Trooper modification

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I fired up my bike at 5:30 am last Saturday to head to the Moonshine Lunch Run. I will probably be firing that sucker at 4am to head out on the first day of the Kali trip.

With the Trooper mod, will the neighbors be flipping me off when they see me in church the following Sunday?

-Concerned in Wheaton

PS - snerk.
Wheatie -

I've got quite a shop in my barn. If(?), you want to do the Trooper mod after you get to Klaforonia, and not risk waking the church-goers' in your neighborhood, then I can do it for you here.

BTW, there is a First Baptist church across the street from my place. However, the deacons observe me as a motorcyclist, not a biker, even after I did the Trooper mod. :lol:

I fired up my bike at 5:30 am last Saturday to head to the Moonshine Lunch Run. I will probably be firing that sucker at 4am to head out on the first day of the Kali trip.

With the Trooper mod, will the neighbors be flipping me off when they see me in church the following Sunday?

-Concerned in Wheaton

PS - snerk.
Wheatie -

I've got quite a shop in my barn. If(?), you want to do the Trooper mod after you get to Klaforonia, and not risk waking the church-goers' in your neighborhood, then I can do it for you here.

BTW, there is a First Baptist church across the street from my place. However, the deacons observe me as a motorcyclist, not a biker, even after I did the Trooper mod. :lol:
You serious?

If you are...I may take you up on that :clapping:

...after you, me and Karl ride north and west of Santa Barbara on that Wednesday. :yahoo:

You serious?

...after you, me and Karl ride north and west of Santa Barbara on that Wednesday. :yahoo:
Yes, I am serious and the mod won't take over 15 minutes. My place is not too far off of the route you need to take to get to Paso anyhow! Consider it done!
Wow! Thanks! :yahoo:

LoudSider # XX soon to be...

Probably not as much taken off as most of you. I took out about an inch off the tip. It is obviously a deeper tone at idle. As engine RPM increases along with engine noise, the exhaust is not so noticeable from a riding perspective.

Those familiar with the FJR riding with you (behind you) will certainly notice the difference from the stock exhaust.

I figure If I decide to cut further into the pipe, I can take more off later.

Below is what I cut off, and a nice "cheap" dremel kit ($15.00 IIRC) purchased from Freight Harbor last fall. I used one of the small stone tips to file down the exhaust pipe after cutting.

Thanks for the share Trooper...


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Hi from the land of STAINTUNES,

I have been having some difficulties with my internet or this would have been posted sooner.

I fell for the TROOPER MOD. I only applied the 38mm holesaw not the internal dremel cut as I was short on time. This worked a treat. Went for a ride up the coast for an overnighter with my club. On the way up I went through some road works. I was pulled over for exceeding the 40k/h speed by 15k/h, but was not charged, good to be let off. The police were on ST1300, got talking a bit and when I cranked it over the police commented about the great sound. The start of a great weekend.

Thanks TROOPER! This has to be an ANTI- FARKLE. STAINTUNE could now go broke.

Best regards



Because my wife's generosity is stretched a bit at the moment, I recently got PR3s and GARAULD,s magic BACKREST/RACK, I will have to wait to put a set of GARAULD's tailcones on.

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I'm just another lamb jumping off the edge. A happy one however. I tend to ride with sterio on my Scala so one thing I did notice is a litle more noise while riding helped me know which gear I'm in. I also noticed that I spent more time in 4th where I'd normally be in 5th. Not sure why this is, just sounded and felt right.

However, now for the negative. I happened to change the Cam Chain Tensioner at the same time because I was expiering some tick. Except for some very frustrating bolt removal/re-install that went fine. And now no tick. However I'm not sure I don't hear the tick because it's gone or because I can't hear it over the louder exhaust. Yea and that's the only negative part for me so far.

I do suspect that the ends of the pipe are going get a little more carbon on them now and need to be cleaned a little more often because the exhaust doesn't have that pipe coming out the center.

How much more heat will be going up and into the side bags since you moed the exhaustexit right under them? Might be a good way to keep your lunch warm.

How much more heat will be going up and into the side bags since you moed the exhaustexit right under them? Might be a good way to keep your lunch warm.
The cans themselves are not being shortened...

...I may be concerned about milage...but I am not concerned about the sidebags at all.

I fell for the TROOPER MOD. I only applied the 38mm holesaw not the internal dremel cut as I was short on time. This worked a treat.
This is what I was thinking about. Would you not get the same effect by just sawing into the baffle and leaving the tailpipe in place. Would this reduce that flutter sound I've heard mentioned.

