Wayne (ExtremeMarine) and Annette Update

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Tell Wayne we took a vote and he gets to be the poster boy for the design of EOM 09.

We already have decided on the photo to use


Be spectacular in everything you do :D

:p :lol:

Heal up both of ya'll!

Oh Kevin... you're bad, man. I'll bet that Wayne's gonna' beat your ass when he can.

For real, I am so glad that there are some aspects of this event that can be chuckled at, now. Our friends are healing... & that is good. No disrespect meant.

Ingo & I went to see Wayne, yesterday as our leaf peeping extravaganza was drawing to a close. Wayne is extremely upbeat & almost the whole time that we were there, he talked about motorcycles.

He's not positive... but is hoping to be gone from rehab by the weekend... & I am praying that will happen. He expressed how much that he missed his family & how good it'll be to be with them finally.


Happy to hear Wayne is closer to home.

Best wishes to Wayne and Annette from me and Sally.

Is 'rehab' in the same place? I might be in the neighborhood in the next few days and i may be able to stop in for a quick "Hey."

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Marty, the rehab building is right next to the hospital. Stop in at the front desk of the Taj Mahal (the hospital is completely mirrored on the outside) & ask. You can see the building from the main entrance of the hospital.

Make sure that you go to the hospital & not the trauma center down the street. It's a little confusing. If the building is not mirrored, you are not at the correct hospital near the rehab center.

A little bird flew over last night and told me that Wayne will be getting out on Friday Morning for sure!!! :clapping:

I'll let her fill in the rest of the details.


If Wayne forgot the directions to Michigan?

Its west until you smell it, then north until you step in it. :p

Great news, Thanks Jason.

You know we have been so focused on Wayne and Annette that we somehow forgot about the 2 other passengers that were with them?



Can we get an update? Did they survive the crash?


Woooo-Hoooo, what a ride! i am soooo glad to hear all the good news concerning you both.

Here's to continued improvements and great rides to come! :drinks:

You know we have been so focused on Wayne and Annette that we somehow forgot about the 2 other passengers that were with them?



Can we get an update? Did they survive the crash?


Ah, yes. Mr. Happy & our newest rider, Mr. Squirrel. Both of them did indeed survive the crash. Mr. Happy is home here in Michigan awaiting his new assignment. Mr. squirrel is with Wayne in Virginia. He has been keeping an eye on his recovery and keeping him motivated.

For those that do not know, Mr. Happy has been with us for a long time. He has been coast to coast with Wayne and on almost every ride we have ever been on. He is our good luck charm for sure. I had someone me that he couldn't be that lucky since we crashed. I told them of course he is lucky, we are both ok. Mr. Squirrel is a new addition to our passenger list. On the first day of riding at this year's EOM we came around a left curve and saw what looked like a roadkill squirrel in the corner. Wayne was leaned over & pointed it out to those behind us. At this point the squirrel decided to spring to life and jumped up at Wayne's outstretched hand. I thought for sure we were going to have a furry passenger. Luckily he scampered off AWAY from the bike. After hearing our story our friends Adam & Jada found the cute little guy in the picture. They put him on th GPS and it took Wayne about 30 minutes to notice :p

As for the update on Wayne... He will be headed home on Friday. He walked all the way around the block of the rehab center yesterday. He said it wore him out, but it felt good to be out. He is working hard and is on the road to recovery. It is going to take a while, but he will be up and about and giving you all trouble in no time. I personally can"t wait for him to be causing trouble again. Someone please remind me I said that when you hear me say I am ready to kick him in the backside for being a pain in mine ;)

Unless something major happens, the next post from extrememarine will actually be from him. I know how much all of your support has meant & I know he will be glad to be able to talk to you all again.

On my way to Myrtle Beach I stopped in to see Wayne today. He is definitely upbeat and ready to leave his temporary prison Friday morning. He said he can't wait to get home, and at home do all the things he should be doing AT home. I am sure he meant catching up on his email and forum posts.......

