Utah1088 Fuel Cell Overflow 'Catch'

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Purveyor of Crooked Facts
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Skootsdale, AZ
Utah1088 rally is coming up this weekend. :yahoo:

It's the ONLY rally that requires that if you have a fuel cell, you MUST have a way of catching any overflow instead of just routing it to the ground. (Like the FJR's main tank does). Frankly, I don't want to get inside RallyBastard Steve Chalmers' head, so I just go with it.

Anywho, peeps have come up with some creative ways to catch that possible overflow. Perhaps some in 'protest' to a perceived silly rule? One popular way is, 'the gayer the baby bottle, the better'.

Well, this year, I decided on a catch bottle that serves two purposes (Other than catching any overflow fuel)

One, it actually gives me increased horsepower. (As determined by my oh-so-accurate butt dyno),

And two, it's a nod to one poor mo-fo bastard gixxer boy whose life (and gixxer) will never be the same again.

So what y'all think?



There is always one en every crowd. Ever put gas in a Styrofoam cup? Will this plastic bottle fare better? It might be time to invest in one of these metal overflow containers:


Utah1088 rally is coming up this weekend. :yahoo:
It's the ONLY rally that requires that if you have a fuel cell, you MUST have a way of catching any overflow instead of just routing it to the ground. (Like the FJR's main tank does). Frankly, I don't want to get inside RallyBastard Steve Chalmers' head, so I just go with it.
I love it.

Also good luck in the 1088.

I gotta say, Squid, I didn't think you had that sort of pop-culture creativity. You're alright after all. I mean, you're still pretty gay, but that shit's funny!!

Good luck at the 1088. Don't high-side or any silliness like that.

Really. Don't crash. I'll feel shitty if you do. You know, with the sarcasm and all...

Did you actually drink that crap? Was it any good?

Good luck at the 1088. Don't high-side or any silliness like that again.
Really. Don't crash again. I'll feel shitty if you do. You know, with the sarcasm and all...

Fixed it for you. :good:

I hope Chalmers doesn't disqualify you for having an unfair advantage!

Best of luck Greg. I wish I could be there again. I'll be rootin' for ya.


1st time in 8 years- won't be riding! <_<

Epic rains appear to have ended, but stay tuned!

Ride well, and tell us all about it! :clapping:

Utah1088 rally is coming up this weekend. :yahoo:
It's the ONLY rally that requires that if you have a fuel cell, you MUST have a way of catching any overflow instead of just routing it to the ground. (Like the FJR's main tank does). Frankly, I don't want to get inside RallyBastard Steve Chalmers' head, so I just go with it.

Anywho, peeps have come up with some creative ways to catch that possible overflow. Perhaps some in 'protest' to a perceived silly rule? One popular way is, 'the gayer the baby bottle, the better'.

Well, this year, I decided on a catch bottle that serves two purposes (Other than catching any overflow fuel)

One, it actually gives me increased horsepower. (As determined by my oh-so-accurate butt dyno),

And two, it's a nod to one poor mo-fo bastard gixxer boy whose life (and gixxer) will never be the same again.

So what y'all think?


Were you planning on crash testing the mount for the bottle before, during, or after the rally? Maybe some combination of the three?

Call and let me know if you need me to hit the hardware store for some windshield screws...

Lookin @ the picture, won't the overflow go out the line going forward under the tank before your overflow bottle? Do you have the breather on the front side of the filler tube?

Good luck on the 1088. I think there's only one other spot available in the top three with Iggy & RJ. :lol:

There's a valve between the cell and the tank and it's turned off when both are full....or it would flow out the tank overflow. The cell overflow is there principally because in the fever of getting ready for take-off morning.....cell rookies tend to fill to the maximum amount in the cool evening the night before. As Saturday morning warms up and expands they liquified hydrocarbons there'd be a puddle here and there if there weren't overflow devices. That smell is one of the triggers to know you're about to ride 1100+ miles around Utah and environs!

And I wouldn't want jinx any possible finish by suggesting I'd make the podium. My 12th, 6th, 27th, and 4th place respectively have all been good finishes...with the latter the best ride I've ever had. Sit-ups, Earth-downs, and possibly pull-ups this year dog those of higher BMI ratios while delighting the Rally Bastard.

I think I'm just going to follow Skooter around this year with my hazards on......occasionally triggering the radar gun I just bought....and pounce whenever he misses a critical bonus. ;)

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That was more a poke at RJ for making his funny on the other list :evilgrin:

I have just the one overflow routed to the bottom of the bike using the hole in the fill tube that Scooter has his NOS overflow bottle on. Then on the front side of the fill tube is a small muffler as a breather. What I was noticing on Greg's was the one overflow line is at a lower position on the filler tube than the catch bottle's line, so it would appear that it would not catch anything.

I don't fill more than 4 1/4 gal into the Tanji tank and use the breather to give a good blow to keep from vapor lock.

I don't fill more than 4 1/4 gal into the Tanji tank and use the breather to give a good blow to keep from vapor lock.
I didn't know you had a Tanji...only about 13 or so of those in existence IIRC. My comments were generic to fuel cells in general and not specific to that two tube affair.

I don't fill more than 4 1/4 gal into the Tanji tank and use the breather to give a good blow to keep from vapor lock.
I didn't know you had a Tanji...only about 13 or so of those in existence IIRC. My comments were generic to fuel cells in general and not specific to that two tube affair.