I hope someone at SFO has done this. I'd like to hear it in person before I start hacking.

I fell for the TROOPER MOD. I only applied the 38mm holesaw not the internal dremel cut as I was short on time. This worked a treat.
This is what I was thinking about. Would you not get the same effect by just sawing into the baffle and leaving the tailpipe in place. Would this reduce that flutter sound I've heard mentioned.

I hope someone at SFO has done this. I'd like to hear it in person before I start hacking.
In the first place, I don't think the "flutter" is as bad as it is being made out to be. Did you listen to the video? I think it could almost be perceived as a snarl too! I actually started the bike after I got done with just the hole saw to see how it sounded, and was surprised at the difference from stock. I should have recorded that too. But I don't remember if that "flutter" was there or not. Each phase has a different sound,and I don't think you could go wrong with it. No one here has posted that they hated the mod, and I don't think it will affect anything but the sound. And it is not "hacking", it is soundsmedic surgery :D

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Hey, don't go hacking with a hacksaw. Use a holesaw. It works better. I don't think anyone has used a hacksaw in this mod. If so, take pictures, I wanna see. That's gotta be awesome.

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In the first place, I don't think the "flutter" is as bad as it is being made out to be.
+1 to what this wise gentleman has said. 'Flutter' is a non-issue. I don't even hear it. I mean if I were to go out and specifically listen for it I am sure I could find it, but I don't need to be that anal-retentive like Wheatie :D . I have no intention of getting the Garauld tailcones - not because they aren't pretty as hell (they are), or they might even improve the sound a little bit (probably does), but because I am cheap bastard and as it is it sounds pretty good to my big floppy ears.

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Vrooooooom Vrooooooom Vroooooooom Vrooooooooooooooooom Vrooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom.

That is all. :)

In the first place, I don't think the "flutter" is as bad as it is being made out to be.
+1 to what this wise gentleman has said. 'Flutter' is a non-issue. I don't even hear it. I mean if I were to go out and specifically listen for it I am sure I could find it, but I don't need to be that anal-retentive like Wheatie :D . I have no intention of getting the Garauld tailcones - not because they aren't pretty as hell (they are), or they might even improve the sound a little bit (probably does), but because I am cheap bastard and as it is it sounds pretty good to my big floppy ears.
Well Skooter, atleast you got the big floppy ears part right! :p

I just wanted to get some real world info about gas mileage vs your wet thumb in the air feeling which way the wind was blowin'. My margin for doing trips that I want to take is pretty slim. My second FJR already gets 3 mpg less than my first FJR...don't want another penalty making my 8-9k trips out of reach in this $4 to $5 per gallon world.

I don't have a bastard step pappy to nurse me along like you do...

I love the raw sound of the Trooper Mod if it is at all like the videos posted.

Rodger has posted that mileage has not taken a hit...and Khunajawdge has volunteered to assist me in this at his place on the Kali trip between SB and Paso Robles. So I'm just a LoudSider in waiting...vroooom vroooom.

An alternaitve may be to just drill out the cans through the smaller holes at the end. A friend has done this on a few of his bikes. May be an interesting way to do it as you could do one hole at a time and see what kind of sound difference it makes.

All you will hear is flutter sounds due to so many holes with exhaust escaping out of it. The holes have to allow a lot of the exhaust out. With so many small holes you would have a different sound, but it probably won't sound good. I tried with other bikes with drilling out the exhaust. The holes had to get a certain size before it sounded with a lower tone. it might sound good, seeing it is a different bike and all. I am betting not though. good luck.

All you will hear is flutter sounds due to so many holes with exhaust escaping out of it.
Maybe, but not necessarily. My most recent experience with cutting exhaust baffles was with a Triumph Trophy. The primary objective in that case was to try to mask some of the cacophony of noises that are emitted by the Hinkley engines. The SOP for the bafflectomyon the Trophy was (same as for the old Concours) to get a 3/4" hole saw and 12" extension, then core out the vertical bulkhead that exists in about 8"-9" from the rear. Coring that hole on the Concours made a big difference in sound, but not on the Trophy. Instead I took it one step further and drilled a series of 6 holes in the end of the can, similar to the ones in stock FJR cans. For whatever reason, that made a big difference in sound on that pipe without any fluttering effect.


So the executive version is: YMMV

Yep. I know it depends on the bike, and all sorts of things. I plugged the main hole on the fjr to see what that would sound like. Not that good. I also drilled out a vtx cruiser and the sound was horrible till you got it with big enough holes. Then it was fine. I think they had to be 7/8 holes, three of them. To get a more mellow non raspy sound.


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