The planetary hours from sunrise Saturday to noon, where the sunrise on Saturday is at 06:14AM and sunset is at 08:14 PM are:
Hour Time
Saturn 6:14 to 7:24
Jupiter 7:24 to 8:34
Mars 8:34 to 9:44
Sun 9:44 to 10:54
Venus 10:54 to 12:04
Saturn Hours: Discipline and patience; giving up bad habits; overcoming obstacles; success with difficult tasks or difficult people; projects of long duration – breaking ground, laying foundations; planting perennials; treating chronic illness; making repairs; seeking favors from older people (not relatives) or difficult people. Bad to start trips or travel.
Jupiter Hours: Wisdom, optimism; money (borrowing / lending/ investing / earning / winning); activities necessitating enthusiasm; buying lottery tickets; seeking advice / consultation; settling disputes; seeking favors from grandparents, aunts and uncles, advisers (doctors, lawyers, accountants, astrologers). Good for starting trips and travel and having fun.
Forty years of observing these times and the consequences of starting any ride or tip during a Saturn Hour has proved out to be no good, while all trips and rides started during a Jupiter hour have proved to be very successful. (no cops, etc.)
My recomendation is to leave the house before 6:14 or after 7:24. and I therefore will meet you folks at Shari's after I eat breakfast at home and leave the house after 7:30. Humor me, leave 15-20 min. early. Thanks.
I will bring the Estimate for parts on my bike that I received from University Motors in Fargo, ND. Very nice folks there.