Volcanoe Ride

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Route looks good and time sounds great. Keep the skies clear and I'll see you at Best Buy that morning. The rain does nothing but dirty my new bike and tick me off.

So, anyone from the Seattle area have any ideas on a group ride down? I would propose routes myself but I just moved here a week ago and don't really have a good idea of what roads are good. Of course if no one else is interested I will be coming up with something myself anyway. So far I'm just trying to plan out a route that doesn't involve riding down I-5.

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I haven't but that looks like a good road on the map. I may have to hit I-5 for the beginning so that I can go down 123 and take my time.

I haven't but that looks like a good road on the map. I may have to hit I-5 for the beginning so that I can go down 123 and take my time.
Meosborn, if I could make a suggestion, take I-5 south to Federal Way and pick up 161 S to Elbe - 7 S to Morton - 12 E to Randle.

Then for the return trip from Randle, 12 E to 123 and 410 N to Enumclaw - 169 N past Black Diamond to 18 N to Sno Falls - 202 and 203 N to Monroe - 2 W to Everett.

This is the route that I plan on taking, unless Cayuse Pass SR123 is still closed by June 10th.

Maybe you guys should just carpool there.....or have fjrjeff ride bitch. lol

Maybe you guys should just carpool there.....or have fjrjeff ride bitch. lol
It's understandable how someone in Texas would be clueless as to how roads up here have a tendency to gather moss and rocks, especially the little travelled ones that are just now getting traffic since they typically are covered with snow (frozen precipitation in the form of white or translucent hexagonal ice crystals that fall in soft, white flakes) for most of the year. The main route to Mt. St. Helens is the single most deadly road for motorcyclists in Washington State. So anytime you'd like to lead the pack in a rainstorm through fog over potentially slick roads, you're welcome to join us.

I have a wife and kid, so I'm happy to make use of a little caution.

Maybe you guys should just carpool there.....or have fjrjeff ride bitch. lol
It's understandable how someone in Texas would be clueless as to how roads up here have a tendency to gather moss and rocks, especially the little travelled ones that are just now getting traffic since they typically are covered with snow (frozen precipitation in the form of white or translucent hexagonal ice crystals that fall in soft, white flakes) for most of the year.
Very true, and a very polite response to a comment that should have stayed in Texas.

Thanks. What time should I leave to make sure that I make it to St. Helens ontime?
We plan on leaving Everett a little after 7:00 AM. I figure that should give us plenty of time to make the meet up at the Windy Ridge look out. If you would like to ride along with us we can stop at the Chevron station on 44th in Lynnwood just before the I-5 southbound on ramp.

Maybe you guys should just carpool there.....or have fjrjeff ride bitch. lol
Oh Dot, we know that you are a wannabe post whore and more than likely a sidewalk commando, but please do us a favor and say the **** in Texas.

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Sounds good. If you don't mind, I'll let you know for sure via PM a little closer to the 10th. Thanks again for your help.

Hi all, new member here. Picked up a new '06 yesterday, and will try to make this ride. 8am on Airport way works good for me! (I am East of Gresham area)

I prefer rides early Sunday mornings around 7-12am, few cars and easy to do 300 miles or so. Will chat some more later, count me in at this point.

Hi all, new member here. Picked up a new '06 yesterday, and will try to make this ride. 8am on Airport way works good for me! (I am East of Gresham area)I prefer rides early Sunday mornings around 7-12am, few cars and easy to do 300 miles or so. Will chat some more later, count me in at this point.
Welcome, new guy.

We'll see you at the Best Buy.

Great run around Roslyn Lake out your way....

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Hi all, new member here. Picked up a new '06 yesterday, and will try to make this ride. 8am on Airport way works good for me! (I am East of Gresham area)

I prefer rides early Sunday mornings around 7-12am, few cars and easy to do 300 miles or so. Will chat some more later, count me in at this point.
Welcome, new guy.

We'll see you at the Best Buy.

Great run around Roslyn Lake out your way....
Yes it is a good run by Roslyn. My favorite rides are East on WA. 14 to Goldendale, N. through the canyons.

Or over Mt. Hood to 35 through White river? road towards rock creek etc.

See you Sat morn!

That's Super D from the Mount Vernon area, 95% a go....so far the weather looks pretty good.

Folks, you might want to call the Ranger station in Randle and get an update on the roads. A week or so ago, there was five or six feet of snow at the pass between Randle and the road to Cougar and the Windy Ridge road wasn't expected to open for weeks. I don't think you can get through S from Randle. I think you can make it from Woodside to Carson, but it might even be snowed in on top for this.



