After 36 years of riding naked bikes I was looking for something that would extend my range and riding season, yet still let me have some fun in the twisties plus take an occasional brisk run down the drag strip. I also wanted the passenger to be a bit more comfy than what the V-Max or XS400 offered <_< The FJR fit the bill for us, no matter how it was classified in the motorcycle world. My next motorcycle will also be expected to meet this criteria too, no matter how it may be classified. I hope some Pious Prius driving, marketing dweeb doesn't decide that what we need in place of the FJR is a V-Twin Dirt Cruiser or a variable engine displacement, automatic transmission VFR with a HondaBaja™ package and non-removable, integrated 0.75 cu/ft touring luggage. I also don't look forward to being forced into using a Goldwing to tow an R1 in order to have a Sport Tourer.