Vacation 2006

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Well-known member
Jun 14, 2005
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Round Lake, IL
So the wife, Bluebear06, has her 06 FJR A on order and I asked her where ya wanna go for vacation this summer? She says where ever SO since we'll both have FJR's what better place to go than Deals Gap?

I started planning our trip a few weeks ago and 4 other friends of ours want to come along for a week of riding. This is what we'll be doing, The Dragon, Cherahola(SP), The ENTIRE lenght of the Blue Ridge Parkway and Skyline drive.

I figure 8 days should be enough time. Should be a good time, 6 people and 5 bikes 2 05 FJRS, 1 06 FJR, 1 Valk, 1 Vulcan 5 states and 2500 miles.

And CFO a month after, I may have to replace my tires at the end of the season as well.

Where are the rest of you going this year? :D


Me, I am going to play in the French Alps with a bunch of friends from all over. 7 days of hardcore sporttouring in God's on m'cycle backyard.

Late June - early July: German autobahns -> couple of rounds in Nürburgring -> autobahs -> Alps (in Switzerland, Austria, Italy) as long as there are curves, curves and more curves.

Well, although my wife Lorie and I grew up in PA, I keep telling her we're gonna retire to a little ranch in Texas where I can go out on the front porch in the morning and sit a drink a cup of coffee w/o seeing one stinkin' car or other human being!! On the one hand she tells me that ain't happening, but on the other hand she says let's go down to Austin/San Antonio on vacation and look around. So, besides going to the TN EOM in Sep, we'll probably head down Texas way this summer. Sadly, probably via the air vice Feejer. Anyone here from that area - and if so, any suggestions on what to do/see?


I'm going to Disneyworld!!

The wife and I and the little one (she'll be almost 5) and my cousin and her family are all loading up for a week @ Disney in September.

Not so much a 'bike' vacation.

My dad and I are going to take a 3-4 trip down to Waynesboro, Va in the spring tho, riding Skyline Drive and the BRP.


Target! Or Walmart, or wherever else I can buy diapers cheap. Baby on the way, wife is bloated and flatulent... we're going to stay home (with the windows open).

Target!  Or Walmart, or wherever else I can buy diapers cheap.  Baby on the way, wife is bloated and flatulent...  we're going to stay home (with the windows open).
If it's anything like 23 years ago, ToysRus is a good source. YMMV, HTH, Congrats!?

We've scrapped our long-delayed honeymoon plans to Hawaii once again. Eve's job only allows vacation in July, when 99% of everybody else in the US is on vacation, so we're planning to head up and stay in Mammoth Lakes for a few days, then head up to Reno for WFO-5. Schwing!

Great thread grnarrowe! Should be a yearly thread...

1) I'm looking to spend a few weekends looking for some twisty county roads/routes in SW WI for the CFO.

2) Missouri/Arkansas riding for about 5 days in May

3) Spending about a week riding in WV in June between the FJR Ramble(see thread in Midwest section) and the rally :agent:

Hoping to make it all year without any unplanned "off-roading" adventure! :dribble: :cownoy:

NY to Nova Scotia tentatively at the end of June or beginning of July and then I would like to take a trip south, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, during the early to mid part of September. My problem is that when I have money I have no time and when I have time I have no money....its kind of a self-employed phenomona.

Another forum I am a member of is having a Rally in Elkins WV. I hope to ride my NEW 06 up the BRP to the rally and then visit some friends in Pittsburgh since I am so close to them then ride the BRP back home.

Shift work pays off sometimes. I have ten years with co., so I get 4 weeks vacation this year. With the rotating shifts, if you work it right, you can get a week off and only use 2 vacation days. So, I'm looking at at least 6 weeks.

I'm going to Savannah, GA in April to see son before he heads to Iraq. (no bike)

Riding to Sequoia N. Park; Riding to Colorado; Riding to WFO; Riding through Wa. to Mt. St. Helens and Ranier; Shooting for Banff if I can make it this year.



Hope you get to Banff, traffic will be heavy in mid summer, best in Sept. Spectacular scenery, I have spent many weekends in years past skiing, climbing and playing in the area, when I lived in Alberta.

We are going to Reno for the July party, and then back up to the Nelson, BC area in Sept for a week. Also do some 3 - 4 days weekends going thru McKenzie Pass, Central OR and out to the OR coast on the many twisty roads.