He is looking very well for a guy who just went through what he went through. He stood for the 20 minutes we were chatting, and he is sporting the latest in lightweight Aerostich body armor. He does need some Storms or Diablos on the bottom of that cane, though.

His FJR is still being assessed by a nearby Yammie dealer. I think he is wanting an new one, but is not partial to the black. Maybe he can find someone with an AE and swap the plastic?? Regardless of the final color, I believe we will be riding with an extrememarine again next year.

So, Wayne, get well soon and no snow shovelling up there in your new place!

I got a message from Wayne today that he is home safe and sound! He said getting home he feels like he just jumped ahead a month in the recovery process!


I got a message from Wayne today that he is home safe and sound! He said getting home he feels like he just jumped ahead a month in the recovery process!
For those of us who are miles and miles away but "pop-in" here to get "the rest of the story"...

:yahoo: [SIZE=12pt]This is great news!!![/SIZE] :yahoo:

Both of you continue your healing. We'll continue sending positive thoughts and prayers.

Of course, we're all waiting to vicariously enjoy bike shopping..... :D

I got a message from Wayne today that he is home safe and sound! He said getting home he feels like he just jumped ahead a month in the recovery process!

:clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :clapping: :yahoo: :yahoo:

[SIZE=12pt]After 32 days, I am home. I made the trip from Roanoke to Michigan Friday, 24 October with out incident, arriving at the house around 2100 that evening. I am resting comfortably (as can be expected) now enjoying the Valencia MotoGP as I type this and am well on my way down the road to recovery.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Thank you's:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The absolute first thing I must do is say Thank You. And trust me, those 2 words do not even begin to scratch to surface as to the level of gratitude Annette and I have for the outpouring of support we have received during our time of need. It has been a truly humbling experience. You don't realize just how far your extended family reaches until you are on this side of things. The visits, phone calls, thoughts & prayers expressed here on the forum are what have given us both the strength to carry on each day. The camaraderie shared in the motorcycling community so similar to that of the Marine Corps is something that has been part of the reason I have been so consumed by motorcycling of the past few years. Thank you.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]To everyone who stopped to check in on us in Roanoke, Thank you. I can not tell how it lifted me to see each of you. Jim, Creta, Heidi, Endo(sp?), Jason, Charlie, Marty, and there are more that are in the drug induced fog right now that you'll have to forgive me. Along with the phone calls from so many that I can not even begin to list here. The sound of riding gear coming down the hall or a few minutes on the phone each day are what gave me the will to attack each and every task, to keep moving forward when every fiber was screaming just stop. Thank you.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]I can not even begin to tell you the love we've gotten from Jim and Creta Meadows. There is no better example of "good people" than Jim & Creta. They have been there for us at every turn since the accident. For that, we are forever indebted. Jim; there's a lake full of bass and monster bluegil with your name on it up here; just say the word![/SIZE]

And to Charlie (Red Diver) who was with us on that day. The first sound I remember was that of his FJR coming down through the gears as he stopped and I think he left it running as ran to us. I made one request, and he carried it out to the letter; "get Annette out of here first; leave me alone, stay with Annette, she goes first no matter what." I know there was no harder thing for him to do than see us there, but he stayed strong, calm through the whole ordeal. I know it was hard for him, as it turned out, I was just bad or worse shape than Annette, but he stayed true to my request, even as my BP continued to dropped, the Lifeflight that at first could not see us (Charlie picked up on of my FJR mirrors and signaled them) and then would not land... He followed us to the ER, stayed with Annette for as long as they'd allow. I am truely sorry for putting him through this, but I could not ask for a better wingman that day. Thank you Charlie.

