Well, I'm either toast

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Eat a cok Raymond..

Jus remember to chew it 22 times before u swallow

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You want to know what I think would be fun??? Bust, you should spend an entire day over on the other FJR forum delivering your advice and commentary. Within hours there would be so many hurt feelings and offended young riders that a platoon of talk therapy counselors would be needed to get everyone back on their feet. I think that forum is where the completely uninformed and those needing constant handholding go to exchange Facebook Page addresses.

We definitely do NOT want to get into a cross forum flame war. Every forum is different and we all tend to gravitate toward our own comfort zone. The two ST1300 forums are both much kinder and gentler than this one but I behave accordingly.

What burns me is when someone comes here and then want to change the way things are once they get here. If it is so bad, go back to wherever you came from in the first place. At the very least, just SEARCH for the info you need since pretty much EVERY FJR question has already been answered multiple times and that way you never get involved in dealing with any meanness.

RIP George, you were a legend in your own mind!!!

Blow it out your ass

Gotta love George Carlin. He's got some funny ****. I don't think you ever gave me grief bust but in case you did.

Bite me!


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For some reason the Content Filter on my office PC wouldn't let me view this thread. Tried it twice because, hey, my stupid computer must have made a mistake.

Now I'm surely on some sort of corporate watch list for skimming porn sites at work.

Thanks a lot, Bustanut joker. If I get fired, I'm riding up there to kick your ass.

For some reason the Content Filter on my office PC wouldn't let me view this thread. Tried it twice because, hey, my stupid computer must have made a mistake.
Now I'm surely on some sort of corporate watch list for skimming porn sites at work.

Thanks a lot, Bustanut joker. If I get fired, I'm riding up there to kick your ass.
Hope you're a patient type Uncle Hud, because you're going to have to take a number and stand in line! JSNS, a lot of people ahead of you eh!

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I think I get it. Asking a question that has already been answered is wasting the good ole boys' time. But this particular thread is not a waste of their time. Go phigure yourself or something.

Having said that, there is a wealth of good stuff in this forum. If I need an answer to a question I do a search, as I should do. If I can't find the answer myself via the search, I ATGATT up and expose myself (no pun intended here I don't think) and put the question out there for all the good ole boys to dump on me, because frankly I don't give a **** if some ******* calls me a *******. We'll probably wind up best buds and substance abuse (alcohol) pals somewhere down the road.

The $hit I may get because I dared to ask a question is well worth the collective knowledge available on this forum. To those of you who are timid, don't be. Words can never hurt you. To the good ole boys, I suggest this thread be moved to Never Ending Pointless Recurring Threads or whatever you call it. There are wastes of time, and then there are wastes of time. Some are tolerated and some are not. It just doesn't mater.

I would appreciate a "go phuck yourself", or I'll go cry in some corner somewhere.

Asking a question that has already been asked and answered over and over and over and over is a problem because:

When someone is actually doing a legitimate search for that information there are 50+ threads to sort through instead of 1. Since there is always a bit of useless drivel obscuring the information that multiplies the difficulty of finding the needed information.

It clutters the forum.

It indicates selfishness, a self centered personality, and a lack of respect for the folks who went to the trouble to get the information, arrange the information, and type out that information in a way that is usable and useful.

It says, "I don't give a **** about you. It is all about ME!!!"

Yes, this is a constantly changing world. Yes, things change. The forum is and must be dynamic. It must evolve and there are plenty of times when the answers to a question that was asked in 2004 are different when that question is asked again in 2015. Yes, the forum search function is weak. No, a Google search does not always yield correct results either. We ALWAYS answer the question. Always. We may fuss, bitch, and generally ridicule the OP, but we always answer the question.

If that bit of ridicule is too much, this is not the forum or the bike for you. The lace on your panties will chafe you and your tears will foul your keyboard.

Oh, and be warned; you really don't want to piss Bust off! A n00b on the forum was trashing Brittney Spears, and Bust sent him this scorching response! He's scary when he's upset! 😳😳


Sounds a lot like you can dish it out but you can't take it. Sounds like somebody else's panties are chaffing.

As I said a post or two ago, I don't give a **** if some ******* calls me a *******. As you said, the forum ALWAYS answers the question. And I do give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's by attempting a search before (Heaven forbid!) posting a question. I wouldn't want to interrupt a sheep-******* conversation with a previously answered question about a non-sheep. 😜

Come on moderators, lighten up!

I think "sheep phucking" was covered on a previous thread. Please use the search engine.

This is like TV. If someone sees a question they don't like, they don't have to answer it. Sometimes I'll add something smartassed, just because, well, I'm a smartass, but usually it's not meant to be mean. Lol...

I will say this: Klubis made a very good point. If this thread isn't a cosmic waste of time, I don't know what is. Good job Bust you toolbox, for wasting more of my valuable time I could be using to watch that 4 hour video. Haha...

Keep it light folks, this is the internet, and nothing is really too serious. Especially here.

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Again... Eat a dik u damned Armadillo fuker.

Old guys like Me, Stanley, Petrodactyl, FJRay etc. have nothing better to do than think up **** to piss off you punk ass kids.

Because as you know we never sleep so we have to do something at night.

And for those offended by this thread ?

Grow a set and get into the sun instead of playing here all day, It'll toughen your skin. You'd have been killed off when this joint 1st opened.

Lots of good points made, so I feel better until somebody can't look 2 posts below what they are about to post and see the question is already being discussed.

No ******** we've all seen that happen.

Oh! I almost forgot. go Phuck yourself Zilla


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