The stock Air Box Funnel reduction surgery.....By WW

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Webby, those are some big numbers for an FJR, and your "baseline" numbers are the highest I have ever seen. I can't find any data on the Remus exhaust, how much it is supposed to add to the stock FJR or how much additional noise it makes but since your baseline is with the baffles out, could you give us the same results when the baffles were in?

Oh yes... I put a clean sniffer filter in, sniffed the right exhaust can (Cylinders #3/#4).

I can get the AFR print outs later (They are saved to his hard drive under WICKED WEBBY!!!) showing how they related to all my setups. I will get you all the link for my new thread later on tonight(after I setup a new thread regarding this. This thread will have some pics of my dyno fun too!! Sorry but they were taken with my cell phone.


Patience Bro... My recipe calls for a whole lot more air (more than the trimmed funnel) and a whole lot more fuel than just +7 CO. I am gonna call my thread... "WICKED WEBBY'S RECIPE FOR GREAT HP AND TORQUE!"

More a little later guys... Gotta iron out some family stuff.


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Webby, those are some big numbers for an FJR, and your "baseline" numbers are the highest I have ever seen. I can't find any data on the Remus exhaust, how much it is supposed to add to the stock FJR or how much additional noise it makes but since your baseline is with the baffles out, could you give us the same results when the baffles were in?

Remember my baseline numbers were with the Remus Hexacone slip ons with the baffles out(I have heard that they add 4-5 hp.. BUT can't verify that BUT it sounds about right). Also, sorry I am waiting to get all the data from all my runs from the Boarhouse.. Need to bring in a USB drive and retrieve the data. I don't know what Remus claims BUT when I put in the baffles I lost around 3 HP... Never put them back in... Any body want um?? Cause they staying out!!

Thanks for noticing my AWESOME RESULTS!!!


BTW, my link to the new thread:

Remember my baseline numbers were with the Remus Hexacone slip ons with the baffles out(I have heard that they add 4-5 hp.. BUT can't verify that BUT it sounds about right) ......... I don't know what Remus claims BUT when I put in the baffles I lost around 3 HP...
Thanks! :clapping: I think you are saying that your baseline would have been around 125-126 HP (which is pretty consistent with other FJRs in stock configuration) with the stock mufflers and that the Remus Hexacone slip ons only adds about 2 HP if you leave the baffles in.

Are they pretty loud with the baffles out?

Oh yes... I put a clean sniffer filter in, sniffed the right exhaust can (Cylinders #3/#4).
Not to be asshat-picky (but I'm so good at it according to my wife and daughters), but if you just have slip-ons, then the right can isn't just 3 and 4. The system is 4 into 1 into 2. The catalyst is in that "1" space and both cans exhaust that same space.

The Remus Hexacones with baffles out is AWESOME sounding. A little louder than stock in the low rpms and at WOT a bit louder yet but not overly LOUD OR OUT OF HAND.

I hope this link helps:

Sound bytes toward the end.


Hahaha, always listen to your wife and don't be ass-hatpicky. You have to pick a side to sniff and... the baseline cylinder is #3... Numbers #3 and #4 come together on the right in front of the 02 sensor. Just made sense to me to sniff the right side.



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First, thanks for posting your slips. Nice gain from bottom to top, but...

2.8 HP/1.1 ft lb gains are not "Great". And you started and completed run 2, dismounted, pulled the covers off, pulled the air box off, put the modded box in, reinstalled the panels, remounted the bike, fired it up and ran run 3 in under 1 min 30 sec? Wow! Did you b-mod your wrench, too? Sumpin' doesn't add up WW. Not dissin' you for the work or effort, but the results leave me won'nerin' - if the time stamp is off, what else might be off on the dyno?

- Skeptical in Santa Babs

PS I'm questioning only the air box mod and nothing else.

First, thanks for posting your slips. Nice gain from bottom to top, but...

2.8 HP/1.1 ft lb gains are not "Great". And you started and completed run 2, dismounted, pulled the covers off, pulled the air box off, put the modded box in, reinstalled the panels, remounted the bike, fired it up and ran run 3 in under 1 min 30 sec? Wow! Did you b-mod your wrench, too? Sumpin' doesn't add up WW. Not dissin' you for the work or effort, but the results leave me won'nerin' - if the time stamp is off, what else might be off on the dyno?

- Skeptical in Santa Babs

PS I'm questioning only the air box mod and nothing else.

Sorry, but I am going to let you have it here......

