We have lost one of our own and the Widow Needs our help

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Why yes, I am a Smart ASS
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
Alabaster, AL
As the main contact for the AL FJR Riders I got a sad email tonight. I will not post the members name until they are ready to do so. In the meantime I will be the contact for the sale to help her weed out any scammers that may come through our waters.

PM Me if Interested.

The email:

. I wanted to let you know I lost my husband last Thursday after a 22 month battle with pancreatic cancer. We were both members of this list as we both bought new 06 FJR's the last few months.
My husband's will be or I should say is for sale. Just thought I would pass it along if anyone was maybe looking for one. I think it has 63 miles showing on the odometer. Things are too soon for me to know really what I'm doing as yet, but was answering emails and saw the updated list and thought I might let anyone know there is a nice new 06 available
Any details on the bike add ons, etc are unknown at this time and the price is prob Payoff. If interested contact me and we'll work it out as she gets time.

Admins do you mind a double post in the For Sale area?

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That's too bad, man. Never good to hear the big C. Give her our condolences.


I always know that the friends I make thru cycling are some of the best. Thanks for reconfirming that belief.



Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I'll be in B'ham next week so let me know if i can help out in anyway.

My prayer goes out to this family.



Please keep us up to date re: donations, help she needs, etc.

I will hold her in my prayers.

God Bless.

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Fencer. You are good man. Boy, this life stuff sure can be short. Enjoy it while you can. Thoughts and prayers with the Mrs.

Very sad, indeed. Twenty-two months of battling w/ that is just heart wrenching. Fencer, let us know how to contribute. Prayers go out for the wife and family.

Good ones to ya Fencer and prayers for everyone concerned. I lost a long time friend who also was in our CMA chapter on Monday as he was killed in a head-on with a Peterbuilt in his pickup. Just too much it seems of this going on lately. Let us know if anything is needed. Take care, PM. <><

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Please give my best to the family. While I am in San Antonio this weekend, I will light a prayer candle at Mission Concepcion before mass.

The family will be in my prayers.

God Bless,


"That just sucks large"....sorry...just I have a real hate for the big "C" in any form.... give my condolences to the family Fencer....Godspeed to her husband....& may he rest in peace....Mike
