Totaled the new bike!

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Apr 1, 2006
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I do come here ocasionally and read even though I am a BMW nut! Could not afford a new one now so I bought something for some fast fun as a divorce present until I could better afford a BMW GT or similar when I have a chance. I figured I would share my post on another site here as well! Not a good way to lose a new bike no matter what it is!

Could not afford a BMW right now and had a little speed itch! Bought a new CBR1000RR! I figured that would do the trick as far as the need for speed and get me around the central part of my state for my new job! WOW it was fast and a lot of fun but made me miss the RT in ways! One it was very hard to keep the thing below triple digits and I value my license!

I am in the middle of a big custody battle for my 3 and 6 year old girls. The wife of 10 years who is 31 this week ran of with a 23 year old who locked his wife and 3 year old out of his home. Nasty stuff! I mention it as I can think of no other reason for what happened to my new bike!

I pulled out of my neighborhood and noticed a car catching up and thought a car catch me on this no way it is a good reason to turn the throttle a little! I did but slowed back down by a school! The guy caught up and looked like a buddy of mine from high school. He pulled by me at the light in his older Accord. He said something like I heard about your new bike and I have not seen you for awhile. Well he asked me to follow him and pull over to catch up. I pulled into a church parking lot, got off the bike and then as I was pulling my helmit off I heard his engine and squelling wheels! I knew this was not good so I jumped on the bike to run knowing his old accord could not catch me. I hit the start button but forgot that all important key. Too late now he had built up a lot of speed in this big circle and was right at me now. I jumped on the seat and then as far forward and as high as I could as he ramed the parked bike with me in the air! Knocked the pieces of the bike 60 feet! I am lucky to be here and hoping the reason for this was not what I fear! I was able to get the tag number but of coarse it did not belong to the car or driver! Still in shock!!!!!

wow! assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder. clearly serious stuff and worth reporting to the coppers!

do you think it was the same person (buddy) you thought it was or just someone acting like they knew you "from way back"?

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hopefully you're ok.

did you sustain any injuries?

+1 on Bounce -- let the cops do their job now -- they'll get the perp.

No injury I watched it all as I jumped through the air! No injury so this means no Felony in Alabama. Just a hit and run on private property! The cops do not even look at it if it is not a felony! It stinks someone has to be hurt or killed first in Alabama for any real consequence occurs!

wow! assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder. clearly serious stuff and worth reporting to the coppers!
do you think it was the same person (buddy) you thought it was or just someone acting like they knew you "from way back"?
IT was not who I thought and in hind site who would know me with my new bike and helmet I had bought a couple of weeks earlier except my riding buddies! They all but one go to church with me and I did get a good look at him. I have no clue who he was and have made no one mad. I am as passive as it gets and feel sorry for the guy as he has problems no matter why he did it!

I am sure your wife is not out to kill you. What you THOUGHT you heard (through the helmet /over engine etc)at the light was not what he said. You then follwed him to a parkinglot and he thought you were after him. Road Rage - not a contract hit. If It was a hit, he would simply run you off the road at speed. NOT try to get you in a parkinglot.

I am sure your wife is not out to kill you. What you THOUGHT you heard (through the helmet /over engine etc)at the light was not what he said. You then follwed him to a parkinglot and he thought you were after him. Road Rage - not a contract hit. If It was a hit, he would simply run you off the road at speed. NOT try to get you in a parkinglot.
I agree with you but the way it happened with me changing lanes from right to left lanes in traffic caused him to be beside me and I pulled in behind him and followed as he directed and asked. I am not saying the wife or her rookie cop boyfriend were behind it all but I can not help but to keep it in my thoughts. Why would someone cause as much damage to their own vehicle just to show how enraged they were and then leave the scene? I did nothing to this guy, he had no reason to be mad at me for anything I had done while I was riding and why did I first see him just after I left my neighborhood!