[SIZE=12pt]Where we're at now:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Well, I'm in pretty good shape, considering. I have not read through all of this post yet, but here's a recap; Injuries I sustained were fractured right scapula (which feels well healed), Class 4 lacerated spleen (repaired via surgery 1 week after accident), minor lacerations to liver (self healing via medications?? – not enough jack & coke's!), 3 fractured ribs (healing – still hurts to cough), fractured vertebra (S1, L5, L4 were fused on 6 Oct, my back being the remaining major injury to heal and then work through physical therapy.) Annette suffered a broken left wrist (surgery installed some plates, and she now has here cast off and will begin physical therapy soon for), a fractured left heal (healed, walking boot/cast removed Thursday), 4 fractured ribs (healing), and punctured lung sack (I'm sure that there's a more technical medical term, but it escapes me at this point; healing- soreness from the chest tube incision). We both still have some lingering aches, pains, and bruising. Most of my bruising is gone; Annette still has a few very tender spots which are getting better. [/SIZE]

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[SIZE=12pt]You'll notice that none of my description above includes any mention of road rash. Number 1, ATGATT. I've always been for it, and this only enforces those beliefs. Our gear did its job. Mine was Joe Rocket; Annette was in a (brand new!) Tour Master Jacket with Field Sheer pants. There were no rips or tears in any of the gear. It did not, however, survive the EMT's scissors while being removed!![/SIZE]

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[SIZE=12pt]What lies ahead?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]This question that I've been asked most, "will you ride again?" I have pondered this question over the past month so much. This is the 2nd time I've been down hard on the street (1st being in 2000, courtesy of a 16yr old in NY, with just a dislocated shoulder). The difference this time is the fact that I hurt a loved one. I never in a lifetime fathomed how hard is would be to deal with the fact that I caused pain to one of my own. I would not wish this on anyone; seeing Annette the way she is even now pains me beyond words. As I sit now, I'm fairly certain I will continue to ride (after all, I've still got the Harley in the garage to screw up). The catch 22 that has been laid out for me by Annette is that if I continue to ride, then I have to allow her to as well. That will be the hardest thing I think I will ever do, putting her on a back seat again. I have swung back and forth on this, from, "I'm selling everything" to "when will the FJR be fixed or when are we buying a new one". I have not been able to bring myself to venture into the garage yet; the Harley has not been started since we left, my son's CB360 project waits patiently along side our CRF-50. I will force that step in the coming days, as I know it will be a key part of the healing process. Our long term goal right now is attending EOM 2009, where ever it may be.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The Bike;[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]I'll put up pictures soon. Our last conversation with the insurance company ended with the bike being moved to a Yamaha shop near Bluefield, VA for a better look. The few pictures that we have look promising. I am really attached to this bike for all the memories I have had on it in the last 2 years. If it's not repairable, then the first dealership that I can find that will swap 2009 AE to A Tupperware will get a check. More to follow…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Again, Thank you to all, we are eternally grateful for everything everyone has done for us. I feel like I am missing or not saying so much, bear with me, I am still fighting through the fog at times.[/SIZE]

Time for a pill, a slice of apple pie, and snuggles with my 3 yr old on the couch. I'll begin reading through the 12!! pages of posted here and reponding over the next few days. Thanks again everyone!

[SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Wayne. [/SIZE]

Good news, good news. Glad you and yours are getting better. This is my first post since your wreck. Lots of people wishing you the best. I didn't want to sound like I was jumping on the bandwagon until I had something important to say. Not that I didn't wish you and your Wife the best, I didn't want my post to get lost in all the other good people wishing you well. I really needed to say something from the heart.

Wrestling with putting your loved one on the seat behind you has been a struggle for me too. I think it is for anyone who rides. It goes with out saying that you, me and everyone else that rides two up would rather step in front of a train than hurt the person we carry on the back. Of course it's not our decision totally to make either. What ever you decide, stick with it and don't look back. Looking forward to shaking your hand at EOM 09.

Don and Christine

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So glad to hear from you. So glad you guys are doing so well. Keep your chin up and getting better. If you need a FL vacation just give a holler. Say hi to Annette and post up again when you feel up to it.
