, but I have a question. Why does the black paint look flat? Is it just the pictures or were the parts sanded down or something? If they were sanded, are you gonna go back to glossy once the graphic work is done, or stay flat?

looks dull cuz it still need the clear coat

oops, dj bill beat me to it.

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Kudo's to ya for stepping out and doing bold graphics. If that makes one happy go for it. My personal tastes using graphics are ghosting which causes a more subtle effect. I also like 3D which when ghosted causes even more depth which when done right can make a small space like bike tanks and panels look even more pronounced but not too much. Keep up the good work and let us see the finished product. PM. <>< ;)

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See? That's the difference between me and an artist. I look at the tape job and I say, "Wait, what?....blecky". Then I see the finished product and I say, "Oh, I get it."

I'm liking it. I'd love to see some shots of the work on the bike, all polished up.

Thanks for posting the pics of the work in progress.

You mean rookie cop magnet. Only rookies eat powdered donuts. The sugar gets all over the dark blue uniform. It's the first thing I teach the new guys when I'm training.
yeah. and they sure wouldn't want someone getting the doughnut powder mixed up with the cocain and heroin.

Seems like a lot of people are in a paintin' mood. Doing your own tear down, pre-prep (debadging, de-decalling, removing clips, fuel pump, etc.), and reassembly can save you some little bit of investment in the total cost. The FJR has a lot of bits to the total skin and all that tear down and reassembly can be costly when it's on the clock.

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WOW! rather "busy" isn't it.

Though not my cuppa tea, it is unique and eye catching. Gotta say the guys got talent, that kind of stuff is difficult to do. Very artistic

I like it a lot better than the bull **** some chop shops are callin choppers these days. :dribble:

Nice job.


I gotta admit, I'm a convert! When I saw the original tape layout, I wasn't able to visualize the finished product. Now that it's done (and done very well, I must add), I think it is very eye-catching.

Good for you for having the stones to try something like this... I lack imagination, but can applaud those with it :clapping:

Enjoy your new ride - there isn't another like it, and that's good!

Most of all, stay safe while riding.


Very nicely done. Although, I have to wonder.... Eight friggin years we've been after Yamaha to give us black, and you go and paint it with blue and silver! The only two colors we got until '07. :lol: :rolleyes:

Nice! The big difference I see,is that the bags look more like they're part of the bike...Nice work......
