Making Grand Canyon replicas from air boxes...
...the only catch is that you'll need to trade down a bit from the FJR to something a bit more lightweight, nimble, yet very fuel efficient:
I got into mountain biking recently, and I'm loving it. The biggest problem, though, was finding places to ride. The Michigan Mountain Biking Association had a "trail guide", but it was just an alphabetical list of over 100 trails with street addresses and written "how to get here" instructions.
Over 100 trails! ...and I knew where about 5 of them were. Finally, a light bulb exploded over my head, and I spent the next few days finding glass shrapnel in my hair. But after I got that all cleaned up, I realized that I should stop wishing it were better, and just *make* it better!
And here's my solution... a new map-based guide to all the mountain biking trails in Michigan:
Now that it's easy to find a place to try it, what are you waiting for?
It's like riding dirt bikes, which is praised as a great way to build up motorcycle handling skills, except that you don't need a trailer to transport your vehicle, you won't hurt your back picking it up after you drop it, and you'll get a great workout while doing it! I once burned 1800 calories in one 20 mile ride. A few rides like that, and the loss of weight will lead to better acceleration on your FJR
And a few more pictures to make you want to try it:
I got into mountain biking recently, and I'm loving it. The biggest problem, though, was finding places to ride. The Michigan Mountain Biking Association had a "trail guide", but it was just an alphabetical list of over 100 trails with street addresses and written "how to get here" instructions.
Over 100 trails! ...and I knew where about 5 of them were. Finally, a light bulb exploded over my head, and I spent the next few days finding glass shrapnel in my hair. But after I got that all cleaned up, I realized that I should stop wishing it were better, and just *make* it better!
And here's my solution... a new map-based guide to all the mountain biking trails in Michigan:
Now that it's easy to find a place to try it, what are you waiting for?
It's like riding dirt bikes, which is praised as a great way to build up motorcycle handling skills, except that you don't need a trailer to transport your vehicle, you won't hurt your back picking it up after you drop it, and you'll get a great workout while doing it! I once burned 1800 calories in one 20 mile ride. A few rides like that, and the loss of weight will lead to better acceleration on your FJR
And a few more pictures to make you want to try it: