Time to give up riding?

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there is a fellow on the internet his name is dr, mercola he has lots of 411 alternative,natural meds he dont have much good to say about plavix

you might google him & see what he has to say

Good, so you have a potential time limit on the recommended anticoagulant therapy. Now, there are inherent risks to riding the motorcycle. There are also inherent risks to taking the medication. You seem to have a good understanding of both of these risk profiles. What about the inherent risks of not taking the medication? How to prioritize or rank the risks is pretty subjective and difficult to easily rank in an objective comparison.

Take the medication and risk a potential uncontrolled bleed in the event of any type of injury.

Don't take the medication and accept an assumed risk of another thromboembolic event.

Where is the greater risk? Are you at more risk of sustaining a head injury while riding that is severe enough to rupture tissue integrity causing you to bleed or is the risk greater that you will have a second cardiac event which may occur because of prior decades of accumulated disease processes? Past trends show that people who have one MI are at tremendous risk of having another when compared to the non-MI population. Has you risk of a motorcycle accident increased recently?

I see myself choosing to do the preventive therapy for the cardiac event and accepting the risk of a potential uncontrolled bleed in the event of an accident. You need to find the answer from within yourself, and it's great that you are maintaining open dialogue about your concerns. Maybe the risk of getting into an accident and sustaining a head injury is less than the risk of having another heart attack if one doesn't start therapy as directed. I wish I knew the answer. Foresight presents two motorcycle-ridden options: Have a heart attack while riding because of the increased risks of not starting therapy, or potentially die or be permanently disabled from a trauma related bleed. What do you think will likely be your demise?
I have continued to read all the thoughtful, insightful, and helpful responses so generously offered in this thread. Thank you, all, again!

The one above really speaks to me, because in my job I work in the risk management office and work with campus units to carry out COSO-based enterprise risk management (ERM) analyses of their processes.

Just tonight as I was walking into the garage past the parked FJR after getting a ride home from the train (the longest in years the bike's sat unridden when I was not on vacation), I looked at it and thought, "I'm gonna keep riding that sonufabitch, because I have a low probability of crashing, given my experience and training.

In other words, I basically did the same analysis about probabilities as above and landed on riding being the lower probability risk. However!--I've yet to believe that I really need to be on all these feckin' meds anyway! This was a freak event for me.

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Just tonight as I was walking into the garage past the parked FJR after getting a ride home from the train (the longest in years the bike's sat unridden when I was not on vacation), I looked at it and thought, "I'm gonna keep riding that sonufabitch, because I have a low probability of crashing, given my experience and training.
Here here and Woot-Woot!

Just tonight as I was walking into the garage past the parked FJR after getting a ride home from the train (the longest in years the bike's sat unridden when I was not on vacation), I looked at it and thought, "I'm gonna keep riding that sonufabitch, because I have a low probability of crashing, given my experience and training.
Here here and Woot-Woot!
woof, gunny, +1

Never a doubt. ;)

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Keep riding, you are going to die of something some day. Might as well go out doing something you enjoy. B)
+10, Double Gunny! Have been on blood thinners since October 8, 2005 when I had my heart attack. Live until you die. I want to croak while screwing, on top of a 19 year old redhead with tits as big as my head! jes' sayin' Brother Hans, you enjoy riding so damn much: I think it'd be harder on your heart if you quit motorcycle riding!
+1, yea-what he said!!
