We have lost one of our own and the Widow Needs our help

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So sad. Same cancer that took my mom last summer. Hard to detect and hard to treat. Godspeed to the man, and prayers for his family. In times like these it sure is good to have friends. Kudos to Fencer for being one when it is most important.

Very sad, indeed. Twenty-two months of battling w/ that is just heart wrenching. Fencer, let us know how to contribute. Prayers go out for the wife and family.
22 months battling C and still bought a new bike. That man must have had a great attitude and it would have been great to know him. Godspeed.

22 months battling C and still bought a new bike. That man must have had a great attitude and it would have been great to know him. Godspeed.
Much like my father a few years ago, He wanted to do everything he wanted to do, cancer or not.


Tough stuff...............hits way to close to home these days.

Good man there Fencer!

Condolences to the family!!!!!

The older we get, the more of this we see happen around us.........truly humbling!

We had the big C scare in our family 5 years ago, fortunatley we are all ok. It definitely puts your daily life into perspective. Celebrate the lives of friends and family while they are here, afterwords it's too late. My kudos to them both for celebrating life, my condolences to the family.



22 months battling C and still bought a new bike. That man must have had a great attitude and it would have been great to know him. Godspeed.

Nicely put in better words than I can muster. TJ

Fencer, Thanks for stepping up and doing the rightous thing. My condolences to the widow....May he forever rest in peace.

Fence... good on ya for helping out. I'm in town if you need help with this. Prayers for the Mrs., and may he rest in peace.

Sad news fencer.I can't imagine what she's going through. My thoughts and prayers will be with her. I hope the bike sells soon.


Sad news fencer.I can't imagine what she's going through. My thoughts and prayers will be with her. I hope the bike sells soon.
Yeah, +1. I've been trying to think of something to add. What a sad time for the family.

It sounds like she's keeping her FJR. I hope she finds some great people to ride with and will continue to enjoy the path they had planned as a couple.

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Very sad, indeed. Twenty-two months of battling w/ that is just heart wrenching. Fencer, let us know how to contribute. Prayers go out for the wife and family.
22 months battling C and still bought a new bike. That man must have had a great attitude and it would have been great to know him. Godspeed.
Amen :(

Thanks Fence for all you are doing to help. Am sure its a very tough time for the Mrs and family. Lost my Dad to the same pancreatic cancer20 years ago - as someone said it is one of the most difficult to detect and treat. Prayers go out to the family from me and I know from many others.


Well I have a handfull of folks interested, and a couple that seem very serious. Thank you for your responses so far. If you have not sent me you contact info ( read as phone number) do so as she will be contacting folks soon

An update on the bike info.

The model is an 06 A which is ABS (for those who don't know), and is stock. The price will be $10,900 (approx payoff) and the milage wil be a little higher as it turns out the dash was replaced under the recall (at D&H) so milage is around 800 but under 1000 (she will send true milage shortly the church group was over today). The 600 mile service was also done by D&H. The bike was just purchased around August for approx 11,800, and I forgot to ask if they had the extended warranty or not, but I don't think so. but still plenty o time to get it if wanted.

Thanks for the well wishes.

For those interesed in the bike, please don't be offended if she tells you to bring cash for the purchase. This is what I have told her to do as several of the inquiries are from new posters and we don't know you, and she certainly cannot afford a scammer at this time. I think we can all agree that THAT type of person likes to prey on folks they think are weak. So if your check is good. cash it at your bank and bring the money.

AFTER that you will get the bike and title.

Also there will probably be some gear and maybe another bike or two as he had a few from the 80's up to the 06. She would like to keep what she can. She made the comment that we have all heard of "he who dies with the most toys wins." She would like to think he was a winner. They loved to tour. And have a few 90's BMWs (but we won't hold that against her) An 80,s or 90's HD (we won't hold that against her either :D ), an early 80's Honda And an FZ1-01. I think we could all appreciate his love for bikes here.

Well I have a handfull of folks interested, and a couple that seem very serious. Thank you for your responses so far. If you have not sent me you contact info ( read as phone number) do so as she will be contacting folks soon
An update on the bike info.

The model is an 06 A which is ABS (for those who don't know), and is stock. The price will be $10,900 (approx payoff) and the milage wil be a little higher as it turns out the dash was replaced under the recall (at D&H) so milage is around 800 but under 1000 (she will send true milage shortly the church group was over today). The 600 mile service was also done by D&H. The bike was just purchased around August for approx 11,800, and I forgot to ask if they had the extended warranty or not, but I don't think so. but still plenty o time to get it if wanted.

Thanks for the well wishes.

For those interesed in the bike, please don't be offended if she tells you to bring cash for the purchase. This is what I have told her to do as several of the inquiries are from new posters and we don't know you, and she certainly cannot afford a scammer at this time. I think we can all agree that THAT type of person likes to prey on folks they think are weak. So if your check is good. cash it at your bank and bring the money.

AFTER that you will get the bike and title.

Also there will probably be some gear and maybe another bike or two as he had a few from the 80's up to the 06. She would like to keep what she can. She made the comment that we have all heard of "he who dies with the most toys wins." She would like to think he was a winner. They loved to tour. And have a few 90's BMWs (but we won't hold that against her) An 80,s or 90's HD (we won't hold that against her either :D ), an early 80's Honda And an FZ1-01. I think we could all appreciate his love for bikes here.

Please convey my condolences to her...

Also... If you can list the bikes she' wants to sell, I'll make sure they are posted on other forums....especially the Harleys...


