Two questions - Vista Cruise, and throttle springs...

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So I just simply install this VC. Don't secure it in any way. Yes, it does rotate around the bar, or "floats". But see, that big tab that is sticking out will contact the throttle cable housing, keeping it from going anywhere when engaged properly.

Dog-gone ...not chicken to drill, but after installing my "Honda" vista 7/8" vista, ---I believe I'm going to like this. haven't put it through a million miles (yet) but I already know I'll be happy. thanks for the tip. ...renojohn

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Thank you SkooterG!!! Excellent all my cruise problems are over. I bought this and it works awesome!!!

I like the fact you can pass without resetting etc. Great cheap farkle.

I just installed my Vista Cruise and used the original idea of using a screw to "mount" it. It works great, but my trim work looks like crap. :dribble:

I tried using a tiny round sander on my dremel, but it seemed to make even more of a mess. Is there another attachement for the dremel or drill that would work for me?

Had I read this part of the forum, I would have tried the free floating way, that sounds really good to pass a car and then go back to original "locked" speed.

Thanks guys! There is so much information on here. It is really amazing. :)

When I do a Vista Cruise on the FJR, I replace the grips with Progrip 699 open ends. They are a little shorter, so they don't require carving, plus you get a little gel with them.
