VStream windscreen?

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Oh, geeeeeeeez. I hate all of you with your little whinny arses. snif, snif "I need a new screen" "The stock sucks" snif, snif "It makes too much noise" snif "And all that buffeting..." snifAnd then, get a new one, and you brag. "Oh, lookie, lookie! My new shield is soooo quiet and the buffeting and back pressure are gone." Whatever. Crybabies.

edit,edit: In light of the recent outbreak of beotch-slapping going on in several threads, let me clarify the intent of the first part of this post. It is an attempt at humor in reference to my well-stated cheapness and everyones success at convincing me to spend $$.

Perhaps a poor attempt, but an attempt nonetheless.

Hey Scab F&%$ YOU! I don't find any humor in your humor :angry2:

OH JK :****: :D :D :D

When you get it bring it on over to Alabaster so we can compare an old tired 05 with no wattage to a new shinny 06 with stolen chinese wattage :p

PS there is a ride to Culman in the morn (sat) to Ave Marie Grotto PM me if interested

Yeah, well maybe EFFAY gone "BARNYARD", but clearly your Momma dresses you funny! :yahoo:
Tell me about it... and my wife isn't any better... I told them I hate wearing sweaters when on a bike ride...


Oh, geeeeeeeez. I hate all of you with your little whinny arses. snif, snif "I need a new screen" "The stock sucks" snif, snif "It makes too much noise" snif "And all that buffeting..." snif

And then, get a new one, and you brag. "Oh, lookie, lookie! My new shield is soooo quiet and the buffeting and back pressure are gone." Whatever. Crybabies.

edit,edit: In light of the recent outbreak of beotch-slapping going on in several threads, let me clarify the intent of the first part of this post. It is an attempt at humor in reference to my well-stated cheapness and everyones success at convincing me to spend $$.

Perhaps a poor attempt, but an attempt nonetheless.

Hey Scab F&%$ YOU! I don't find any humor in your humor :angry2:

OH JK :****: :D :D :D

When you get it bring it on over to Alabaster so we can compare an old tired 05 with no wattage to a new shinny 06 with stolen chinese wattage :p

PS there is a ride to Culman in the morn (sat) to Ave Marie Grotto PM me if interested

Crap, I have to sit around on my arse for 24 hours due to this crappy epidural shit they just shoved into my neck this afternoon. Which actually means nothing to me, I rarely do what the doctors say. But the lovely wife is hovering over my like a vulture over roadkill. And I always so what she tells me to do. Well, most of the time. Anyhow, as soon as the shield is in, let's pick a Saturday and check this thing out. If it is really, really fugly, I will be the one riding with a bag on my head.

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Oh, geeeeeeeez. I hate all of you with your little whinny arses. snif, snif "I need a new screen" "The stock sucks" snif, snif "It makes too much noise" snif "And all that buffeting..." snif

And then, get a new one, and you brag. "Oh, lookie, lookie! My new shield is soooo quiet and the buffeting and back pressure are gone." Whatever. Crybabies.

edit,edit: In light of the recent outbreak of beotch-slapping going on in several threads, let me clarify the intent of the first part of this post. It is an attempt at humor in reference to my well-stated cheapness and everyones success at convincing me to spend $$.

Perhaps a poor attempt, but an attempt nonetheless.

Hey Scab F&%$ YOU! I don't find any humor in your humor :angry2:

OH JK :****: :D :D :D

When you get it bring it on over to Alabaster so we can compare an old tired 05 with no wattage to a new shinny 06 with stolen chinese wattage :p

PS there is a ride to Culman in the morn (sat) to Ave Marie Grotto PM me if interested

I will be the one riding with a bag on my head.

Talk about being kind to others! :tease:

Of course, all is dependent upon my crappy wattage output being able to keep my battery charged. I'm installing pedals, just in case.

Well, Effjay and I swapped rides today for about 30 miles. Here's my impression of the screen:


Pretty good, huh? :D

Seriously. This screen is THE SHIT! Word. :good:

Some facts: Effjay's bike is stock, save for MCL standard risers. I'm 6 foot tall. Having said that, I'll say this: Full down, the air is very still. Nice. You still get wind noise about the visor, but it is a bit less than the stock screen that I run. Move the screen up 1 - 2" and things get very quiet. Eerie quiet - I could almost hear myself breathe. At full up, you can hear yourself breathe! (Man, this motor sounds sweet at speed! Never heard it this way before.) Still, the air pocket is very calm with just an ever so slight breeze at my back. Barely noticeable.