Nuttin to be skeptical about...Nothing off on this dyno including the time stamp(that I am aware of). Just because you stand corrected. I actually did a 2nd stock run, to see if it there was any difference before the 3rd run. The 3rd run was only changing the stock airbox cover out(to the trimmed one, which I had purposley secured with only 2 of the screws in preparation of this switch, plastic already off, you need to get under the tank to hook up the rpm lead to the spark plug wire). Never even shut the bike off, I wanted a accurate side by side run. The air box mod came about an hour after(and had already been prepared).. Dyno time ain't cheap Nut. You ever been on one? Doesn't sound like it. Don't worry Nut, I ain't trying to sell you nothing. Stay skeptical and keep your bike as is... It don't matter to me. You don't need to buy a word of what my HP research has shown.. Cause I ain't trying to sell it to you. Just sharing good info for those FJR folks that want to maximize relatively cheap HP mods.

Everything adds up........... except for your admission of being wrong.

Give it up Nut.. Man up, admit it and move on!!

I appreciate your Thank You!!


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Probably the wrong thread but since we are taking about airboxs, I have a question for those who know a lot more about air box design than I do.......

When you have an air intake system like the FJR's which actually draws air from behind the engine, wouldn't you also have negative air pressure to the airbox at highway speeds which would decrease the engine' s HP but would not be reflected in a static dyno run .... just the opposite of trying to determine HP on a bike with a ram air system?

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I'm one who is impressed with your results and have two quick questions.

1) I know you suggested the Gen II model airbox should be the same as Gen I. Can other's confirm this?

2) I liked the idea of drilling large holes in the flute as opposed to cutting the flute completely off. Any thoughts against this?

3) Also, Any idea to fuel economy? How much less are you expected to get...if any?

Thanks for your work and I am looking forward to your complete write-up.

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Well done! Thanks for sharing your hot rodding ideas. Pretty impressive results in my opinion.

As posted earlier, I too went for the air intake funnel mod. Re-sync'd the throttle bodies and found that the motor seems to breath a lot easier.

I'm not generally interested in drag racing my bike, but I do like to have a crisp response and power available when needed.

My bike now has: K&N replacement filter, a PC-III w/ the stock setting for a K&N, intake air funnel mod, throttle spring unwound 1 wrap and BJM to +7.

I don't know or care what my dyno numbers are, but it satisfies my seat-o-the-pants dyno, and is very impressive to me when asked to scoot! I've had some powerhouse superbikes in my past, but I really like the everyday usefulness and power availability that the FJR provides!

Again, congrats on your quest for performance!

Sorry, but I am going to let you have it here......

Nuttin to be skeptical about...Nothing off on this dyno including the time stamp(that I am aware of). Just because you stand corrected. I actually did a 2nd stock run, to see if it there was any difference before the 3rd run. The 3rd run was only changing the stock airbox cover out(to the trimmed one, which I had purposley secured with only 2 of the screws in preparation of this switch, plastic already off, you need to get under the tank to hook up the rpm lead to the spark plug wire). Never even shut the bike off, I wanted a accurate side by side run. The air box mod came about an hour after(and had already been prepared).. Dyno time ain't cheap Nut. You ever been on one? Doesn't sound like it. Don't worry Nut, I ain't trying to sell you nothing. Stay skeptical and keep your bike as is... It don't matter to me. You don't need to buy a word of what my HP research has shown.. Cause I ain't trying to sell it to you. Just sharing good info for those FJR folks that want to maximize relatively cheap HP mods.

Everything adds up........... except for your admission of being wrong.

Give it up Nut.. Man up, admit it and move on!!

I appreciate your Thank You!!

It still ain't jivin' WW, but I'll leave this thread and you with a final *snerk*.


Sorry, but I am going to let you have it here......

Nuttin to be skeptical about...Nothing off on this dyno including the time stamp(that I am aware of). Just because you stand corrected. I actually did a 2nd stock run, to see if it there was any difference before the 3rd run. The 3rd run was only changing the stock airbox cover out(to the trimmed one, which I had purposley secured with only 2 of the screws in preparation of this switch, plastic already off, you need to get under the tank to hook up the rpm lead to the spark plug wire). Never even shut the bike off, I wanted a accurate side by side run. The air box mod came about an hour after(and had already been prepared).. Dyno time ain't cheap Nut. You ever been on one? Doesn't sound like it. Don't worry Nut, I ain't trying to sell you nothing. Stay skeptical and keep your bike as is... It don't matter to me. You don't need to buy a word of what my HP research has shown.. Cause I ain't trying to sell it to you. Just sharing good info for those FJR folks that want to maximize relatively cheap HP mods.

Everything adds up........... except for your admission of being wrong.

Give it up Nut.. Man up, admit it and move on!!

I appreciate your Thank You!!

It still ain't jivin' WW, but I'll leave this thread and you with a final *snerk*.

