wacked another deer

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Aug 19, 2008
Reaction score
Allen, MI
Hit a deer with my honda interceptor almost 3 months ago. Totalled the bike. Killed the deer. Broke my wrist. On the way to the doctor today I hit another deer with my '08 FJR. I've had it about a month. It has about 1600 miles on it. It'll need alot of the plastic on the front replaced. Killed the deer. Hard to believe I've been riding all my adult life without hitting a deer and then I hit two in less than three months. Both times could have been worse I guess.

That just plain sucks the big one. Hope you played the lottery as your luck is good/bad. Good you weren't hurt badly but bad about the bikes . . .

Good grief that's bad luck. How did the deer hit that you don't need to replace the forks, but you do need to replace plastic?

Not sure if that's really lucky - or really unlucky but glad you are ok. Since I've asked before, I'll ask again...deer whistles installed on either bike?

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I guess I don't know about the forks yet. I still rode it to the doctor, on the highway. Something seems a little off though. I'll take it to the shop tomorrow and let them have a look at it. The other good news is I finally get to go back to work. They wouldn't let me go back until the doc said I didn't have any restrictions.

I stayed up this time. Last time I went over the bars and straight down my lane of the road for about 70 yards. I was very lucky not to get beat up worse. The bike went 50 yards. I was out there with a range finder a couple days after it happened, mainly to find a pocket knife I'd lost. Found it.

Make sure you're hunting license is up to date.

I think the limit is two a year and one in possession,,,,,,,,, :) ))))

I give you credit for reducing the Forest Rat population, but really, wouldn't another method be better? :unsure:

Sorry to hear about the dear hits....Reminds me of the person that called the highway dept.,asking them to move the deer-crossing signs...and put it on a less used road....because there were to many deer getting hit in this area..... :)

If only it were that easy :angry2:

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well contrary to what others have said this is actually good luck. you see insurance companies dont change your rates for making deer claims, it already folded into the price everyone pays in each region. So having survived two strikes the likelyhood of you repeating this a third time is almost 0

If I were a betting man, and had a million dollars...I'd say you are safe from deer strikes for a loooong time.

Several years ago there were deer accident numbers posted for the state of Mich. there we over 67,000 reported deer accidents in the state. One can only guess how many unreported there were. I ride in Mich most of time and it is rare to take a ride without seeing deer in or near the road. The hunting season needs to be extended, year around would be fine with me.

Have you noticed any antlers sticking out from behind your rose bushes? Perhaps a little flash of white tail as you walk around the corner of your house?

You are being stalked! There's a bounty on your head from the Cloven Hoof Mafia, for sure.

Buy a BMW and keep yourself safe (mainly cause it'll spend so much time in the shop you'll never be out riding).

Good to hear you're OK.


Man, you do have an angel watching over you to keep you from serious harm. Two deer in 3 months may be some kind of record. My brother-in-law went down on his 08 Road Star 1700 a little over a month ago. I rode it from the wrecker service to the Yamaha dealer about 3 mi.s away. It had flipped and tore up both sides of the bike. Be sure they really go over the bike carefully as in his case they did not find all the damage on his bike on the first inspection. It broke the stops on both side of the frame for the front fork so it would have required a whole new frame. The Insurance company totalled it. It had 590 mi.s and he had had it just over 2 weeks. About the only things not damaged were the engine and drive train. He lost about $1500 in the settlement over what he had in it.
