The words you hate to hear from a non-rider

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"How could you ride those things? They are dangerous; I had a friend that got killed on one of those."
"Every man dies. Not every man really lives".

Or you could launch into "Ultimately, we're all dead men. Sadly, we cannot choose how but, what we can decide is how we meet that end, in order that we are remembered, as men. "

Or just give 'em the :****:

Here's one....compliments of the hell's angels.

"Hey buddy, what to say? You were taken from us by a cowardly dog but remember, buddy, every dog has it's day".

--Billy Grierson's death notice

taken from "Angels of death"

written by marsden and sher

Joceyln Elders... surgeon general of the US under Bill Clinton...

Once, when testifying before congress on various medical issues important to the nation, she stated "we all gotta die of something". :huh: Great insight on her part...

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Groo...your such a wealth of you find you scare yourself sometimes :huh: ...having that ability....

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Groo...your such a wealth of you find you scare yourself sometimes :huh: ...having that ability....
He has the power of "The Schultz"


What, you thought those words under my avie were just for show? ;)
Sorry...guess I just wasn't sure if you were bragging or complaining :p

Groo...your such a wealth of you find you scare yourself sometimes :huh: ...having that ability....
He has the power of "The Schultz"

I thought it was the power of the "Schwartz".....but what the f##k do I know....

What, you thought those words under my avie were just for show? ;)
Sorry...guess I just wasn't sure if you were bragging or complaining :p

Groo...your such a wealth of you find you scare yourself sometimes :huh: ...having that ability....
He has the power of "The Schultz"

I thought it was the power of the "Schwartz".....but what the f##k do I know....
It was... see my Avie.... pun intended by Rad....

What, you thought those words under my avie were just for show? ;)
Sorry...guess I just wasn't sure if you were bragging or complaining :p

Groo...your such a wealth of you find you scare yourself sometimes :huh: ...having that ability....
He has the power of "The Schultz"

I thought it was the power of the "Schwartz".....but what the f##k do I know....
It was... see my Avie.... pun intended by Rad....
I bow to a true master....

For that moron to call you stupid shows how stupid he was.

Very commendable of you not to bless him out.

If that were me I'd probably been tempted to not say a word to him and tripped his head into the side of the elevator,ignorant bastard!!!

What, you thought those words under my avie were just for show?
Umm, Groo, not to nitpick, but the word under your avatar should be "fount", not "font", I believe.

See the first definition here:

Just trying to be helpful
Page 513, Random House College Dictionary...

font - ... 4. Archaic - a fountain. 5. Archaic a source.

I'm nothing if not archaic baby... :lol:

Not to mention this....

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Hmmm, I see....

So you WANT to be associated with being archaic...

Far be it from me to rain on your parade!

I am SO happy you're a FONT of knowledge...bwahahahahaha!!!! :p :p :p


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Groo....hold your breath....& count slowly to 10....before you reply.... :eek:

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10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..... pshew......

Yo Jimbo you do Google?

Search "font of knowledge" and "fount of knowledge"... mine gets more hits... SCOREBOARD!


10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..... pshew......

Yo Jimbo you do Google?

Search "font of knowledge" and "fount of knowledge"... mine gets more hits... SCOREBOARD!

Roger that, Groo....

I Google all the time! Wikipedia is my friend...I'm just playin'...I have to do something for entertainment. That's why the smiley.

I have Googled and withdraw my nitpick, and yes, yours DOES get more hits, and is apparently on the way to becoming mainstream instead of "fount". (Source:

You win!!!! :p


What'd I ever do to you? Why did that elicit a surprise smiley? Maybe I should just stick to farkle and maintenance questions, but I digress...sheesh!!



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