Well, I'm either toast

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RaYzerman19, Papa Chuy checked out the location of Millgrove, ON. Too far a shot with the M102A 105mm Howitzer that I normally fired while in the 5/32nd Artillery, but I also fired the Honest John Rocket and I think one could reach Owosso.

Look for a very large package delivery in your driveway on Friday, it'll be on a long trailer with positioning skids. I'll work up a firing coordinates solution and we will need to get Sheila and the Kids out of the house, pick me up at Toronto Airport.

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Shut the Phuck up John you Phucking Phuck!
Wow, John... Bust must really like you!
John if Barry C. offers to buy you a shiny new red bicycle with a basket, bell and horn for Christmas ese: JSNS, don't accept it Hombre!

So when was busts last post here??

Right ******* now. I tired of the bible thumping ******** admins and how things can conveniently change to suit whatever kind of day they seem to be haveing

It was a chickenshit move Closing Walts thread over a comment.. Walt posted it up not asking for advice more on the lines of self depreciating humor.. Ask him he'll tell you I bet

And then there was the time where it was decided in the monthly admins meeting that **** Pictures were banned All fine and good mind you, but it wasn't posted prior to me posting one.
So I got a week off again.. I don't care if I get my ass kicked if I have it coming,but these two examples are just petty ********..

So with that I say go **** yourselves I'm out here


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Now go get your pussy ass back here before you make me go out there and bring you back kickin and screaming.

We played this game several months ago with another member and he manned up and came back. So listen dipshit don't

make me come get you.


What the ****?? I sign out of here every day this week.. Don't remeber me is checked.

Yet EVERY ******* DAY I'm still here How many times do I have to state **** this bible thumping liberal owned fuckstain do I have to sign out of before I'm HISTORY here?

I don't give a Rats ass anymore ******* new kids and rule are cocksukers.. Must be republicans or Christians.

There I violated 2 possibly 3 rules can I now eliminate this kiss as site from my list of places I want to forget?

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......can I now eliminate this kiss as site from my list of places I want to forget?
A classic case of a Freudian slip if ever there was one. You're actually stating that you don't want to forget this place.

You and this forum are like siamese twins, you're attached at the ribcage.

I for one would rather you stop this rambling babbling bullsh!t about trying to get yourself banned from here, because quite frankly many of us would miss your canktankerous presence here. But if you succeed, I can still ride to the other side of that puddle and bug you once in a while.

Stop being a cry baby! If you really want off, have someone change your password and log you off. Then you can't get back on. If you don't and I'm hoping you don't, sit back, relax a hair, and keep coming back.

Don't know that it's fair to pick fights, just to pick fights. Dork!

Stop being a cry baby! If you really want off, have someone change your password and log you off. Then you can't get back on. If you don't and I'm hoping you don't, sit back, relax a hair, and keep coming back.
Don't know that it's fair to pick fights, just to pick fights. Dork!
Bustanut joker: FJR Forum is like the Hotel California in Todos Santos, Baja California Sur en Mexico ese! "You can check out any time you like, but you never can leave!" JSNS!

Last thing I remember, I was

Running for the door

I had to find the passage back

To the place I was before

"Relax, " said the night man,

"We are programmed to receive.

You can check-out any time you like,

But you can never leave! "

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