VStream windscreen?

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Does anybody running or planning to run one of these have V-Strom handguards in place? I'm wondering if they'll interfere with the screen when fully down.

Does anybody running or planning to run one of these have V-Strom handguards in place? I'm wondering if they'll interfere with the screen when fully down.
No interference at all. In fact, the "hour glass" shape of the windscreen affords more clearance than any other windsreen I've owned. Just for the record, besides the stock Yamaha shield, I've owned and used the "tall" Yamaha shield, a Cee Bailey's +4+2 with flip and without, and the Givi shield with Saeng edging. Just got back from an 800 mi. ride with the Vsteam and came away very impressed. It's very quiet and manages the airflow very well. Someone else wrote that they could hear their engine much better and I'd have to agree. Also made listening to the XM radio more enjoyable. While it worked pretty well in the 90+ degree heat, I see it as more of a 3-season shield. If I had to have one shield for everything, it would be the Givi with the Saeng Stealth edging, but since that's not the case, I'm keeping the Vstream for my late Fall, Winter, early Spring shield. It could probably do year around duty in cooler climates, but here in New Mexico It's almost mandatory to have at least 2 shields to cope with the huge temp swings. Here's the best pic I had. Hopefully you can get an idea how much room there is for the handguards. I'd guess there is 2 to 3 inches of clearance at the locks. Notice how good the clarity is thru the screen. Little or no distortion that I could notice.


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Does anyone in the Seattle area have one of these? I'd love to see one up close, perhaps even swap to my bike for a quick ride???

Does anyone in the Seattle area have one of these? I'd love to see one up close, perhaps even swap to my bike for a quick ride???
Dude, trust me, this screen rocks and it looks good on the bike, too. I rode Effjay's so equipped '04 and was mightly impressed and I'm not easily impressed, not even when skooter bends over backwards and sticks his head up his ass! I'm not going to order one until next winter, so I'll tell you what; if you don't like it, I'll buy if from you, k? ;)

If it is, I'll have 3 screens up for sale immediately.

+7" Ceebaileys, Yamaha +4", and '03 stocker.
Keep the stocker... chop it down, paint it black, and use it when the weather gets unbearably hot.
When it gets unbearably hot, I switch to the dirtbike. Not all that many days like that in New Jersey anyway, thank god.
You gonna ride the dirtbike to WFO at the tail end of July? ;)

FJRandy - I was supposed to hear from Gary McCoy last Friday - still have not heard anything - I "assume" it means he ain't got the shields yet. :telephone:

Just got back from Missouri, doing 1300 miles with the VStream. I still love this thing. More information to come later. I just rolled in a little bit ago and I'm a little tired. Besides, I haven't seen my wife for a few days...

Damn, this woman is beautiful.

No interference at all. In fact, the "hour glass" shape of the windscreen affords more clearance than any other windsreen I've owned.
Thanks for the response! That's kinda what I was thinkin' when I first saw the shape of the thing. For some reason my auto-park reconnected itself the last time I messed with the HID capsules. I'll have to correct that situation as soon as I get back in there.

Again, no word from Gary McCoy? Anyone??I don't want to piss him off by calling all the time.
I called him today and ordered one. He said he just got his first ten and was going to ship them as soon as they passed inspection. He ordered another batch, expected next week, so I asked him to toss a couple of oil filters into my windshield box.

More are coming, just be patient. You all know how to wait, right?

Besides, I haven't seen my wife for a few days...Damn, this woman is beautiful.
But how does she look through the new screen?

I did the first 120mile trip with the VStream. I like it very much over the Stock shield. Much easier to go big miles and not feel so tired. I actually like the shield best in the lowest position. It seemed to make the ride more stable and less stress on the Ears and Neck. :D

I think I was 1st on this list to bite and 2nd to receive (longer distance to SoCal), but it seems most that subsequently ordered a VStream also are pleased with results like I was with mine. Maybe John Powers of Nat'l Cycle - an FJR rider btw (ref: "borrec" post page 1) - is smiling now! Way too involved with home projects to ride last weekend, but I plan to roll some quality "quiet" miles during the long weekend ahead!


I just got off the phone with Gary. The first 10 shields he ordered are on their way! Mine left there yesterday. So if you know you're among those first 10 people, get ready. WOOHOO!! :yahoo:

Thats great, mine will ship today, missed the ups truck for it yesterday.


to bad it will get here before my bike is fixed

But I will install it for the ride home when i pick it up.


Mine should arrive 052606, think i;ll test it on my lawntractor while waiting for the bike to be repaired

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Since it's thicker, ya think the screws are long enough to grab it good? I think I'll call Gary back and order a new set just for good measure.


My regular screws worked fine. I was able to turn them to "reasonable" tightness and could feel the end protruding thru to the other side. I didnt feel like the VStream was much thicker then the normal shield. The existing screws will be fine. :)

I think I'll call Gary back and order a new set just for good measure.
Just made my order to Gary for the Vstream too. Thanks for the reminder about the screws. I popped one last time I was installing my CB so I'd better get spares just in case. Especially if I'm going to be swapping this screen off-and-on with my summer shield (stock shield with CalSci-like holes cut in it).

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have you already cut the calsci like vents in your stock sheild? if so, how succesful was it? what did you use for a pattern?

i'm thinking of doing the same when my vstream arrives if it's working well for others. different screen and all, don't want build in a whistle.



Just got off the phone with Gary at University motors and he mentioned that he has another 30 some sheilds coming. So if you want one he is the man to contact. The price of mine shipped to me was 135.00 dollars. That's a great price if you ask me.

Now for the ride report. There is not much to tell, it's been raining for 2 days here, so I have only a couple of miles on it and I could tell a huge difference for the better. I will report back after this weekend as I have a three day ride planned. Then it's on to Colorado for a week.

