Warm-n-Safe Heated Jacket Liner GROUP BUY

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Albuquerque, NM
Hi all,

I've decided to get a Warm-n-Safe heated jacket linerand Heat-Troller from Catfish, a Warm-n-Safe dealer and a FJR listserv member. I asked him about a group buy and this is what he said below. This seems to me to be a really good deal. So if you've been thinking of getting some heated gear, consider this. The group buy is good for 3 weeks until 3/16! I think that during this time we can put together at least 12 people. If you want to participate, email him, don't just say, me too, on this thread!

Warmest regards,

Doc Reid


Catfish said:

If you can get a dozen people who want liners I'll do 25% off (on the heated hacket liner). That's $142.50. I think that's a really good price. Furthermore, whatever Heat-Trollers are needed at the time of the group buy I'll knock 20% off of them. As long as you hit the dozen mark on the liners there will be no minimum on the Heat-Trollers. Sound good?

Reply to me at this addy:

[email protected]

By march 16, I'll be wearing a cutoff tee when I ride here in dallas.....this should annoy the helmet wearers and the "I'd rather sweat then bleed" riders.

How about just a HeatTroller?

I have everything else but the wife could use a 'troller for her jacket liner.

I checked the FAQ's but didn't notice, do you happen to know the current draw?
High. Extremely high.

Those Endurance Riders out there who may be contemplating the warm-n-safe gear may want to consider a few issues in your decision-making process.

Frequently, if it's cold enough to need heated clothing, it's also dark enough to want your aux lights burning. You know how *that* goes.....

Given the unusually high amount of electrical draw of the warm-n-safe gear, if you run it at near full power, you can give up the notion of aux lights, even energy-efficient lights such as the PHIDs.

At full steam, the warm-n-safe sucks down 100 watts of power. Obviously, you'll have electronic controllers to mitigate that a fair degree; that's understood.

But I also know what you're going to do when it's freezing cold at a 9000' summit. At 3AM. In the rain.

You'll have that thing cranked to the max. You will not have enough remaining power to run your twin 55-watt Hellas/PIAAs, nor your twin 42-watt PHIDs. Not for very long, anyway.

No doubt the gear is good. Just be mindful of what you have to work with over the long haul. Make an informed decision, is what I'm saying.

This wouldn't be an issue if Japan would get off its ass and provide a decent output for this platform. Until/unless that happens, keep an eye on your Datel.

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Catfish did say that he'd give 20% off Heat-trollers to anyone else if we make the minimum 12 jacket liners orders.

Frequently, if it's cold enough to need heated clothing, it's also dark enough to want your aux lights burning. You know how *that* goes.....
Actually I don't. I rarely ride at night and not by design. I could've used the heated clothing in July riding up through the Rockies when a cold front came through. And in October when riding back from WA to NM through another cold front.

I agree with you if you are a LD rider and/or like to ride at night though.

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I checked the FAQ's but didn't notice, do you happen to know the current draw?
To expand on Warchild, if the jacket is 100 watts and presuming it includes elements in the arms, the Widder runs at 55 watts, and the Gerbing 77 watts. With that 45 watt difference I can fire up a full HID light.

I have a warm-n-safe liner. Yes it does draw a lot. But it is very warm. I usually only have to run it at 1/2. The arms are heated and also the collar. I do not have aux. lights so I can't help in that area.


I checked the FAQ's but didn't notice, do you happen to know the current draw?
To expand on Warchild, if the jacket is 100 watts and presuming it includes elements in the arms, the Widder runs at 55 watts, and the Gerbing 77 watts. With that 45 watt difference I can fire up a full HID light.
Well, I certainly didn't intend to try and derail this group buy. Sorry for asking, but I figured the issue would come up sooner or later. As for the high draw, perhaps it is still comparable to the Widders as to heat output for watts used. I have no experience with any heated garments, but I'll probably end up with one for Eve, just not this year. The bike will probably be in the shop until it warms up anyway. I have yet to ride in conditions where I felt I would need a heated jacket, which is good because running two sets would be impossible. Today I picked up a North Face 300 wt. Polartec fleece jacket which should keep me cozy in some pretty frigid weather. Got a pretty sweet deal from my stepdaughter who works at the sports store, so I couldn't bring myself to pass on it.

Today I picked up a North Face 300 wt. Polartec fleece jacket which should keep me cozy in some pretty frigid weather. Got a pretty sweet deal from my stepdaughter who works at the sports store, so I couldn't bring myself to pass on it.
So how many do you think she can lift at a time? We could get something going here........... ;) :p

I don't get around here often enough anymore but one point that no one has mentioned is that the WNS heated jacket is designed to fit closer to the body than any other electric jacket liner I've seen. It is constructed using stretchable panels in strategic places to be very close fitting.

This alone should allow much lower settings with a heat controller because the heat is closer to your body.

My .02 plus change
