Unlucky day today

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I think about the only thing missing from this thread are some good "momma jokes."

I've got a picture that perfectly sums this thread up... but I hesitate to post it... :lol:

I think about the only thing missing from this thread are some good "momma jokes."
Your momma was soooo fat, if she sat in your lap she would break your legs.....when you said chicken & ribs, she made a fat kid on a smartie seem slow.....there that work for you... :D

Oh, if YOU are an X'er, then I'm not surprised at your scofflaw attitude.
Howie, you dink! By making that statement you've just condemned boomers for the absolutely shitty job of parenting they've done with the Xer's. Smooth move.

Yeah, right.

I quit accepting responsibility for my now 29 year old son the night the police called at 4am.

The conversation started something like this -- "Mr. Howie...do you own a 1992 Honda Civic wagon? We found it in a local lake."

Yep...that just about put an end to THAT parental experiment.

BTW, I let them keep my son. :)

I think about the only thing missing from this thread are some good "momma jokes."
Your momma was soooo fat, if she sat in your lap she would break your legs.....when you said chicken & ribs, she made a fat kid on a smartie seem slow.....there that work for you... :D
Holy Crap Mike, he said good "momma jokes"... those have to be some of the worst ones I ever heard! Go back to the John Candy Canadian humor school and take a refresher class.... ugh... I'm getting even closer to posting that picture now....

I think about the only thing missing from this thread are some good "momma jokes."
Your momma was soooo fat, if she sat in your lap she would break your legs.....when you said chicken & ribs, she made a fat kid on a smartie seem slow.....there that work for you... :D
Holy Crap Mike, he said good "momma jokes"... those have to be some of the worst ones I ever heard! Go back to the John Candy Canadian humor school and take a refresher class.... ugh... I'm getting even closer to posting that picture now....
Gees Groo....never said I knew any good jokes....I thought fjr pig just wanted any kind of momma joke...my apologies....I'll be sure to get Martin Short or one of the other Canuks to write the next ones...to make you proud....OK....

No, no, no. More like: You're momma's like a bus, guys gettin' on and off of her all day long.

I heard that in some movie. Best momma joke I ever heard.

Groo, 'you caan do eet!'
Just because Nut brought out the "Waterboy" quote that I love....

This thread missed it's mark from the beginning, but it always was a piece of ____, now will somebody please scrape it off and flush?


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Groo - you so took that photo at your house within the last hour... :lol:

Damn, and here I thought this would just be some dumbass thread about a guy's speeding ticket. Boy, have I been missing out. Laughed my ass off tho.

Howie, before you get too cool on the sobriety checkpoint idea, remember there's a 4th Amendment issue going on there. If you allow sobriety checkpoints, then by reason of legal precedent, many other types of "checkpoints" could also become legit. I personally don't carry anything illegal and I don't drink and drive for the same reason as Rad. So I have no fear for myself if approaching a checkpoint. But I still don't like being hassled by the man without any valid reason. In the end, I just feel that's the wrong legal direction to head in.

Anytime I get a speeding ticket it just pisses me off about the whole damn revenue gathering bullshit. My therapy for this is to spend an afternoon watching "Smokey and the Bandit" re-runs. Watching all those cop cars get smashed is just too good, specially when it's Hollywood and no real officers at risk. Makes me feel a whole lot better. Ready to sing along boys?

East bound and down

Loaded up and truckin'

We're gonna do what they say can't be done

We gotta long way to go

And a short time to get there......


Can any of our (collective) posts, or parts thereof/in, be used against us at our sanity hearings? Jes wonnerin'. :dntknw:

I don't know...but what I do know is that for some reason.....I'm hungry.

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