This Sucks So Bad!

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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
Nashville TN
After a week of complaining about the cold rainy weather, we had a warm break yesterday. :yahoo: I skipped out of work around 3:00, determined to ride at least a couple of hours. 30 minutes later, on a curvy little road I've ridden dozens of times (usually much faster), it happened.

I tucked into a right hand turn on a small crest, without noticing the gravel and mud washed onto the pavement. The front, then rear tires slid right, losing control. I crossed the left lane, and sailed over a 5 foot embankment into a wet, muddy field. The Feejer flipped end-over-end once, apparently nailing me in the right shoulder, which I didn't notice until the jacket came off to reveal a blood stain. Hurts like hell today.

Abreviating the rest: Called Insurance Company, they're sending an adjuster. Cop (nice guy) wrote the report, and helped me get the bike up the hill. Had a sad, sad ride home. :cry:

After hosing off the mud, the apparent damage:

Left Mirror Demolished

Right Muffler Ripped Off

Left muffler Banged up

Left Handle Bar Bent (possibly one or more pin broken)

New Rifle Windshild Ripped off & Broken

Tail bent 2 inches to the right

Several pieces of tupperware broken


Now, I'm trying to look on the bight side:

1) Not dead: that's a plus.

2) No immediate signs of frame damage

2) The saddle cases were off.

4) I hadn't installed the brand new Givi V46 that came last week

5) Now, I'll get those new Carbon-Fiber Mufflers, hopefully saving enough vs. OEMs to fund the deductible

After the adjuster comes Friday, Keithaba and I are going to take off the plastic and look for any twisted metal. Having never done this before, I'm grateful for a crash veteran's opinion.

I'm glad you are "relatively" unhurt.

Happens quick, huh?!?! :eek: Thankfully there were no cars coming the other way...... :dribble:

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Glad to hear you are ok....and as long as you are looking at the bright side, add this to the list:

You get to add one of these to your sig:

Bummer I know, but could have been much worse outcome if a vehicle was coming the other way like someone said. The mountain roads around here can hide danger after a good rain too. Your sliders had their work cut out for them if the bike filpped end over end. Glad to hear it wasn't more serious.

Went through this 18 months ago. Bikes can be fixed or replaced; glad to hear that you're okay. I bought my bike back from the insurance company and rebuilt it. I spent a lot of dough doing it, but I really feel like I know the bike pretty well now and have more of an attachment to it than ever. Still, a new '06 would have been nice ; )

Paul Peloquin

Monmouth OR

IBA #333

I'm not sure how you would think sliders would help when the bike was flipping end over end? Sliders help protect when you lay the bike down on it's side. I am just glad you're ok, as the bike can repaired or replaced.

Thanks for the pep talk, guys. Gotta keep positive, or I'll have a breakdown - "My sweet baby's hurt!"

I think I'll do what Biodsl did; rebuild it myself, assuming there is no frame damage. A project like that may just help the long rainy winter pass quicker. Scheduled to send the seats into Rick Mayer in 2 weeks, so I wouldn't be riding in January, anyway. It'll be better than before, damnit! Just keep telling myself that.

Thanks for the pep talk, guys. Gotta keep positive, or I'll have a breakdown - "My sweet baby's hurt!"
I think I'll do what Biodsl did; rebuild it myself, assuming there is no frame damage. A project like that may just help the long rainy winter pass quicker. Scheduled to send the seats into Rick Mayer in 2 weeks, so I wouldn't be riding in January, anyway. It'll be better than before, damnit! Just keep telling myself that.

Been there and hate that.........the pain is difficult at first, but fades as the bike is fixed/replaced and the aches of the body heal. Glad you aren't seriosly hurt, bro.

That sucks the Major Root! :( :( :( :(

Keep popping those Advil, and chase it with a couple glasses of your avatar....

Sheeeeeee-ot! Another Crash Club member?! WTF? Maybe we should start charging dues to help keep new members away. Glad your okay, dude.

Glad you are OK, could have been worse.

You can replace a bike, not the human frame.

Hope the frame is not damaged!

Get well, take care.

30 minutes later, on a curvy little road I've ridden dozens of times (usually much faster), it happened. I tucked into a right hand turn on a small crest, without noticing the gravel and mud washed onto the pavement.

Sucky news, but glad you and the bike were able to limp home.

I do appreciate these posts - nothing like reinforcing the concept that road conditions are constantly changing - even very familiar roads - to hopefully keep overconfidence at bay.

30 minutes later, on a curvy little road I've ridden dozens of times (usually much faster), it happened. I tucked into a right hand turn on a small crest, without noticing the gravel and mud washed onto the pavement.

Sucky news, but glad you and the bike were able to limp home.

I do appreciate these posts - nothing like reinforcing the concept that road conditions are constantly changing - even very familiar roads - to hopefully keep overconfidence at bay.
Ditto to what everyone else has said--glad you came out mostly unscathed. It could have been a lot worse. Be glad that the only major damage was to your bike.

Am I the only one who read this:

Had a sad, sad ride home. :cry: ....

Right Muffler Ripped Off
And think he rode home with one pipe unmuffled? Tryin' to fit in with the "Loud Pipes Save Lives" Harley crowd? :lol:

Heal quickly and enjoy yourself putting your baby back together.

And if you haven't seen a doc, do so. Never know what damage might be hidden.


Bad luck on the crash, glad you are ok.

As for your frame, be sure to check the handle bar stop block is ok, I rebuilt a wreck that seemed only to need plastic that had the block smashed out by a handle bar digging in and flicking it around right through the stop.

Good luck with the build!


And if you haven't seen a doc, do so. Never know what damage might be hidden.
Good advice for seeing the doc and would reccomend the same checkup for the bike for hidden problems, frame/subframe, forks, etc. A 600 pound plus bike doing endo's can cause much stress in all the wrong areas. But as the others said, glad your ok. From the details from your wreck it could have been much worse. Prayers coming your way. PM. <>< ;)

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