Newsroom - 2006 News Release

News Home

USDA Forest Service

Gifford Pinchot National Forest

Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument

For Immediate Release: May 19, 2006

Contact: Roger Peterson (360) 891-5007 or Gala Miller (360) 891-5177

Many Gifford Pinchot National Forest Sites Open for Memorial Day

VANCOUVER, WA –With the beginning of the traditional summer recreation season, many campgrounds, roads and trails on the Gifford Pinchot National Forest will be open for Memorial Day Weekend. Heavy snow pack remains at high elevations and will delay the opening of a number of recreation facilities until early summer.

Forest Road 23 is open from Randle, Wash., south to mile post 25, at the junction of Forest Road 2325. Forest Road 23 is not plowed beyond this point and is closed by snow. From Trout Lake, Wash., Forest Road 23 is closed by snow two miles north of the Forest boundary. Baby Shoe Pass is still closed by snow. Forest Road 25 connecting Randle to the Lewis River Highway (Forest Road 90 east of Cougar) remains impassible. Forest Road 90 is currently open east only to the Lower Falls campground on the north fork of the Lewis River.

Forest Road 99 leading from Forest Road 25 to the Windy Ridge viewpoint on the east side of Mount St. Helens, which is currently closed by snow, will open in late June or early July. Forest Road 81 is open to the Kalama Horse Camp. Forest Road 83 on the south side of Mount St. Helens, is gated beyond the Marble Mountain Sno-Park.

Visitors should drive cautiously on all Forest roads and be prepared to encounter sections of road damaged this past winter. Visitors are advised to always check on current road conditions before traveling in the Forest. Visitors near the volcano need to be prepared for a potential ash fall.

Visitor Centers at Mount St. Helens are operating under summer hours. A Monument Pass is required for entrance to these visitor centers. A Northwest Forest Pass is required at some trailheads, picnic areas, boat launches, visitor centers, and interpretive sites in the National Forests of Oregon and Washington.

On Saturday, June 3, in recognition of National Trails Days all Northwest Forest pass sites will be free.

Some campgrounds open for Memorial Day Weekend include:

Beaver, north of Carson

North Fork, southeast of Randle

Moss Creek, north of Willard

Panther Creek, north of Carson

Tower Rock, south of Randle

Iron Creek, south of Randle

Lower Falls, northeast of Swift Reservoir

Paradise Creek, north of Carson

Sunset Falls, southeast of Amboy

La Wis Wis, east of Packwood

Oklahoma, north of Willard

Trout Lake Creek, north of Trout Lake

Big Creek, southeast of Ashford

Adams Fork, southeast of Randle

For more information about Forest campgrounds, including a list of fees, visit the camping page on the Forest web site.

A Golden Passport or Northwest Forest Pass is needed where there are facilities or trailheads that the Forest Service provides to enhance your experience. These can be purchased at Forest Service offices or local vendors.

Many other high-elevation campgrounds such as Takhlakh Lake, Olallie Lake, Chain-of-Lakes, and Walupt Lake should be open by early-July, depending upon weather conditions.

Some offices will be open over the Memorial Day weekend. For more information, call the Gifford Pinchot Forest Headquarters (360) 891-5009, or one of the Forest Ranger Districts:

Mount St. Helens Monument Headquarters closed Memorial Day weekend. (360) 449-7800

Pine Creek Information Station Closed (will open late June)

Apes' Headquarters at Ape Cave will be open Saturday May 27 – Monday May 29, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., and will reopen for the summer June 24 until Labor Day)

Mt. Adams (509) 395-3400 (Open 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Friday - Monday of Memorial Day weekend)

Cowlitz Valley (360) 497-1100 (open 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. on Saturday May 27, closed for lunch)

Mount St. Helens Coldwater Ridge Visitor Center (360) 274-2114 (Open Daily 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.)

Mount St. Helens Johnston Ridge Observatory (360) 274-2140 (Open Daily 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.)

Additional information is available on the Gifford Pinchot National Forest website www.fs.fed.us/gpnf/.

- Mark

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I just found this on the Internet so it has to be true. :D

For Immediate Release CONTACT: JIM NIELAND

June 5, 1997 PHONE: (360) 247-3900

Windy Ridge Road Opens

Well, it was true in 1997. My BAD, PLEASE IGNORE!

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