Wayne (ExtremeMarine) and Annette Update

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I talked to Wayne for a few minutes this evening. He sounds good. It's very evident that he wants to go home. It's good to see that he is much improved. Prayers answered.


Annette and Wayne,

So glad to hear you are both on the mend.

Thanks for the nice update,

God Bless,


Update: Wayne is out of the hospital and now in the Rehab Center!! :clapping: As Wayne put it, One more step closer to going home!!

His new contact number at the rehab center is: 540-two six six-5458. He said it's best to call after 4 pm.

Keep going man! Your close!!


Outstanding news, Jason! Thx for the update.

Glad to see your doing ok .Your posts are upbeat and positive and that is a great thing to have in your life and for your husband .Hope he is home soon . Mike

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Called wayne tonight at 6 pm e.s.t he sounded tired and a little druged out . Asked he how the drugs were working his reply was real smoooooooooth and feeling better can wait to get home and be with the family


I will give him a ring tonight. :)

Thanks Jason and Heidi for the updates. I don't care what people say about you Jason, You are alright in my book... :good:

Wayne and Annette,

I talked to my friend Terry (TA) today and she said that she paid you both a visit this past week. She was impressed by youse guyses attitudes. She is a good lady and I am glad you all got to meet. Glad to hear things are progressing well. My CMA chapter, Sunday school class and I have been praying for both of you....but you knew that. B)

Hey Wayne & Annette! I've never had the pleasure of meeting you...Just joined the forum prior to EOM and bought my 07A just afterwards. But, I've been following this thread closely and I;m so glad you're on the mend. Stay strong! You have a lot of people rooting for you. I'll keep sending up the prayers. :clapping:

Still Annette here with an update....

Good news all around... Wayne is at rehab as you all know. He has been doing really well. He is very eager to get home and it looks like he will be getting his wish by the end of this next week. We will know more on Monday as far as a specific release date, but all things point to maybe next weekend. If so then he will be back and able to be back with everyone here. :yahoo:

I know that we both have gotten so much support from everyone visiting us and posting here. I think having everyone here to talk with has definitely kept his spirits up and made for a more positive attitude all around. If any of you are ever up our direction, please let us know as we would be so happy to have you stop in. The next few months will be long ones with both of us going through rehab stuff and regular checkups, but the surgery Wayne had definitely seems to have made the recovery time for him a better prognosis. It sounds like instead of a walker he will be home with just a cane & the back brace. He told me last night that he wants our daughter, Amber, to spray paint it flat black and write FJR on it in. I said that would give new meaning to leaning on your FJR. That got a real laugh, which was a wonderful sound. I will have some fun times ahead learning to get my hand to work right again with these plates in it. They already feel weird, so it will be interesting. I'll be setting off metal detectors everywhere from now on. It will make for fun times if we have to fly again. :p

I have to just put a little note here about the gear I was wearing when we wrecked. I got the boxes with our stuff in it this past week. Had I been able to take the gear off instead of the EMT's cutting it off, I would have been able to toss it all in the wash and wear it again. Not a rip, not a tear, not a sign of damage except for some dirt and grass stains. I was amazed. I know many of you heard the tale of me spending all of Wayne's money on gear the day we started our trip. I am so glad I did. I know I said it before, but after seeing the gear, I will definitely be buying the same stuff again. Going to start saving my pennies now. I figure if I start now we will have enough to replace both our sets by the time we are ready to ride again.

I will let everyone know as soon a we have a date for Wayne to be home. Thank you all again for all the support. I know I say it often, but it never seems enough considering how great you have all been. I really can't wait to meet up with evryone again. EOM 09 is sounding especially sweet right about now. :biggrinsmiley: Hopefully some of you will have time to visit us before then. If not we will be in withdrawl symptoms and look like this guy ---> :crazy:

Tell Wayne I have picked out some special Pirelli rubber for the end of his walking cane that will give him extra grip in the corners. However, the procedure for throttle body sync on his FJR cane is going to be painful. It involves attaching vacuum hoses to nipples.