We also had a pretty good 3/4 head on wind going that had little or no effect. Past a couple of semis going the opposite direction and zero wind blasts were felt. Same when following a semi - no buffeting at all. Whether going 40, 50, 60, 90 or 100 mph, the screen was superb - no buffeting and a nice still air pocket. Sweet! Here's a trick I found on noise control... Screen down you get wind noise. Crack your shield (Shoei RF1000, in my case) two notches and it quiets waaaaay down. Neat!

Here's the downside: This ain't a summer screen... Full up, the air pocket is so still that the hot air gets trapped and builds fast. We had a temp range from 75 or so to 93 in the 30 or so miles. Once we hit 85 degrees, I started to notice the heat build up. Dropping the screen helped, but this thing is gonna hold the heat in.

The quality of this screen is the tops, too. Thicker than the stocker and optically perfect. And honestly, this screen is not all that big when you see it up close and personal and it is good looking on the bike. Really! I barely noticed the size difference between this and stock while underway.

One last thing, man-o-man does the stock suspension SUCK! (Sorry, Jeff, but I'm spoiled by the Wilbers.) Felt like I was on a pogo stick, bobbin' 'n weavin' like Ali doin' the Rope-A-Dope!

Effjay, you're up!

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So, TWN, you would say that I have not wasted my money by ordering one of these beotches, heh? Seriously, what do you think about it for someone with "permanent crick" in the neck? Some refief? Please, please, please?

Rolled 275 prox miles today and obtained a real world evaluation of the VStream. I joined Cal Coast Riders for their scheduled monthly ride and enjoyed a romp through tasty backroads. Started from my home sans earplugs and concluded by the time I met the others 20 miles away in Ventura that woudn't work for me. The wind noise, while not turbulent, would tax my already bad hearing. I was a little dissapointed at that point, but decided to see how the day went. With earplugs inserted, the group headed up the coast (5 FJRs, BMW R1100, 1800 Goldwing, 1800 Goldwing trike, a brand new HD Electro Glide and a few metric cruisers).

Let me cut to the chase... I'm very satisfied *for my purposes* with the VStream... This windscreen passes smooth air up and over without turbulence or back pressure at any position tested at speeds up to 90 mph. There is none of the head bobbing in crosswinds or even when an oncoming 18 wheeler passes at speed on 2 lane hwys. Even though I will continue to wear earplugs, I know from today that I will arrive more refreshed and without sore neck muscles. YMMV, depending on seat type (mine's a stocker), style of handlebar risers (mine are GenMar) and height and reach of your torso.

TWN and I talked about taking a piccy of me seated today and I planned to ask him to do so when we stopped on the well known Hwy 33 overlook north of the Rose Valley turnoff. That's when things rapidly changed... A BMW rider stops and asks "are you the Cal Coast group?". Yep. "Well, your H-D rider crashed his bike at the top of Pine Mtn". Just as we were deciding what to do next, a solo mounted Kawi Ninja passes briskly, waves briefly, blows the line on the next corner and crashes in a big way. A call to 911 and Forest Service employee led to a MediVac helicopter. We waited until emergency crew had things under control and headed down the mountain into Ojai and points beyond toward home. Our H-D rider has some injuries but was able to ride his bike home, with broken bright bits hanging loose in several spots. An expensive day for a couple guys. Quite a day all in all. As I type this, the FJR cools and I'm having a cool one myself. OK, enough for now... out to wash a very dirty motorcycle.

So, TWN, you would say that I have not wasted my money by ordering one of these beotches, heh? Seriously, what do you think about it for someone with "permanent crick" in the neck? Some refief? Please, please, please?
You're good to go, bro! See Effjay's write-up, too. $200 bucks, well spent, IMO. ;)

Man, oh, man. I feel all giddy inside. This is like waiting for Chistmas to get here. Mine is supposed to be in on Tuesday, leaving Thursday for Missouri. That should be an adequate test.

Standing offer: Once I get this hush puppy bolted down, any members that wanna check it out, let's hook up and swap rides for a bit.

:angry2: FINE! Go and make me spend more money! :angry2:

Thanks for the reviews, guys. As much as I hate spending more money, I like the fact that this windshield seems to work.

I can't resist, I have to give it a shot. Last weekend just irritated me. 650 miles, butt doing fine and neck hurt like an SOB! Guess I'll put in my order and join the club. Anyone ask about return policy? Wondered if they were as confident as Cee Baileys. I know you can return a CB if you keep the protective cover on. Just curious... consider this trigger pulled!

