the scary part is how it will look

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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alright my brothers and sisters,here it is............
WOW! Not my cup o' tea, but it looks pretty good.

Very different. Kinda to busy for me. I hate to be the first one to put a scratch in it. Iffen mine ever gets to scratched up or heaven forbid i drop it definately the red and white spray cans are coming out.


Looks pretty cool, but there are too many lines going in too many directions.

Love the colors, just a few less lines and it would be HOT!

I'm liking the bike! It does unify it (and I'm a big Tron fan to boot)!

Reminds me of the circuit-cycles. Cools, man!!!


At my first look i say no way .Then i said let me give it a chance like a new album or wine . So i went back a couple of times at looked at it and it looks really good and i would say with out the bags it will look greAT . So how about a pic. with them off .

It is pretty wild for an FJR but kind of cool. You will not have to worry about falling asleep on long rides as it is loud enough to keep you awake. It will definitely be easy to find in l large group of FJRs. Enjoy and ride safe.