I am sure your wife is not out to kill you. What you THOUGHT you heard (through the helmet /over engine etc)at the light was not what he said. You then follwed him to a parkinglot and he thought you were after him. Road Rage - not a contract hit. If It was a hit, he would simply run you off the road at speed. NOT try to get you in a parkinglot.
I should have said our neighborhood and I will regret not being able to outrun your FJR but have not given up yet! Still fighting and the BMW will happen again even if all models available now are no longer when I can get another one!

It scared me....and I was only reading about it! :dribble:

I never pull over for anyone except into a very public place (like a gas station, etc.). Just how crazy, malicious and vindictive IS your soon to be ex-wife? On a scale of 1-10 the police probably have this at a "2". I worked with a guy who, in a similar situation, was able to get information proving the complicity of his legally-separated-soon-to-be-ex. She and the perpetrators were prosecuted.

Most important for you: You weren't injured. The bike is a "thing" and can be easily replaced. Much simpler than a scenario wherein you'd have bones protuding through skin, or worse.

Looking at your screen name, are you also in law enforcement? If so, I'd say your instincts were bang on with the ex, that kind of crime is personal for sure. A complete stranger usually doesn't just single you out for termination. 9 times out of 10 murder is personal IMO. For little money, there's plenty of stupid people around that will try pulling this off.

Ain't no relationship worth dying over IMO. If I were you, since the police are sitting back, which leaves you venerable 24hrs a day, until this issue with ex blows over, I'd either be packing heat or moving, or both, but definitely not doing nothing. You got off real lucky this time around. Park any MC you own and only hit the highway in a cage with a cell phone. If I thought some dirt bag had it in for me, I'd be taking preemptive actions to protect myself. YMMV

Unbelievable!!! Sounds like something out of a movie. Hopefully it's not something to do with your ex. Glad that you were able to jump free of the impact. Now go home and lock all your doors!!!

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I am sure your wife is not out to kill you. What you THOUGHT you heard (through the helmet /over engine etc)at the light was not what he said. You then follwed him to a parkinglot and he thought you were after him. Road Rage - not a contract hit. If It was a hit, he would simply run you off the road at speed. NOT try to get you in a parkinglot.
The CBR would easily outrun the Accord and the driver new this. Glad you are ok and can share your story.


I am a high level prosecutor in New York and am apalled that you were told this is not a felony in your state. It is tough to imagine that this is not a serious crime, but I have seen some strange penal laws from other states. I suggest you contact your local prosecutors office and ask to talk to an assistant district attorney to discuss your case. I hope your local prosecutors office is as receptive to these calls as my office is. Good luck, Chris.

Wow Bamacop... unreal. I think I'd get a P.I. to see what's up w/ soon-to-be ex and psycho boy... and be carrying a gun. If the P.I. doesn't turn up a plot to do you in, you'll probably have some ammo. to help in your custody battle. I'm in Hoover... this literally hit close to home. Keep us posted.

I am a high level prosecutor in New York and am apalled that you were told this is not a felony in your state. It is tough to imagine that this is not a serious crime, but I have seen some strange penal laws from other states. I suggest you contact your local prosecutors office and ask to talk to an assistant district attorney to discuss your case. I hope your local prosecutors office is as receptive to these calls as my office is. Good luck, Chris.

Uhhh. hhuuuuhhhh hhhuuuhhhh. hhhhuuuuhhh. He said, "penal". uuuhhuuhh hhhuuuuuuhhhu hhhhuuuuuhhhh...


Looking at your screen name, are you also in law enforcement? If so, I'd say your instincts were bang on with the ex, that kind of crime is personal for sure. A complete stranger usually doesn't just single you out for termination. 9 times out of 10 murder is personal IMO. For little money, there's plenty of stupid people around that will try pulling this off.
Ain't no relationship worth dying over IMO. If I were you, since the police are sitting back, which leaves you venerable 24hrs a day, until this issue with ex blows over, I'd either be packing heat or moving, or both, but definitely not doing nothing. You got off real lucky this time around. Park any MC you own and only hit the highway in a cage with a cell phone. If I thought some dirt bag had it in for me, I'd be taking preemptive actions to protect myself. YMMV
Ditto all of the above. And keep us posted.