TWN & Effjay,

Thanks for the review... I think the consistent thing I'm starting to see is that the shields that generate "cones of silence" (i.e. VStream and Cal. Sci, maybe some of the larger Cee Baileys, etc.) don't have much cooling airflow either... which means if you live in a place that gets hot during the summer, you'll probably want a shorter shield to flow some air to stay somewhat cooler.

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Do you think it would be possible to put in a Goldwing vent in this shield? On my GW, I have had tall shields that block a lot of air, but open the vent and it lets in lots of air flow. Vents are readily available for about 50 bucks, just would have to cut the hole.

We have a Vstream on order from our local dealer. Sounds pretty good.


TWN & Effjay,
Thanks for the review... I think the consistent thing I'm starting to see is that the shields that generate "cones of silence" (i.e. VStream and Cal. Sci, maybe some of the larger Cee Baileys, etc.) don't have much cooling airflow either... which means if you live in a place that gets hot during the summer, you'll probably want a shorter shield to flow some air to stay somewhat cooler.

I'll just have to see how warm it gets. Coming from an old wing, I used to doing without a massive air flow. And with my neck being one of my major considerations, I may just have to trade out one convienience for the other. If my neck stays comfy, I think I can ride warm a little longer. ( I hope )

TWN & Effjay,
Thanks for the review... I think the consistent thing I'm starting to see is that the shields that generate "cones of silence" (i.e. VStream and Cal. Sci, maybe some of the larger Cee Baileys, etc.) don't have much cooling airflow either... which means if you live in a place that gets hot during the summer, you'll probably want a shorter shield to flow some air to stay somewhat cooler.

True dat. Here's my thinking right now. Keep the stock screen on for everyday and summer use. Switch out to the VStream for long trips and winter use.

Do you think it would be possible to put in a Goldwing vent in this shield? On my GW, I have had tall shields that block a lot of air, but open the vent and it lets in lots of air flow. Vents are readily available for about 50 bucks, just would have to cut the hole.
We have a Vstream on order from our local dealer. Sounds pretty good.

Some where, the Wing vent has been installed in the screen of an FJR. IIRC, it was successful. Don't ask me where I saw it... Maybe Bounce or radman can hook you up with the link...

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One last thing, man-o-man does the stock suspension SUCK! (Sorry, Jeff, but I'm spoiled by the Wilbers.) Felt like I was on a pogo stick, bobbin' 'n weavin' like Ali doin' the Rope-A-Dope!
TWN, no insult taken on my part - hey, I didn't design the stock suspension components! Truly the ride swap we did before our lunch stop in New Cuyama (good food at the Buckhorn - the servers seem to enyoy it also). This was my opportunity to evaluate TWN's farkles-a-plenty... of immediate interest was his custom made Rocky Mayer saddle and Motorcycle Larry risers, complete with 6* less turn in than stock. I noticed immediately that the higher firmer flatter saddle fit my ergos and straightened my kinked knee bend. I could ride with (my preference for weight transfer) balls of feet on pedals with much greater comfort. And those risers... while my carpal tunnel syndrome eased during our 36 mile swap, TWN's hands went numb. Yamaha did not get this right on our beloved FJRs!

The rest of TWN's farkles were to be felt or admired... yes, the combo of sorted front suspension settings -and- that Wilber's unit on the rear provided cornering confidence not before felt on an FJR (at least on mine). I do have a Superbrace, but that's about it. More work to be done on mine. I was also entertained by GPS countdown to our lunch stop. Sirius and radar unit had lights-a-twinklin' , but I wasn't "wired" to fully enjoy their benefits!

Glad to hear the positive reports. Here in Indiana we are caught in a lousy weather pattern, 50 degrees and constant rain, so I have not had a chance to do a real evaluation yet.

I would also concur with the visual comments made by twowheelnut, when you are sitting on the bike, the screen does not seem that large. For me, a bike is about riding, so I really only care how it performs, not so much how it looks. When you are rolling down the road and suddenly realize that everything is just right; the sun is shining, you can smell the fresh cut grass, the corners feel good and your head is not pounding from the wind, you realize at this moment that you are "tuned in" and as happy as at any time in your life, then windshield size or attractiveness will not matter much.

The heat concerns do not bother me too much either. I had already planned on giving the stock shield another try for summer. I spent the past week riding around Naples, Florida, where the daily temperature was anywhere from 85 - 91. I had my Rifle shield on and really did not mind. In fact, I rode with my Rifle most of last summer and we had many humid, 90+ degree days here. I have done no heat mods on my bike and, while I know it does generate a lot of heat, I am one of the lucky ones that it has never bothered.