You're never wrong are you...and your psychic? :rolleyes:

Hahahaha Guys..

2wheelnut.. I bet you and I would have a lot of fun debating over a case of beer or 2!! Hopefully we can get a chance to do that some day!!

Sorry all... I am very time strapped right now.... BUT.. Tune into my other posted (WW's Great HP/TQ) thread in a few hours and I am gonna show you all what I did to my air box and what my final CO levels were for my peak hp/tq run.

Take care all,


2) I liked the idea of drilling large holes in the flute as opposed to cutting the flute completely off. Any thoughts against this?
Drilling holes makes a great deal more mechanical sense, but it's very difficult to say exactly how that might effect the airflow through the tube. Many times such "side holes" can create turbulence cushions that actually restrict the air flow, rather than enhance it.

You would have to try the design on a CAD Airflow System or test the object on an airflow bench to be sure. Next best thing, make the holes, place the thing in a box approximately the size of the airbox. Attach a shop vac hose to the box. Then use a couple smoke bombs and flashlight to study how the air flows differently between stock and drilled configurations.

Don't ask any questions about the above setup. My neighbors nearly had me committed once, but none of them have ever outrun me.


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wecked webby , huh?......i say this ass clown is non other than that fag STARCRUISER !......two wheel nut, you know who I,m referring too?.... this WW has the same bragging attitude and no-it-all style as SC....

this air box thing has been tried before by some of the original folks on this FJR Forum, and other forums... YEARS AGO..... and proven that there is not much to be had....

NOW this Clown, arrives on the scene YEARS late, and magically finds 18 horsepower ...[ with photoshops help ]...

I don,t believe it or him..

by the way, webby baby, as someone else already pointed out,,,, sniffing either exhaust can [muffler] is a total waste of time,,, because all 4 header pipes dump into ONE collector, mix around and around, and then exit out either or both cans......all cylinder are mixed together [uNDERSTAND?]

that, and the fact that the Catalytic converters [in the collector] burn off all emissions ......

Of course, what the **** do I know....

I only had my 02/03 FJR fuel injection system professional adjusted on an exhaust gas analyzer by a highly qualified Yamaha dealer in Dec of 2002.....5 yrs ago and 35,000 miles ago..WHY?.. cause the POS was running so hot as to boil the gas in the tank, and burn my nuts ,,, and the surging was very annoying..

Riva Yamaha of Ft Lauderdale , installed Riv Nuts in each header, then onto the Dyno-jet EGA......CO went from a very lean 0.5/1.0 for each cylinder,,, to a 3.5/4.0 .. a healthy number that most good running bikes have...

all this under warranty,,, and at no time did I brag that I now had ALL THIS EXTRA HP !..

cause i didn,t........but it sure ran cooler, without that lean surge on the highway....

and later, when I still did not like my feet toasting form the Cats so close, I dropped that stainless steel exhaust system, turned her over, and cut open and removed the two cats in the collector,[about the size of two soup cans}.... had her welded back up, and much improved.....

more HP.. maybe... maybe not,,,, don,t care

throttle response ? .. drive ability ?..... much improved

bragging rights?,... not so much..... but then, nah,,never mind...... oh,, and never any ticking noise,,,,[what you say?]

so Wicked, when you post about sniffing the exhaust can,,,,it shows what an uniformed fool you are...

also, what is it with peeps that think they have to list every motorcycle they ever owned [ or dreamed of owning] ,, at the bottom of every post??

trying to impress us again?

Flame on, Starcruiser, oh --- I mean "Wicked Webby".......



Photo shopped huh.. Call the dyno shop....

This post isn't for bragging.. Its for the wealth of the members here to do the same....

Flame on you? You ain't worth the time.

What a bunch a babies!

A guy does a bit of modding, shows his steps and results by posting them here, then is lamblasted by a bunch of arrogant passionate 'friends'. So what if YOU don't think it's possible because of your experiences and/or professional opinions. If a guy want's to post his findings, who are we to bag on that?! Hell, sooner or later others will follow his suggestions and prove or disprove his claims. With that, there are many factors at play here. Science is the reproduction of certain steps. Maybe someone tried cutting the flute and didn't gain HP/Tq. what steps did that person do? Has it been reproduced? Where is the data to support YOUR (those) claims? At least WW was willing to post his data and allow anyone to prove/disprove his claims. It's more than what the opposition has done! Let the process of science speak for itself instead of trying to discredit a person!

I suggest we let a few of us try WW suggestions and post their data before we lay claim to any bogus findings.

nough said!

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Thanks Sport,

I don't know why 2wheelsbuddy(that might exlain it), thinks I have something to gain here.

Whatever!! I hope others take what I have done and improve on it, and let us all know.


