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The Cities are installing cameras on the RED LIGHTS down here in Texas to catch the runners. Did you know if your thru the intersection but your back bumper isn't, you've run a red light?
Oh my God... you are so full of shit! Your bumper isn't going to cause you to get a ticket!

FYI,,,,you can blow a .02 just by brushing your teeth.
That is true... that's why we have drunks like you wait fifteen to twenty minutes to blow into the instrument. Anything from your mouth is gone after two to three minutes... we just like to give it a little extra time.
The more you write... the more you look like an :asshat: to us all!

And he wasn't even the slightest bit drunk and to blow a .16 you'd have to be too drunk to walk!!!!
Really... wow I've seen a .48 that was walking and talking. Is .16 impaired? Yes. Is a .16 too impaired to drive? Yes. Is a .16 able to walk? I hope so, or I've carried a lot more drunks than I realized!
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Its about generating revenue and anybody that thinks it's not is full of shit !!!
That statement is true, to a degree... it's more a result rather than the reason.

If you don't like the laws, get your elected officials to change them.

I always liked, "Bad Cop, No Doughnut."

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Man, oh man. I stopped reading this thread after 7 pages. Damn near got 3rd degree burns from some of the flames!

I wrote an article in a moto club magazine about pretty much the same thing that a lot of people here are whining about: stupid traffic laws, cops acting like oafs, all the rest.

The bottom line is: No infraction, no citation.

Don't like your insurance premiums? Think speed limits are for setting up traps? Think tickets are nothing more than revenue generators? Radar dectectors are useless? Cops harrassing you? The solution to your agony is easy.

Some posting here get it. You won't get a ticket if you don't violate the rules. If you get cited, it's no one's fault but your own. It's really that simple. (You took your chance, now pay your money.)

You ride a slingshot for a motorcycle and the temptation is almost irresistable. It's really simple, no?

Last I read, the public polity agrees that operating a motor vehicle is a privilage, not a right. That being the case, rules are set up to prevent chaos. God knows, I'm no angel. I just pick my battles....and my places where I can act like an idiot on the highway.

Sure, there are exceptions, but they are damn few and far between.

Man, oh man. I stopped reading this thread after 7 pages. Damn near got 3rd degree burns from some of the flames!
I wrote an article in a moto club magazine about pretty much the same thing that a lot of people here are whining about: stupid traffic laws, cops acting like oafs, all the rest.

The bottom line is: No infraction, no citation.

Don't like your insurance premiums? Think speed limits are for setting up traps? Think tickets are nothing more than revenue generators? Radar dectectors are useless? Cops harrassing you? The solution to your agony is easy.

Some posting here get it. You won't get a ticket if you don't violate the rules. If you get cited, it's no one's fault but your own. It's really that simple. (You took your chance, now pay your money.)

You ride a slingshot for a motorcycle and the temptation is almost irresistable. It's really simple, no?

Last I read, the public polity agrees that operating a motor vehicle is a privilage, not a right. That being the case, rules are set up to prevent chaos. God knows, I'm no angel. I just pick my battles....and my places where I can act like an idiot on the highway.

Sure, there are exceptions, but they are damn few and far between.
Well said though a "resistance is futile" might be in order :lol: And that's the best damn avatar I've seen yet. By the way, not everybody agrees that driving is a privilage, especially when we have to pay for it.

>>Don't like your insurance premiums? Think speed limits are for setting up traps? Think tickets are nothing more than revenue generators? Radar dectectors are useless? Cops harrassing you? The solution to your agony is easy.

Some posting here get it. You won't get a ticket if you don't violate the rules. If you get cited, it's no one's fault but your own. It's really that simple. (You took your chance, now pay your money.)<<

No... I differ. The solution is to attack what riders view as injustice through the electoral system. IOW's contact your elected representatives with reasonable requests and instances of police misconduct or inappropriate enforcement. Vehicle laws and highway design are most often crafted with 4-wheeled vehicles in mind... vehicles that stray from that norm have afterthought status, whether they be trucks, motorcycles or whatever.

We've been talking about speed, but let's look at parking. Why shouldn't motorcycles park free in parallel parking spaces? One to a space is infrequently enforced, but when it is the claim is made that otherwise a police officer cannot figure out who failed to ante up to the meter. But, wouldn't it make sense to encourage motorcycle use and save space (and gasoline) by granting motorcycles free parking?

OTOH, this is just the internet and people here are merely voicing frustrations and hoping to reach a consensus of what to ask for to solve the problems. Unfortunately, a group of law and order at any cost people always interrupt and change the discussion to suit their agenda.

I agree with you though regarding the flames: too much.

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Oh the bandwidth. :blink:

I would agree to promote motorcycling and cheaper transportation.

Give bikers a break with insurance, parking, lane-splitting, and HOV lanes etc.

Some places do, but still, the general public and politics seems to be anti-biker because of a select few.

Oh the bandwidth. :blink:
I would agree to promote motorcycling and cheaper transportation.

Give bikers a break with insurance, parking, lane-splitting, and HOV lanes etc.

Some places do, but still, the general public and politics seems to be anti-biker because of a select few.
Like those who paint the law-abiding among us as having "an agenda"?

Gosh...not breaking, or condoning the breaking of, "the Law". Damn us agenda-promoting fascists!

Going for 300...

Did I ever tell you about the lady cop who clocked me at 65 on a 30,

gave me a ticket and then told me to take it to court 'cause she didn't

have her calibration certificate for her gun yet? Did I? Did I?

Groo, we need your picture again just to

remind us of what the hell we're doing here...

I think everybody is overlooking the real problem here.

We keep writing about symptoms... Law enforcement (good cop / bad cop); the judicial system; radar detectors etc.

The real problem is a lack of faith, or a misplaced faith. We have faith in our machines. Some of us have faith in the laws, or the civilized society that created those laws. Some of us have faith in our individual decision making abilities. We have all shown our faith in our freedom of expression.

What we need is religion. And not just any religion, we need to get back to the One True Religion, and right now!

One last post on this topic..................

So everybody knows, Joe2Lmaker's post was not the only reason I pulled the plug. Just the last drop in the bucket so to speak. Well, he and I did some corresponding. He asserts his post was meant in jest, and was upset he was not able to set the record straight on that.

So this is from Joe2Lmaker:

My earlier comments were intended to be inflammatory.When I pulled the pin on that carefully crafted post, I assumed the phrase "the One True Religion" would be a tip off that I was just being a smart-ass.

In the future, I will try to be less subtle.

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