Warchild Help Settle The Oil Issue!

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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2005
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Brandon, MS
Yes I am a new to this board, and a new FJR owner of only 3 weeks today and have already put 1500 miles on my 04 FJR-A. I bought it used w/only 1500 miles and one of the first things I did was change oil and filter. I used Yamaha 20W-40 and Yamaha filter. I have read and read and read various opinions on what oil to use. What say you Warchild???? I think most of us value your opinion on this FJR Tech stuff, I followed your instructions on clutch fluid flush, break fluid flush and coolant flush. Getting ready to ck the splines and will also follow Warchild's instructions. I live in the southeast, its HOT here w/only a short mild winter, so should I stay w/Yamalube at next change or go w/something else????? Thanx-bd :blink:

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Welcome to the board Donald,

I have an oil question as well. The shop where I bought my 04 told me I could use synthetic oil which is what I was doing. Then when I was down in NC this summer I went into a dealer for a oil change and they told me I shouldn't be using totally synthetic. The reason for this I was told is that synthetics are alright for car engines but for bikes they actually lubricate too much. He mention something about the types of bearings. (Please don't ask me what this means as I have no idea.) So they put in a synthetic blend oil.

Anyway I am not sure what is correct. I do change the oil pretty regularly (4000 km). I am a moderate rider who will on occassion spend some time up near redline but usually I am just cruising around.

Any advice on what to use?


15,000+ miles on my '05 FJR here.

I switched to Shell Rotella T synthetic 5w-40w (I know - below range but works great) and 8 oz of STP oil treatment waaaaay back and it shifts and runs like a dream.. Lots of us run this combination in the FJR.

This is the hot ticket. I live in Houston and no problems with oil.

BTW - if you haven't yet done the "cromeit heat fix" then do it as it makes a BIG difference on left side heat.

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Somebody, please.... just shoot me now..... :blink:

Okay, here we go.....

While there CERTAINLY isn't anything wrong with the Yamalube 20-40w (which is refined by Citgo, we are told), there are a plethora of outstanding oils to choose from that are widely used through all motorcycle communities. Bel Ray, Valvoline, Silkolene, Maxima, HondaPro, Castoil, Mobil One, etc, etc, etc.... all are outstanding oils. Any one would do an exceptional job for you.

The main thing - perhaps the ONLY thing - that is truly important here is to ensure you change your oil at *least* the specified mileage interval, or, if you don't tend to rack up that much annual mileage, on a seasonal basis so you have an appropriate viscosity for the prevailing ambient temperatures.

Clean oil = good. Dirty oil = Bad.

OK, all that having been said.....

Me, personally, I used the Doug Chapman Blend, which results in a semi-synthetic mixture. It is 50% Mobil One 15w-50, and 50% Valvoline motorcycle oil. I run this blend because when you rack up 30,000+ miles annually, that's a good 7-8 oil changes a year. Crap can be expensive, but both Mobil One 15w-50 and Valvoline motorcycle oil are readily available and relatively inexpensive.

However, in my R1, which doesn't receive anywhere near the mileage the FJR or Blackbird see, this I run Silkolene 10w-40.

Re: synthetics. Your dealer is expressing an opinion not necessarily shared by others. The Old School in me still does not like to see the use of synthetics during break-in or even during the first 5-10K miles. But there is NO reason to think synthetics are bad for the engine in good condition and well past it's break-in period.

That having been said, many folks run synthethic right from the first oil change with no issues whatsoever.

Right then... y'all are really convincing me to finally create that "Never-Ending Pointless Thread" forum.... :lol:

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So Warchild have you any opinion on whether the FJR is too hot or the seat is uncomfortable? :dribble: :dribble:

Ok don't hurt me,

gypsy :tease:

I’ve never seen anyone write to say a particular brand of oil caused/permitted engine damage. I have seen some types of automotive engine oil and oil additives do bad things to the clutch.

Just another log on the eternal flame.


Ouch!!! my first post and I got called to the principals office! what fond memories! I have to learn to crawl before I walk. Thanx for the info Warchild, the advise will be put to good use. bd :huh:

Yes Grasshopper. Learn the ways of the Search button. It actually works pretty well on this forum.

The o-word hasn't cropped up.....in a couple weeks maybe.

If you're thinking of asking questions about hot-button issues like octane choice, tire choice, which year is fastest, whether they run too hot, etc.....it's always good to try that Search button and research.

.......then throw gas on the fire anyway ;)

Welcome FNG!

Just make sure if you use a synthetic that you choose one with OUT friction modifiers. That's probably what your dealer was referring to.

I am such a glutton for punishment, but I have to ask, so here it goes--what the hell does FNG stand for? man, I cant wait to see the responses

Use your imagination. Lets see. You're new. You're a guy. You can guess the rest. ;)

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Well, I guess its time to find and post the definitive oil thread summary again…

Newbie, “What oil is the best for my bike?”

Take your pick from the following answers. There are no wrong answers depending on the forum you post the above question in.

Answer 1: “You must only use the manufacturer’s oil only! All other’s are crap and will destroy your engine! The (INSERT MANUFACTURER’S NAME HERE) engine designers chose the oil first and then designed the motor around it.!”

Answer 2: “You must only use petroleum based oils. All others are crap and will destroy your engine! I know and after extensive testing I have determined that TRex Motor Oil is the best!”

Answer 3: “You must only use synthetic oil! All others are crap and will destroy your engine! I know and after extensive testing I have determined that SuperSyn Slippery Stuff is the best!”

Answer 4: “You must only use the most expensive oil! All others are crap and will destroy your engine! I know and after extensive testing I have determined that Ultra RUB Purple Royal Platinum at $32.99 a liter is the best!”

Answer 5: “You should only use the cheapest oil! All others are crap and will destroy your engine! I know and after extensive testing I have determined that Costco Valueline Oil at $.69 per quart is the best!”

Answer 6: “You should use diesel oils as they are designed for heavy loads. All others are crap and will destroy your engine! I know and after extensive testing I have determined that Big Jim Bob’s Truck Juice at $16 a gallon is the best!”

Answer 7: “I don’t know what I put in mine. I change it with whatever comes out of my roommates ’89 Civic when he changes oil. I am trying to be nice to mother nature you know!”

Answer 8: “You should only use motorcycle specific oil! All others are crap and will destroy your engine! I know and after extensive testing I have determined that Bill’s Big Bike Oil is the best!”

Answer 9: “Big oil companies don’t know what they are doing! Their oil is crap and will destroy your engine! I know and after extensive testing I have found a super secret formula called Steve’s Super Stealth Magical Mystery Oil is the best!”

I may have missed a response or two but others will chime in I am sure! Warchild, pin this in the new, “Recurring Threads Started by Newbies Who are Too Stupid to use the Search Function or are Just Lazy Bastards Who Everything Handed to Them on a Silver Platter” Forum.

Over and out.


I am such a glutton for punishment, but I have to ask, so here it goes--what the hell does FNG stand for? man, I cant wait to see the responses
a ) Frackin' Nubile Galute

b ) Fubu Noochin' Gangsta

c ) Frickin' New Guy

d ) Forever Nice Guy

e ) Fat Naked Guy

....It's probably close to c)......unless you have a username FNG and an avatar that makes you swear off Big Macs.

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I may have missed a response or two but others will chime in I am sure! Warchild, pin this in the new, “Recurring Threads Started by Newbies Who are Too Stupid to use the Search Function or are Just Lazy Bastards Who Everything Handed to Them on a Silver Platter” Forum.
No, no.... plenty of seasoned veterans also enter the realm of the "Never-Ending Pointless Recurring Threads" arena, not just the new dudes/lazy bastards. :D :lol:

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I will say filters are your biggest friend. If you want to spend your time on the oil issue make sure you use a good filter.

On the same note, I own a Cummins diesel and at 12-13 quarts of oil, money, interval, use of truck do become a big topic. I get free oil from the dealer and a BS discount on their crappy filter. Discount still makes the filter more expensive than the best fleetguard.

Sorry, but I gotta ask:  what's wrong with using syntetics during the early life of the engine?
More fuel to the eternal flame..yes I'm guilty too

Some claim that on a relatively new engine the rings may not be completely seated after XXXX (pick your number) miles. If the rings aren't seated then the synthetic oils may not allow that to ever happen...leading to (increased) oil comsumption.

Over and out... :ph34r:


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